Menu diet number 10

Today there are a few healing diets that were developed by the professor and. Pevzner. Each of these power systems is designed to treat one or another disease. As for the diet number 10, this diet is actively used to treat various diseases of the cardiovascular system, the pathologies of the nervous system, as well as for the treatment of blood circulation deficiency.

diet, diet 10, weight loss, proper nutrition, diet

The purpose of this diet is to alleviate the condition of the patient who has a violation of heart rhythm and problems with vessels. It also allows you to unload the digestive organs and at the same time do not load the buds. This in turn helps to increase the daily duty volume.

Under this diet, the amount of free fluid consumed per day is limited to 1-1.2 liters. At the same time, soups and kisins are considered for the liquid. In addition, under the observance of this diet, the amount of table salt is limited to about 6-8 grams per day. Half of this amount is added to the dishes when cooking, and the second half is issued to the patient.

Daily caloric content of this diet is approximately 2300-2600 calories. As part of the diet, there are approximately 350-400 grams of carbohydrates, about 90 grams of proteins and approximately 70 grams of fats, of which vegetable fats are about 20 grams.

Food is usually accepted five to six times a day in small portions. At the same time, it is important that dinner was three hours before sleep. Dishes under the observance of diet number 10, as a rule, are prepared without salt and disappear. Fish and meat are most often dried. After decompat, you can fry a dish a bit or bake.

General recommendations

diet, diet 10, weight loss, proper nutrition, diet

During this diet in food, it is recommended to include more alkaline products and dishes. For example, milk is allowed with its tolerability and dairy products, as well as vegetables, fruits and juices. It is allowed to include dried fruits in the diet. In addition, during this diet it is recommended to eat food, which is rich in substances that reduce fat infiltration. In particular, such food supplies cottage cheese, cod and oatmeal.

In addition, wheat bread, made of flour and second grade, belongs to the allowed products during this diet. You can also include in the diet of non-proper cookies and biscuit. As for eggs, their consumption is limited to one egg per day. Eggs can be prepared both in the form of protein omelets, and cook skey. Eggs can also be added to dishes.

Easy to use vegetable, grained and butter. From meat products can be included in the diet low-fat varieties of beef, low-fat pork, veal, rabbit meat, chicken and turkey meat. Meat is usually boiled, after which it can be fused or bake if desired. You can also include fuse and boiled fish in the diet, but boiled sausages are better to use minima. From the first dishes are usually preparing various vegetarian soups with vegetables and croups. In particular, you can borsch, beetter and soup. Allowed products are also attributed to acidic products and cottage cheese. You can cook casseroles, cereals and boiled pasta.

It is also allowed to use vegetables that can be included in the diet, both in the raw form and in baked form. True, from vegetables costs as little as possible use a white cabbage and green peas.

Prohibited products

diet, diet 10, weight loss, proper nutrition, diet

Under the observance of the diet, it is also necessary to exclude from its diet, products containing substances that excite the cardiovascular system and nervous system. In particular, it should be excluded from the diet - coffee, strong tea, chocolate, alcoholic beverages, sharp dishes, cocoa, various rigid broths, smoked, products containing many cholesterol. It should be limited to the use of products that cause flatulence. It should also be excluded from the diet of fresh bread and products from a dough. No need to eat fatty meat, fatty fish, liver, kidneys and brains. You should also eliminate canned food, caviar, fatty and salty cheeses. Do not have boiled screws or fried eggs. Should not be included in the diet of legumes and mushrooms. It is also not recommended to use saline, pickled, as well as sauer vegetables. Fruits with coarse fiber is also better to exclude. Also excluded from the diet of patients sorrel, radishes, spinach, onions and garlic.

Menu diet number 10

diet, diet 10, weight loss, proper nutrition, diet

The approximate menu with diet number 10 may be as follows. As a first breakfast, eat boiled egg, a piece of low-headed cheese, two pieces of wheat bread with 10 grams of butter. At the end, drink a glass of tea with honey. As a second breakfast, you can eat any fruit. For lunch you can cook potato soup on the jacket and a piece of roasted fish. Add two pieces of rye bread and a glass of compote. As a midnight there will be milk soup with vermicellus, a couple of pieces of wheat bread and a cup of green tea. For dinner - baked fish and fruit pilaf. We drink green tea. For the night drink low-fat kefir.

Diet varieties

MyMedinform.COM would like to note that the author of the diet has developed some varieties of diet number 10. Talk about it more.

Diet 10A.

This version of the diet is usually prescribed in heart disease with blood circulation deficiency II-III stage. In addition, this diet is prescribed for primary arterial hypertension with a violation of cerebral circulation or blood circulation deficiency. Indication to the application of this diet is also a heart attack in a subacute or acute period. The purpose of this diet is the maximum unloading of the cardiovascular system. With this diet, food is accepted in small portions at least six times a day.

Diet 10b.

Indications for the use of this diet is rheumatism at a low degree of activity of the process. At the same time, patients should have a circulatory disorder. Indication to the appointment of diet No. 10B is also rheumatism in nonostic phase.

Meal at this diet is usually at least five to six times a day in small portions. At the same time, in the daily diet of patients, it is necessary to increase the content of animal proteins. Also should reduce the consumption of cook salt. In addition, a sufficient amount of vitamins should be present in the diet of patients.

Diet 10C.

This diet is prescribed in atherosclerosis of the heart vessels, with atherosclerosis of the brain, as well as with pressure increase. Indication to the application of diet No. 10C is also ischemic heart disease. The purpose of this diet is to slow down the progression of atherosclerosis and restore the disturbed lipid and exchange. Food is usually accepted six times a day.

Diet 10g.

Indication to the use of this diet is primary arterial hypertension. This is a diet without salt. In this case, in the diet of patients, the content of thiamine, ascorbic acid, riboflavin, nicotine acid, pyridoxine vitamin p, magnesium salts and potassium salts. In addition, with this diet, products with organic iodine should be included in the diet, products with cellular shells, as well as products rich in lipotropic substances.

Diet 10i.

This diet is appointed with acute myocardial infarction. The purpose of the diet is to improve the work of the circulatory apparatus in general. In addition, this diet allows you to normalize intestinal motor functions. Diet number 10 is a diet with reduced calorie and with the complete exception of the cook salt. In addition, during this diet, the use of products that cause meteorism. After this diet, the patient is usually translated on diet number 10C.

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