What is a acupuncture

One of the common practices of the ancient Chinese medicine is the acupuncture, which is also called the needlerapy. The impact of needles on certain points of the human body allows you to cope with many diseases, prevent their progression.

What is the needlerapy and why it is needed

Acupuncture, acupuncture, alternative medicine, therapy

Acupuncture is a set of procedures, in the process of which specific points of the human body are stimulated. This stimulation is made by special needles of different lengths and diameters introduced into the patient's skin at a certain time.

Acupuncture is an ancient Eastern practice and is considered one of the oldest methods of treatment worldwide. Chinese folk medicine claims that acupuncture by stimulating strictly designated zones eliminates the imbalance in the energy stream of qi, and it occurs through special channels, called meridians.

Despite the fact that the mechanism of action of such therapy is still not accurately studied, the needlerapy is still considered a very effective method of combating all sorts of diseases. Moreover, such a treatment method is complex and allows you to influence almost all organism systems.

Most doctors relate to national practitioners with a well-known fraction of skepticism and alertness, but acupuncture, however, recognize the relatively safe and effective procedure. If the treatment is engaged in a professional, which, besides, complies with all the rules of hygiene, the risk of side effects is reduced to a minimum.

Often it is resorted to acupuncture when conservative treatment does not give the desired results. The scope of the acupuncture on the body is very extensive and allows you to cope with many problems. Our site found out that acupuncture is widely used in such areas:

  1. In neurology. Acupuncture helps to alleviate or fully cure depressive states, Osteochondrosis, Sleep disorders, neuritis and neuralgia. Such procedures are eliminated from manifestations of chronic fatigue, contribute to the effective fight against Alcoholism, Smoking and drug addiction, eliminate the effects of brain circulation disorders.
  2. In gynecology and urology. Acupuncture effective in solving problems Frigidity and sexual dysfunction helps cure infertility, Mastopathy, Polycystic ovarian, eliminate the menstrual disorders of the menstrual cycle.
  3. Acupuncture, acupuncture, alternative medicine, therapy

    Deciding to try the acupuncture as a treatment method, you should first find a suitable clinic that is engaged in this practice. Specialists in the institution must be highly qualified, have a license, relevant education and preferably - work experience. It is also not bad, so that the therapist has skills in any other medical field.

    The procedure set is prescribed only after diagnosis. For this patient polish, inspect and listen. Based on the data obtained, treatment is prescribed. The session itself may have a different duration, which ranges from 10 minutes to 1 hour. It is important that exceptionally sterile disposable needles were used in the treatment process. Their length, thickness and material of manufacture are different and selected depending on the case. For example, gold needles contribute to the movement of energy flows in the human body, while silver needles, on the contrary, act soothing. In modern practice, steel needles most often use. Length them ranges from 13 to 130 mm.

    Depth and angle of administration are determined on the basis of the patient's body features, as well as zones where the desired points are located. The needle is introduced under the skin quickly, light rotational motion, the depth is approximately 2-8 mm. In this position, the needle leaves for a certain time, as a rule, for 10-20 minutes. There are other cases when the needle is not taken out within a few days, this is practiced when dealing with overweight. The following acupuncture procedure is repeated after 3-7 days. The number of sessions depends on the specific case, but if 4 procedures are not observed by the apparent effect, treatment is interrupted.

    Contraindications to Reflexotherapy

    Acupuncture, acupuncture, alternative medicine, therapy

    Although the acupuncture is considered a relatively harmless method with a minimum number of side effects, there are a number of contraindications for it. Our site found out in what cases it is impossible to resort to this practice:

  1. Achesive therapy can be dangerous for pregnant women. Needles can not be introduced under the skin in the abdomen, as well as at some other points. Incorrect session can end Premature childbirth.
  2. Acupuncture do not make an empty stomach, as well as with an overly full stomach.
  3. The procedure is contraindicated in breast kids who did not overgrown «Rodniki» On the head.
  4. Needles are not injected into blood vessels.
  5. Therapy is unsafe for highly weakened or tired patients.

Possible complications for acupuncture

Acupuncture, acupuncture, alternative medicine, therapy

  1. In the manifestation of negligence and non-professionalism, the patient is at risk of bringing any infection. If in the process of acupuncture session will be broken circulation, it is fraught with loss of consciousness.
  2. The needle fracture is the complexity that may occur in case of improper selection of the length and diameter of the needle, as well as poor-quality material manufacturing material. If the needle breaks under the skin, it will be possible to remove it only surgically.
  3. With excessive muscular voltage or when the needle is hit in the bone, it can get stuck in the body.
  4. Damage to blood vessels on the skin can form bruises.
  5. In some cases, during a session, the patient has discomfort and pain.

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