The whole truth about carbonated drinks

We drink «Hazing», sometimes not thinking about the dangers that they can apply to our body. And this harm, nevertheless, is pretty great, as well as society for the protection of consumer rights in many countries. So the manufacturers of carbonated drinks be hiding from us with bright labels and promotional propaganda? Let's understand.

Carbonated drinks
Sultry summer. Real summer. We enjoy the summer sun and go out to the street - towards the scorching rays. It is not surprising that in the country where the winter lasts six months, so rejoice in the summer. But even more happy hot days manufacturers all beloved «Hazing», After all, the heat awakens thirst, and the thirst encourages us to buy softers of liters. We drink them, sometimes without thinking about the dangers that they can apply to our body. And this harm, nevertheless, is pretty great, as well as society for the protection of consumer rights in many countries. So the manufacturers of carbonated drinks be hiding from us with bright labels and promotional propaganda? Let's understand.

And what inside?

The basis of most carbonated beverages is water with the addition of acidic and sweet components, or, simply, acids and sugars
The basis of most carbonated beverages (SoftDrink or translutering, softdrints) is water with the addition of acidic and sweet components, or, simply, acid and sugar. This composition enclosed the essence of the idea «Hazing»: Substances included in its composition, excite our taste receptors, so after each drank, I want to drink again and more. Softdrinks can not be drunk. Thirst is muted for a short time, but again after a while. What to do? Our site offers a way out of this situation - Mineral water. In addition to quenching thirst, it is able to fill the lost from the sweat, which makes her contribution to the fight against heat is simply invaluable.

By the way, disputes arising a few years ago about the artificial mineral waters (distilled water, enriched with salts and microelements on special equipment), were resolved by the World Health Organization. WHO experts found that artificial mineral waters are as useful for human health, as well as mined from artesian sources.

Is it dangerous sugar?

Mandatory component of the softdrinka is sugar
As we found out, the mandatory component of the softdrinka is sugar. But is it bad? In 100 ml of carbonated beverages, it is usually contained 40-50 kcal, secured by weightless carbohydrates. A lot of it or little? Approximately the same is contained in a cup of tea with five sugar spoons. Note that the carbonated drinks few people drink 100-200 ml, they are consumed by liters, especially in the heat. Thus, our body receives a huge amount of refined sugars, which are a factor in the development of diseases such as caries, obesity, Diseases Cardiovascular system and even diabetes.

Curious fact: in 25% of people after consuming in food internally friendly carbohydrates, an increase in blood triglyceride content occurs, which is a risk factor in the development of atherosclerosis. Of course, such a phenomenon is not hazardous, which occurred once, but the systematic rise in the level of triglycerides can disrupt the exchange of fats and cholesterol in the body.

Today, many manufacturers of carbonated beverages are used instead of natural carbohydrates. This significantly reduces the energy value of the drink and minimizes the effects of refined sugars described above. Nevertheless, it is worth a ten time to think before it is unlimited to take sugar substitutes with food or drinks. Our site will lead a list of adverse influences from the most common representatives of this group of substances:

  • Xylitis and sorbitol are able to provoke urolithiasis;
  • Sakharin and cyclamat are carcinogens, that is, they play a role in the development of tumors, such as cancer or sarcoma;
  • Aspartame (E951) has a two-way action. First, it is a protein, some people causing allergies. And secondly, aspartame can negatively act on the retina, reducing vision.

About the dangers of acids

Carbonated drinks contain acids, more often lemon or orthophosphor
Carbonated drinks contain acids, more often lemon or orthophosphor. Acids play a flagrant role and serve preservatives.

Lemon Acid (E330) can affect the enamel of the teeth. Caries, she, of course, will not cause, but will contribute to a number of teeth diseases and in some cases provoke pain attacks in people with increased sensitivity of teeth and with some forms of caries.

More dangerous phosphoric acid (E338), capable of attaching ions Calcium. First of all, it binds calcium contained in saliva. Experts found that with systematic entering the organism orthophosphoric acid is able to flush calcium from bones, which is dangerous by the development of osteoporosis, in which increased bone fragility occurs even with minimal loads. Our site would like to emphasize that it would not be as dangerous if calcium was sufficiently received with food, ignite the loss. However, with increasing use by people of carbonated drinks, there is a drop in interest in Molok - the main source of calcium (about other sources of this trace element you will learn from the article «Proper nutrition, dentist advice»). Recent studies have proven that phosphoric acid contributes to the development of urolithiasis. This is due to the washing of calcium from the bones and an increased burden on the kidneys due to this phenomenon.

Cunning benzene

The whole truth about carbonated drinks
Benzene, like a chemical connection, known for a long time. After the first attempts of the synthesis, it was used in the perfumery industry, as it has a pleasant fragrance (by the way, a number of chemical compounds based on benzene got a name «Aromatic» Thanks to this property). Today it is known that benzene is a strong carcinogen (that is, it is capable of playing a role in the development of tumors).

Sodium benzoate (E211). This is a preservative with weak carcinogenic properties. It is used in the manufacture of most carbonated drinks. Today, vitamin C - ascorbic acid is added to many such drinks. However, from such an additive harm more than benefits.

For more than 15 years, it is known that with the interaction of sodium benzoate and ascorbic acid, toxic benzene is distinguished, but some unscrupulous manufacturers of carbonated drinks are still negotiated by this information.

Theoretically, the separation of benzene in the interaction of benzoate with any acid, but, while it is not proven, we can not «beat alarm». And then today our site advises to pay attention only to the content in the carbonated drinks of vitamin C (and not forget about the dangers of the benzoate itself).


Often caffeine can be detected in wellheads. It makes drink tonic. A person who drinks a cola (in which caffeine is most often adding), may experience a tide of strength and efficiency. However, this effect is usually short and after a few hours it is replaced by irritability, fatigue, insomnia (if you drink a stake on the night). The effect is partially removed when the caffeine re-receiving. So manufacturers of carbonated drinks get regular customers. After a certain dose, individual for everyone, the nervous system is exhausted, accompanied by headaches, fatigue, apathy, or, on the contrary, irritability. Caffeine stimulates the heart activity and increases the load on it, in what, again, there is nothing useful. Among other things, caffeine causes a loss of calcium with urine.

Interesting historical fact. As a toning additive, caffeine was not always used. Name «Coca-Cola» Comes from the American plant of Coca, the extract of the leaves of which was originally part of the carbonated drink. From the same plant receive cocaine, which at the dawn of the company's development «Coca-Cola» considered in the world almost panacea. After his ability to cause drug addiction was discovered, cocaine was forbidden to use in the food industry and replaced less dangerous substance - caffeine.

Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is one of the main components of softdrins
Carbon dioxide is one of the main components of softdrins. It is for him they are obliged to their name - «carbonated drinks». In itself, it is not dangerous, but those who suffer from the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis with increased secretion, ulcerative disease, enteritis, flatulence and other diseases) should be careful, because carbon dioxide can provoke a disorder of digestion or pain. The fact is that when connecting this gas with water, coalic acid is formed, irritating the gastric and intestine mucosa. This acid, however, is very unstable and decomposes with the formation of the source products: water and carbon dioxide, causing the latter accumulation in the intestine.

That is why people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, any carbonated water (even mineral) Our site recommends shaking to release dangerous gas.


To clearly make sure the dangers of carbonated drinks, do 2 experiments.
Cola and mint candy reaction

  1. We will need a kettle with screaming and a carbonated drink (it is best for «Sprite» or «7up»). If there are 2 kettles, fine! Nallem in one kettle «Gazirovka», and in the other - a mixture of acetic and lemon acids used usually in the fight against scale. We put both kettles on fire and give content for some time to boil. It is easy to make sure that in both kettles partially dissolved the scale, but in the kettle with a softdril, the scale was noticeably less than in the teapot with acids. This experience clearly proves the aggressiveness of carbonated drinks.
  2. For the experiment, gashed water will be needed (for example, «Pepsi-Cola» or «Coca-Cola») and mint candy (for example, «Mentos»). Just lower the mint candy in the bottle and see the fountain! Caution, here the main thing is to go off!

Contributes to the rapid flow of a chemical reaction. All the same aspartame, which has already been mentioned above. And such a reaction can occur in the stomach or mouth in any!

Everyone decides himself that he has and what to drink. Our site only made an overview of the most dangerous components of carbonated drinks that have become extremely popular recently.

be healthy!

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