Grass Senna for weight loss

Everyone is striving for perfection. Career, material wealth and other benefits of civilization is definitely very nice. But when a person feels bad, suffers from excess weight - everything becomes not joy. One of the many diverse excess weight deliverance methods is a slimming with a cold grass.

Grass Senna everyone is known to their laxative action. This plant has such names: it is called Cassia, Alexandrian Sheet. Standard title of the drug that can be found in any medical directory - Senna Ostrol. They collect only the leaves and when they finally mature. After collecting, they are laid out in the place protected from the sun and dried.

This is the only grass known to doctors, which has such a powerful laxative effect.

In addition to the laxative effect, the leaves of the plant have resins, flavonids and glycosides, and organic acids.

In each pharmacy, the laxative grass is sold in granules and tablets, and you can also find her dried leaves.

Action of leaves

To remove the extra weight, the grass is brewing and used as disgusts, brazers and teas.

Special popularity among the fans of beauty and harmony won tablets, the main component of which is grass Senna, as well as a small percentage of dried fruits, nuts and honey.

The grass on the human body acts as follows: Finding inside, it makes the intestine more actively work and at this time does not allow fat to be absorbed. As a result of the reception of grass, Senna man regularly copes need («in large»). In addition, the grass helps to increase bile outflows, while acting gently, without harm to the body.

In the first few times after eating herbal decoction or tea, a person can feel lighter tingling and even colic, which quickly pass. The apparent effect occurs when regularly use, after the reception week. And the tangible result is a person will feel seven hours after the admission.

In order to achieve the desired result when weight loss, the grass reception scheme should be selected individually.

What every person should know

  1. If your goal is to lose more superfluous and in a short time, the dose of the drug should be increased. But at the same time, it should be remembered that in large quantities the grass can hardly harm. A person can feel nauseous and even experience vomiting, and a strongly irritated intestine will disturb with colic and cause discomfort.
  2. If a person takes the grass often and unsystematic, Senna can take potassium from the body, magnesium, which can lead to a fear of heart work.
  3. Permanent reception of grass causes an addictive body, which means that the effect. To avoid such a phenomenon, the grass needs to be mixed with various dry herbs.
  4. Remember that the course of treatment can last no more than a week.
  5. The grass is contraindicated by women who are preparing to become a mother; People, with violations of the function of the stomach and intestines.
  6. Before the start of the drug or herbal infusion, you need to visit a nutritionist, he will tell you how to better act.

Apply correct

In order for the effect of receiving Senna to give a visible result, it is necessary to combine its reception with the reception of other drugs. Good result has homemade tea from several components that MyMedinform.COM recommends its readers:

  1. For making tea, we need: mint, nettle, dandelions, dill and leaves of Senna in equal proportions. Each component take 35 gr. For brewing on a glass of boiling water you need a small spoon of raw materials. Insist tea about five hours.
  2. After the mixture was harvested, it is necessary to strain and drink a little before eating. Immediately the big sips can not drink. A glass of infusion should be enough for a whole day.
  3. Drink this decoction for two weeks.
  4. After receiving within 14 days, the amount of ragger increases to three glasses per day.

Useful advice: If you are going to drink Senna pills, you need to take into account the dosage of grass. Each tablet contains extract of laxative grass. To prevent the dosage exceeding, more than three times a day of the tablet can not be taken.

How to Clean the Organism

To clean your body from slags, you need to drink decoction during the week. It is preparing like this:

  • A spoonful of grass is poured with boiling water (200 ml) and boiled for two or three minutes;
  • The finished decoction is filtering and drinking on a glass throughout the day every two hours;
  • On the first day it is necessary to drink only half a glass of raccara and in subsequent gradually increase the dosage.

On the first day after receiving the brave, it is advisable to stay at home, relax. Should listen to the body. If a strong effect of laxative grass has occurred, it is necessary to stop receiving. A few days later to cook a decoction, but the dose of herbs should be reduced.

This cleansing procedure gives good results. During this period, the body will be cleaned, compressed path masses (pebbles), which remained in the intestinal wall of the month and years! That is why after the procedure, weight is significantly reduced, the person feels a tide.

These several recipes will help readers our site to decide on the choice of a phytopreparation for weight loss:

  1. Mix health. Take 100 grams of Kuragi and Izyum, twice the dried figs, 400 grams of prunes and 50 grams of Senna. All components to grind and mix. Add a rose hip syrup in the mixture (100 grams). Store mix in a cold dark place. Eat on the tablespoon twice a day. Promotes the purification of the body, has a lot of vitamins.
  2. Take kuragu and prunes of 400 grams and one pack of grass Senna. Crouch with prunes Grind and mix with a glass of honey. If honey snapped, it needs to melt in a water bath. Eat one teaspoon in the evening, after meals and drink a glass of boiled warm water.
  3. Take raisins white and pour it a liter of boiling water, insist one hour. Also need to fervent 200 grams of Senna. Grass Straighten, mix with a decoction of Izyum and add a medical preparation «Holyas» (300 grams). Drink 125 grams before bed.
  4. One and a half liter of water and 150 grams of raisins of ordinary (better black), boil about five minutes. Add 30 grams of grass and still slaughter about ten minutes. Add 150 ml of Hawaas. Drink one third of the glass after eating in an hour and in an hour before bedtime.
  5. In a small capacity, preferably an enameled saucepan boil 500 ml of water, add 25 grams of Senna's leaves and bring to a boil. Cook five minutes on a small fire. Remove from fire and put cool. In decoction to add syrup holosas and mix. Take on one big spoon after dinner every day until the mixture will not end. After 30 days you can repeat the course.

In addition to the above recipes for cleansing the body, there is a diet with a hay. It is as follows: do not eat after six in the evening, but instead of dinner, you can eat a big spoonful of a special weighty mixture. It is prepared from the Kuragi, figs, raisins and prunes - crushed and stirred with honey. Pretty Senna add to the mixture: 100 grams of grass granules are brewed with boiling water. Take within 21 days. The mixture is stored in a cold and dark place.

The effect of such a loss rate is noticeable in seven days. For one course you can lose up to five kilograms. Despite the tangible effect, the next time you can resort to such a diet only six months later.

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