How to take Perma

Friendly bee families not only sweet honey produce, but also a lot of other valuable and unique products. There are among them Perga. It can be used in the complex treatment of certain diseases.

The composition of Perg

honey, perga, application of perme, beekeeping, bee

For the production of honey, the bees requires nectar, and for Perga - pollen of various flower plants. In Beehive, beeflinking workers deliver it on the back legs (legs) in the form of two tiny balls. Therefore, such pollen received a name - «Farming». The bees brought to the pollen are tightly unfolded into cellular cells. Then it is processed by the special enzymes allocated. Then the pouring honey and sealing. The air into the cell does not fall, under the influence of temperature, honey and the enzymes of pollen in the ule, exposed to the process of lactic fermentation and gradually turns into the perma. This product produces adult bees, and then use it for feeding offspring. Therefore, Perma is still called «Chibina», «Bee bread». Interestingly, bees pick up pollen from different plants for delivery to the cells, there is a whole mix from certain trace elements. Perga is a protein compound, whose biological value is greater than the value of eggs, milk, meat. Protein components of Perga are close in composition to protein structures of human blood. Due to this, they are easily absorbed in the body. 20 amino acids were found in Perga, vitamins (C, A, D, P, E, B6, B1, B2), carbohydrates, hormone-like substances, micro- and macroelements, there are iron, zinc, magnesium, copper, cobalt, platinum, gold 13 fatty acids. Perma can be called a balanced valuable product capable of filling the body with useful elements.

Therapeutic properties of the product

honey, perga, application of perme, beekeeping, bee

You can meet several types of Perga:

  1. In the honeycomb - that is, in the form, how it produced bees. Such perga is not processed by a beekeeper. These honeycombs are hard to chew, they are rigid. Such a product can be eaten with larvae of wax moth or with an excess of humidity to mold.
  2. Perga paste (i.e. hammering perga) - It is manufactured by man. Perm from cells are grinding on a meat grinder and added to the resulting mass of honey. It is kept well, but not everyone can eat it, because there is a honey in the paste, and he can degrade the state in allergy.
  3. Extracted from Sot Perga. It looks like hexagon cylinders, cleaned from wax, foreign substances. Such high-quality perga is stored for a long time, it is more expensive.

The taste of Perga is pleasant, it is a combination of sweet, sour and bitter. Depending on which the plants were taken to pollen, where they grew up, taste «Bee holbe» may vary a little, but it does not happen. Beekeepers say the best and healing «Chlebin» It turns out of pollen, which «Winged Lecari» Painted with flowers of wild plants.

If you have purchased a perdic paste or granular perma, then storing these products should be in glass jars, which should stand in a dry, cool, dark place, be sure to be covered with covers. Shelf life - about a year. You can not put the perma in the refrigerator, there is an increased humidity, the product can moldy. In the freezer of Perma, it is impossible to place, there it will lose some of its valuable components. And now MirSees will tell me how to properly take the perma.

  1. Perma must be dissolved as if candy-lollipop, it is better absorbed under the influence of saliva.
  2. Do not drink perma.
  3. After receiving the healing product, do not eat anything and do not drink for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Hypertensive can use Perma as before receiving food and after. But people who have low or normal blood pressure, it is recommended to take the perma one hour after meals. This is due to the fact that the perga, adopted by an empty stomach, can sharply Drop blood pressure, As a result, it seems that the well-being has deteriorated. The phenomenon is temporary - an unpleasant condition will disappear after 30 minutes, the pressure will come to normal.
  5. If you do not like the taste of Perga, then it can be mixed with honey, cottage cheese, warm porridge.
  6. It is impossible to add to hot dishes to add, it will lose its valuable qualities.
  7. Later, 19 o'clock the perm is not worth taking, because it tones, it will be more difficult for you to fall asleep.

Are there any contraindications?

honey, perga, application of perme, beekeeping, bee

This product cannot be used at:

  • Sugar diabetes;
  • tendency to bleeding (gynecological, ulcerative, hemorrhoidal bleeding) - Perga lowers blood intake;
  • Individual intolerance.

It should be remembered that some people perham can cause allergic reactions. To avoid them, it is necessary to start treatment with trial doses. On the first day disappear no more than 3 granules. If the well-being did not deteriorate, then you can distribute 6 granules on the second day, and the conclusions about further receiving can be done on the next day. Be sure to come to the reception of Perga, consult with the attending physician if you have:

Treatment Perga

honey, perga, application of perme, beekeeping, bee

With anemia, it is recommended to use three times a day by half a teaspoon of granules. It is necessary to do this for 30 days, then a two-week break, after which a repeated course is possible.

At Non-believe For three weeks, take on a teaspoon of Perga, mixing it with honey, 3 times a day.

Hypertensive advise to take 30 minutes before the meal to half a teaspoon of therapeutic product also for 30 days. Repeated course possible after 14 days.

People with heart rate impairments should be used at half a tablespoon of Perga, but it is predeforeced to insist in 50 ml of water for 15 minutes. Treatment lasts at least a month. It is possible to continue treatment after a two-week break.

With adenoma and other male problems, as an addition to the main treatment, take twice a day on a teaspoon of Perga (an hour before meals, in the morning).

Bronchial asthma, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, cold, Tonsillitis - on a teaspoon twice a day.

To prolong youth, supply the body, Perga must eat in the day an incomplete tablespoon. Children need to be given to half a teaspoon twice a day (the first half of the day).

Love Perma and athletes - she helps to grow muscle mass, be hardy in training and competitions.

Dosage to exceed it is impossible, its increase to 60 grams per day badly affects the work of the liver, spleen, kidneys.

In which cases, the reception of Perg is still allowed?

  1. Diseases of blood formation organs, heart, circulatory disorders (combined with honey).
  2. Ulcerative disease, Gastritis, constipation, Pancreatic and liver disease.
  3. Dysbacteriosis, Enterocolitis, enteritis.
  4. Atherosclerosis, hypertension (in pure form, without mixing with honey).

Perma doctors consider an effective natural tool to help multiple diseases in complex therapy. Regular use of Perga brings vigor, good health, activity, improving immunity. It is noticed that the beekens, periodically using the Perma, live longer.

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