How to defeat gastric cancer


  • Take care of yourself in advance
  • He burst unnoticed
  • Cytokinotherapy — Path to healing

  • How to defeat gastric cancerAmong the oncological diseases of the gastric cancer occurs, alas, often. In the world, it occupies the fourth place in frequency, and the mortality rate is the second, after the lung cancer.

    In Korea gastric cancer — the most common oncological disease. In our country, he stably ranks second. Treated it mainly surgically. The success of treatment, unfortunately, is not so great as I would like. But significantly increases, if the recent generation cytokinotherapy is accompanied by.

    Take care of yourself in advance

    Lung cancer - everything is clear with him: do not smoke, and cancer you are most likely passed, in the case of the stomach cancer factors that affect the beginning of the disease, much more. It has been proven that it occurs when it occurs when the vitamin C is lack of food, as well as an excess of salt, marinades, smoked foods, acute food, animal fats, fried. Among the causes of the stomach cancer significantly proven alcohol abuse, especially vodka. Scientists found out that there is a connection between this disease and an increased amount in the soil of copper, molybdenum and cobalt.

    In the risk group and those who have the so-called duodenogastral reflux, - that is, throwing the contents of the 12-sick in the stomach and as a result — gastritis.

    But on the role of microbe Helicobacyer Pylori scientists have different points of view.
    It is considered statistically proven that in this bacterium infected with this bacterium increased the risk of developing a gastric cancer. An international agency for studying cancer, this bacterium is attributed to carcinogens of the group 1. But there is evidence that contradict infectious cancer theory: for example, the difference in the frequency of the occurrence of this disease in men and women with an equal infection with Helicobacter among both sexes.

    Stomach like lungs is «in the front edge» All sorts of carcinogenic factors. We are constantly to cause positive emotions that have a huge amount of extremely dangerous substances in the mouth, which, getting into the stomach, enter into a grasp with immunity. Protection does not withstand and occurs.

    Of all the things we can conclude: so that the stomach cancer has passed you, it is very important to eat right. This is important in itself and as the prevention of gastritis and stomach ulcers, which are considered to be a precancerous state.

    He burst unnoticed

    How to defeat gastric cancerIn one case, out of 50 in patients treated with complaints of indigestion: belch, pain in the epigastria, the gastric cancer is detected. In the early stages he has erased symptoms. And disgust for meat food, weakness, weight loss, «Gastreat discomfort» more often observed with common diseases of the disease. Therefore, everyone who enters the risk group is people older than 40 years old with ulcerative disease, atrophic gastritis, smokers, should not neglect preventive inspections, with mandatory endoscopy and analyzes for hidden blood. Then the doctor does not have to face a launched cancer form and make extensive operations.

    As a rule, with a stomach cancer, the entire affected organ is removed, and if necessary — and surrounding - gland, part of the intestines, lymph nodes.

    On average, the highest survival with stomach cancer is celebrated in Japan — 53%, in other countries it does not exceed 15—twenty %.

    There is a lot of cases when the operation is impossible or patient categorically refuses it. Chemotherapy and target therapy are recognized as ineffective. But recently there was a serious chance of effective confrontation of this fell – Last generation cytokinotherapy.

    Cytokinotherapy — Path to healing

    How to defeat gastric cancerRussian scientists have created drugs based on protein - cytokines that control the reactions of antitumor immunity. This is a gamma interferon (ingaron) and a tumor necrosis factor – Temimin Alpha 1 (Refnot). In 2009, Refnot was officially registered and allowed for use in practice as an antitumor agent.

    In Moscow, works the only one in Russia «Clinic of Oncoimmunology and Cytokinotherapy», Specializing in Cancer Treatment, Using the Last Generation Cytokines. It successfully operates specialists who created the refunctions. It advise specialists who created the refunctions and developed treatment schemes that are constantly being improved and not only in the clinic itself, but also in leading state scientific institutions - ROXI them. N.N.Blokhina Ramne (Moscow) and in the Research Institute of Oncology. N.N.Petrova MZ of the Russian Federation (St. Petersburg).

    Medicines created by Russian scientists turned out to be very effective - in 60% of patients 1-2-3 stage stages stop. In 20% of patients with 1-2 stages, the tumor decreases or completely disappears. The greatest effect gives a combination of refunct and interferon. But it is especially pleased that cytokines increase the effect of traditional antitumor drugs: the effect of treatment can be increased to 70-80% for different types of tumors. Among the well-reacting cytokinerapy — stomach cancer. Adenocarcinoma cell (stomach cancer) become twice as sensitive to the main anti-cancer drug Cisplatin in the presence of ingaron and refunct.

    The immediate use of the latter generation cytokines after the diagnosis is raised the chance of stabilization of the process and stop metastasis. With the inevitability of the operation, the cytokine-therapy course in some cases allows to reduce the volume of surgical intervention, and continued after – Reduce the risks of development of metastasis and recurrence of the tumor process.

    The use of refunctions and ingarons for preventive (preventive) treatment of high oncological risk patients with chronic precancerous diseases is also promising. Studies and observations continue.
    The main victory over cancer in his warning. And if the diseases failed to avoid, then information about new achievements of world medical science will significantly increase your chances of recovery.

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