Contracture: Causes of development and principles of treatment


Causes of contracture development

Contracture: Causes of development and principles of treatmentContracture - restriction of mobility in the joint caused by scarsing skin, tendons, muscle diseases, joint, pain, etc. Limiting the mobility of the joint may be associated with changes both in the joint itself and outside it.
Obstacles that limit the volume of movements are solid and disadvantaged (bone protrusions with incorrectly increasing fracture, oversight bones, tumors, etc.).
Suddenly emerging disruption of movements in the joint, usually due to the infringement between the joint surfaces of any rolling formation (torn menisk, ligaments, free articular body, etc.), called the blockade of the joint. After removing the mechanical obstacle, the joint can be fully unlocked, if this state exists for a long time, the resistant restriction of movements occurs.
Congenital contractures are more often one of the manifestations of hereditary diseases or malformations of development. With early diagnosis, targeted treatment of the underlying disease and contracture correction under the supervision of orthopedic, the forecast is usually favorable.
Acquired contractures are developing as a result of scarring in the field of traumatic, infectious, dystrophic and other lesions of the joints and surrounding tissues, after damage to the tendons and amputations, as a result of the reflex tension of the muscles with a long-grazing facility of the limb, impaired muscle equilibrium with slurred or spastic paralims, with long immobility limb.

Treatment and Contracture Prevention

Depending on the cause, contracture treatment is carried out under the supervision of orthopedic, neuropathologist or therapist. It includes a complex of conservative and operational activities, which are carried out both in outpatient conditions and in the hospital. In addition to drugs appointed by the doctor, use physiotherapy, active and passive exercises in warm water, therapeutic gymnastics.

With more persistent contractures, in addition to the reception of drugs in accordance with the appointments of the doctor, the so-called paraffinosocheterite applications are used, the intensive massage of scars, adhesions and joints, therapeutic gymnastics, mehanotherapy with block installations and pendulum devices.
Less often apply the methods of correction of the state of the joints using stage gypsum bandages and single-stage redressing (violent straightening). With fixed contractures that do not agreeable to conservative treatment, various types of operational interventions are shown.

The prevention of contractures is the right treatment of the underlying disease. In case of damage to the musculoskeletal system, it is necessary to fix the limb in a functionally advantageous position on a strictly defined period, to use therapeutic gymnastics timely and other means to restore the motor function of the limb.

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