The main symptoms of leukoplakia


  • The concept of leukoplakia
  • Variants of leukoplakia

  • The concept of leukoplakia

    Lakeechoplakia - lesion of the skin and mucous membranes of the lower unit of the genital organs, characterized by thickening and varying degrees of the energization of the cover epithelium. The thickening of the layer of flat multilayer epithelium occurs due to the appearance of keratogial and hornbar.

    The causes of the development of leukoplakia were significantly established. The cause of the occurrence of leukoplakia may be endogenous or internal (violation of hormonal homeostasis) and exogenous or external (infectious, chemical, etc.) Factors. Perhaps the age restructuring of the morphological and functional properties of the genital mucosa.

    Leukoplakia with histological signs of basal cell hyperactivity and atypics relate to precancerous processes, the preinvasive flat-cell cancer develops in 15-75% of patients with this form of the disease. Simple leukoplakia, without signs of basal cell hyperactivity or atypics, do not belong to the precancerous processes.

    Variants of leukoplakia

    The main symptoms of leukoplakiaLakeaukia develop not only on the vaginal part of the cervix, but also in the region of the vulva and mucous membrane of the vagina. In some cases, leukoplakia can spread to the mucous membrane of the cervical canal on the background of the plane-cell metaplasia of the cylindrical epithelium. Leukoplakia have the form of films and plaques of white, grayish white (sometimes with a pearl tint), they are flat or slightly rise above the surfactant mucous membrane. Lakeechoplaza borders can be clear, jealous or blurred. Attempts to erase the plaques (films) with the help of gauze or cotton balls do not succeed.

    More often leukoplakia are single, sometimes there are several foci of the disease. In the process of long observation, there is a stabilization of the process or an increase in the size of leukoplakia, the merging of individual elements. Sometimes there are extensive leukoplakia necks of the uterus, moving on the vaginal arches. When processing Iodium solution, the surface of the leukoplakia remains white.

    Manifestations of the disease are ineffibular. Signs characteristic of this disease are absent; Typically, leukoplakia is asymptomatic and more often found in a gynecological study on other diseases or during preventive inspections.

    Colposcopy is indispensable with early diagnosis of leukoplakia and the establishment of initial stages of diseases. The most minor fabric defects, such as small erosion, tiny tumors and microcharging in the region of the cervix, vagina and vulva, can be diagnosed only with the help of a special optical device. In this regard, Colposcopy has become an indispensable method of clinical research in the practice of gynecologists.

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