About premenstrual syndrome


  • What are the reasons for premenstrual syndrome
  • How does the nervous psychic form of PMS manifest?
  • What are the vegetative-vascular symptoms of PMS?
  • How the Otchi Form of PMS is manifested?
  • What is characterized by the cefalgic form of PMS?
  • What are the main methods of treating and preventing PMS?
  • Who should know about the existence of the PMS?

  • What are the reasons for premenstrual syndrome?

    Absolutely right
    Proved causal relationship of premenstrual syndrome with
    cyclic hormonal changes in the body of a woman.
    Premenstrual syndrome, for example, does not occur under an inhibitory
    Cycles (Angulatory cycle - menstrual cycle without ovulation and development
    Yellow Body while maintaining the regularity of bleeding). Suppression
    ovulation eliminates the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.

    more and more information about that, in addition to cyclicity of hormone
    Background, Important value in the development of premenstrual syndrome
    relates to the girl to the first menstruation (because it's no secret that
    Many are waiting for the appearance of first menstruation with fear, in the voltage, that
    can not postpone in the psyche of a teenage girl and firmly root
    in the subconscious); And in women - dissatisfaction with family life
    (Husband drunk, or untenable sexual terms, or
    inattentive to his wife and pr.).

    The hereditary predisposition to this syndrome is quite clearly traced.

    Depending on which symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are leading, five of its main forms are highlighted:

    • Nerivo-psychic,
    • Vegetative-vascular,
    • Even,
    • Cefalgic (headaches),
    • Unusual or atypical.

    Such a division is conditionally, since sometimes at the same woman can be a combination of several forms of PMS.

    As manifest

    Smiling neuropsychic form of PMS?

    This form has different options. For example, in premenstrual days
    There is aggressiveness, fiscalness, irritability. Woman easy
    comes out of myself about and without reason, too flash. Constantly
    There is a pity for himself, she considers himself offended surrounding
    seem inattentive. Pupils of girls decreases performance,
    Conflicts with friends, teachersAbout premenstrual syndrome.

    In another version of PMS
    may be accompanied by depression, weakness, feeling hopelessness,
    perception of surrounding B «black» Tonah. Fatigue, drowsiness or
    peculiar exhaustion can be signs of PMS if they
    appear cyclically and continue only a few days before
    menses. Women celebrate mental and physical fatigue,
    Conventional loads are fulfilled. Often there is a combination
    Both variants of this form of PMS.

    What are the vegetative-vascular symptoms of PMS?

    They can manifest themselves in the form of pain in the heart that do not pass after
    reception of validol and / or nitroglycerin, which often leads to an erroneous
    diagnosis «Atypical myocardial infarction», as there are complaints of pain in the heart, shortness of breath, weakness, and on the cardiogram are typical for infarction there are no changes.

    Cyclical (before each menstruation) increase
    Arterial pressure. Sometimes noted «Panic attack syndrome»:
    Increased blood pressure, patience attacks, chills,
    Spastic abdominal pain, fear of death, silence heart. By
    The end of this attack is marked by urination almost
    Colorless urine.

    How the Otchi Form of PMS is manifested?

    This form is characterized by a fluid delay in the body, pain and
    Burning the mammary glands, hand and legs, face, bloody
    Belly. The whole body seems crowded liquid. Releases in B
    Weight. It is known that some women in premenstrual days can
    add in weight to 6-8 kg. With the onset of menstruation comes
    Improvement, ease in the whole body, «enlightenment» in the head, swelling and
    Added weight go.

    What is characterized by the cefalgic form of PMS


    Often women celebrate headaches precisely in premented days.
    Pain is pulsating, begins at the temporal area and flows
    Type of migraine. Feeling may appear «Loosening» Eyeball.
    Headache may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting; Pressure, as
    rule not increased.

    What are the main methods of treating and preventing PMS?

    The treatment of PMS is often used hormonal, diuretic, hypotensive
    Preparations, antidepressants, tranquilizers, etc. Recommended
    Salt Restriction, High Potassium Product Reception: Raisin,
    Kuraga, baked potatoes. If a woman needs to protect against
    pregnancy, then receiving contraceptive pill at the same time will save her
    from PMS. Must be assigned polyvitamins, especially containing
    Vitamins group A, B and E. Often hormonal drugs are prescribed.

    Who should know about the existence of the PMS?

    All: Mother (which will notice and tell about what is happening
    daughters) and other family members, friend, teacher to carefully and with
    compassion (and not with irritation!) Treat your wife, mother, sister,
    girlfriend, student, employee and t.D.

    Only careful, patient
    The attitude of the surrounding and treatment at the gynecologist-endocrinologist can help
    girl, woman to get rid of PMS.

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