Folk Medicine: Vinegar from Heel Spurs


  • Folk medicine against heel spurs
  • Treatment of heel spur vinegar from wine
  • How to remove the symptoms of the heel spur with an apple?
  • Treatment of heel spurs by acetic essence

  • The question of how to get rid of the heel spur, worries every tenth inhabitant of the planet. Acute pain in the heel, reminiscent of the gripped nail, delivers quite a few concerns and deprives the opportunity to go normally and wear beautiful model shoes.

    The disease does not pose a threat to life, and put on a visit to the doctor «Good tradition» in patients. What to go to the clinic and stand in the queues, it's easier to buy in a pharmacy any ointment for the treatment of heel spurs or try to remove the heel vehicle by an unconventional method.

    Folk medicine against heel spurs

    Folk Medicine: Vinegar from Heel SpursWith such a disease, like heel spur, traditional medicine, or rather her recipes, are used especially often. It is worth noting a huge contribution that has made folk medicine into traditional therapy of the heel spur, people's methods of healing and new modern techniques are successfully combined in treatment. Judging by the reviews of patients, many thanks to popular recipes got rid of pains in heels.

    Most people's favorite procedures, recipes of fasteners and ointments for the treatment of heel spurs are used in the calculation of their anti-inflammatory effect. After all, pain in the heel spur is a consequence of inflammation of soft tissues and planar fasci. Elimination of edema and inflammation contributes to the disappearance of pain, and the presence of bone spike does not prevent living. Subject to reduction of stop loads, flat-growing correction, weight loss heel spur stops disturbing.

    Ointment, rods, trilding for the treatment of heel spurs usually assume a warming effect, blood flow to a problem site, removing accumulated products of inflammation, extra liquid, strengthening local immunity, activation of reparative processes. Are no exception and folk recipes for the treatment of heel spurs with table vinegar.
    It is very difficult to imagine how the disease may be associated «heel spur» and table vinegar. However, the network and print publications are very often found reviews of patients about the effectiveness of the treatment of heel spurs by vinegar.

    Treatment of heel spur vinegar from wine

    Mix in equal proportions of flour, cook salt, sugar and dry mustard. Add a wine vinegar to turn out to be Cashier, on thickness resembling high-quality sour cream. Apply the mix for gauze, attach to the heel and secure the bandage. The procedure is recommended for the night when the tissues are active healing.

    The action of the compress will increase, if you take a hot bath for the foot before applying.

    How to remove the symptoms of the heel spur with an apple?

    Take the sour apple, for example «Antonovka», Remove the core from it, the pulp on the grater. Kashitsa attach to the heel, cover with a plastic film and bite the warm scarf. Take such a procedure for the night for 10 days. At first, the heel can swell, but the pain will be noticeably weaker.

    Universal apple substitute with such a disease like heel spur — Vinegar cooked from apple juice. Apple vinegar gently moisten the napkin, attach to the heel and fasten like compress. The procedure to repeat in the evening for 2-3 days, then another 2-3 days just rub the sick heel with vinegar and wear a woolen sock. Pains should disappear.

    Treatment of heel spurs by acetic essence

    Sticks, rubbing, ointment for the treatment of heel spursPrepare according to this recipe, the ointment for the treatment of heel spurs.

    Take 100 g of interior fat or butter, 100 ml of acetic essence and a whole chicken egg.

    Melt the fat or oil to the liquid state, immerse the whole egg in it along with the shell, pour the acetic essence, do not mix, close the lid and put in the refrigerator for 10 days. Acetic acid will fully solvent egg shell. Upon the expiration of the last time, get a mixture from the refrigerator and beat the mixer, the ointment with the caustic smell of vinegar.

    Ointment to apply a sick heel in the bath every evening and wrapped with warm cloth, keep the compress all night.

    It should be said that in case of strong burning in the increased sensitivity of the skin, in the presence of abrasion, inflammation is impossible to apply this ointment, strong burns and irritation are possible. But if you manage to carry out procedures for a month, you can forget about pain.

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