Tone or Congenital Muscular Cryption


  • Where does the VMK come from?
  • Help physical education and massage
  • Operation, orthopedic apparatus or massage: Act about the situation

    Where does the VMK come from?

    Tone or Congenital Muscular CryptionCongenital muscular krivoshes (ICD) - one of the most common diseases of newborns and occupies 2-3 place after the congenital dislocation of the hips and congenital closure. This diagnosis is often raised by experts, but sometimes it is not confirmed. Maybe the baby is muscular tone. We will try to figure out what the difference between these diagnoses and what to do parents in each case.

    The main cause of the ICC is assumed to be congenital underdevelopment of breast-curable-bed-like muscles, it is injured during childbirth, as well as generic injury of the cervical spine. Bester-clarity-preceding Muscle steam room, located on the side surface of the neck. With the reduction of the right muscle, the head leans to the right, and the face turns to the left; With the reduction of the left - on the contrary. If both muscles are reduced simultaneously, then the head throws back and moves somewhat.

    Thus, when the head of the head is inclined towards the affected muscle and turned in the opposite direction while rejecting back. The adapter and the blade with a pronounced curve on the side of the defeat above, the head of a healthy side is often beser. The secondary changes in the IMD refers asymmetry of the face. With the average and severe degrees of the ICK (II-III), the child's backlog in psychomotor development may be celebrated. With the growth of children who have undergone the ICD, the smooth of the cervical lordosis is noted, the formation of pathological kyphosis, the backlog in the growth of the vertebral bodies due to the injury of the spike zones, the phenomena of osteochondrosis.

    If you did not find the above signs of the Navy, but the baby loves to keep his head in one direction, sleep on one side, most likely there is a muscular tone. Watch your baby, and you will notice that the movement of the child is random and messy, it is not able to lift his head and keep it in a vertical position. Hands and legs bent in all joints and pressed to the body, futs compressed. This is due to the fact that up to 3 months of age, the tone of the muscle flexors and legs is increased (the so-called physiological tone). But the tone is different. There are hypertonus (elevated muscle tone) and hypotone (reduced tone).

    Help physical education and massage

    We reviewed the main signs of diseases. Now let's talk about their treatment.
    Treatment of AMD begins early, from 2-3 weeks old, and necessarily includes the treatment of position (laying), massage and therapeutic physical education.

    When treating the position of the child should lie in a semi-vegetable mattress, better without a pillow. Instead of the pillow under the head lay the pellery broken several times. It is very important that light, toys, chat with adults were from the affected muscle.

    You can lay a child in a corrective position with the help of a ring wrapped in a cloth and put under the back of the back, as well as incomplete sand bags (salt, beam), which are placed on bed on both sides of the head or from Krivoshei (above the adapters). The procedure is carried out 2-3 times 1.5-2 hours. in a day. Since newborn children and breast children most of the time lie or sleep, this means is easily and efficient in use.

    Mandatory treatment condition is the correct position of the entire body: it must be symmetrical, directly to the head. To do this, you can put bags or «Rodka» From the blanket from the armpits to the knees of the child. First time you have to watch the baby. Frequent jacks exclude the proposed laying.

    Child need to easily lay the side. If the child sleeps on the side of Krivoshei, a high pillow is put under the head, if he lies on a healthy side, the pillow is not used at all. It is very important to wear a child properly on hand:

    • Taking a child in the hands of a vertical position, press it with breasts to yourself, your shoulders and shoulders of the baby must be on the same level. Turn the baby to the sick side, fixing this position with your cheek.
      • Taking the baby in a vertical position with his back to himself, turn his head into the sick side and slightly tilt it into a healthy.
      • Wear a child on «Patient» side face or back to yourself. At this time, maintain his head, lifting it in a healthy side.

      Muscular Krivoshoy can develop (and often meets) in children with impaired muscle tone (asymmetry) or with a constant unilateral position in the crib. To avoid this, you must often shift the baby, approach it from different sides.

      Tone or Congenital Muscular CryptionFrom the very beginning of the treatment of the IMD massage occupies a leading place, is carried out against the background of a secreting complex corresponding to the age and development of the child. Massage appoints a doctor, and a qualified specialist should hold it. After the first course of the massage carried out by an experienced specialist, repeated courses can hold parents who carefully observe and trained by a massage therapist.

      The exercise rate is 15-20 classes that are held daily or every other day with a break between courses in 1-1.5 months (parents are engaged in the main exercises). Until a year, the child should receive 3-4 courses of complex therapy and 2-3 years to 7 years of age. In addition, daily up to 2 years old parents should deal with the child 3-4 times a day for 5-15 minutes.

      From an early age, children with Krivoshea show classes in the pool at water temperature 35-36 °WITH. Special exercises in water:

      • The hands of the methodologist (or parents) under the back of the child lying on the back, the pads of large fingers are stroking the breast-curable-bed-like muscle (the neck of the child in the water).
      • Smooth movement of the child in the same position behind the head of her right, then on the left side.
      • The circular movement of the child under the water behind the head so that the affected side is on the outside of the circle.
      • A child in a sepper lies on the back, the legs are omitted. Methodist performs movement with hands on the sides - down, exercising smooth correction of krivoshei, reinforcing craving from damage.
      • The child lying on the stomach is supported under the chin, lead in the width of the pool. With the other hand, smooth spring movements, raised adhesive hold in the water.

      Operation, orthopedic apparatus or massage: Act about the situation

      In case of light shapes, ICC is recommended to use orthopedic devices. With the impossibility of correction of krivoshi massage and exercise resort to operation. Pre- and postoperative periods are distinguished, at the polyclinic stage of rehabilitation, the classes continue to 9-12 months. The main task of the LFC is a complete restoration of the featured muscle function. For this purpose, various movements are used with resistance and burden in various positions. Correction of posture continues (especially in the breast).

      Massage will help to cope with muscle tone. This is the most effective way to bring muscles to a normal state, t.E. balance muscle tones flexor and extremist extensors. However, the neurologist is needed before conducting procedures, as there are cases when the use of only massage is not enough.

      Massage should be guided by the state of muscle tone. In particular, the muscles of extensors and flexors. On the hand, the flexors are located on its inner surface, on the leg - on the rear surface. Film massage must lower the tone. In this case, relaxing massage techniques are applied: stroking, light rubbing and gentle kneading, vibration, shake. The massage of the extensors is aimed at improving the tone. Firming massage is being done: stroking, more energetic rubbing and kneading, stimulating pinching and drums.

      Classes are recommended to hold 2 months at the achievement, if there are no other appointments of the doctor. Before starting classes, consult the experienced massage therapist on how to make a massage correctly. After all, classes on the tone of the muscles have its own characteristics.

      For example, only those exercises that are associated with extension can be used in hypertension of muscle-flexor muscle limbs. In this principle, all active (t.E. When a child makes the movements yourself) exercises. As for the passive (performed with the help of adult) the movements of the limbs, then up to 3 months they cannot occur, since if there is an increased tone of flexors, the execution of these movements is associated with the sharp resistance of the child and the danger of violence over it.

      The main purpose of the massage in the testimony of muscle tone is the balancing of the tone of the muscles of the flexors and extensors of the hands and legs. The number of sessions and their duration are assigned individually. Grow healthy!

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