Cat allergy treatment

Fluffy pets are the reason for the development of allergies much more often than other representatives of fauna, chemicals and pollen of flowering. Many experts have mistakenly mistakenly believed that the sensitive reaction is associated with a subtle guide of the animal, and only in the 20th century, the cause - proteins that are contained in dead skin and saliva.

Principle of reaction development

Allergy, allergic to cats, allergist, immunology, cats

In general understanding of the word, allergy - This is a supersensitive reaction of our organism for repeated actions of alien allergen. When exposed to the mucous membrane or the skin of the proteins, which are typical of only cats, the immune system begins to fight the substance available to it in ways.

If a person is completely healthy, its immunity neutralizes the effect of alien protein with fabric microphages, which absorb the animal antigen and «digest» inside yourself.

And on the contrary, the immune system in the body of a sensitimate person takes another solution, starting to produce its antibodies. Thus, in the secondary getting of the stimulus, they become a starting mechanism for an allergic reaction. Connecting immunoglobulin with a feline protein, the formation of special complexes that damage the tissue of man begins. Puffy cells are produced in the intercellular space of histamine, which provoke the appearance of typical symptoms of allergies - tears, itching, puffiness and sneezing. Mirceliers will tell its readers about possible ways to combat this affordable disease.

Reaction pathogens

Allergy, allergic to cats, allergist, immunology, cats

As a rule, standard drug therapy is appointed in the treatment of allergies on cats. The doctor may advise the use of such methods:

  1. Receiving antihistamine drugs designed to neutralize the effect of chemical stimuli. Some can be released without a medical recipe, such as: Claritin, Benadryl, diazoline, and for the purchase of others will require a written recommendation of the doctor - Supratin, Tuesev or Circhek. In addition, there are forms of drugs that are produced in the form of spray, such as ASELIN.
  2. Anticrowing preparations - aimed at eliminating the edema of the mucous membranes and wasting sputum. Among such drugs, Sudafected and Allegr-D can be distinguished, the last of which is released by a doctor's prescription.
  3. Other medicines whose action helps to combat symptoms of a asthmatic nature. The most traditional steroid facilities include sprays of Nazonex, Avekort, Silcarene or Flonas. For their acquisition, you will also need the direction of the doctor.

What if you started allergies?

Allergy, allergic to cats, allergist, immunology, cats

The emergence of an allergic reaction to the cat often becomes an unexpected and unpleasant surprise. In order not to expose yourself the risk of clinical picture development, it is recommended to follow these actions:

  1. Try to negotiate with a cat to a minimum, and if possible, leave it in a separate room, a lamp or a private courtyard.
  2. Do not touch the pets on a visit or on the street, since even the shortest contact can turn into a starting mechanism for the development of allergies in all its glory.
  3. Try to limit close communications with people in the house of which the fluffy stimulus lives, because the clothes will always be particles of the skin, saliva or pet wool.
  4. If you are going to swim a few days in the room, where the cat is contained, ask the owners for 6-7 days before the visit not to let the animal room intended for the night, as well as liquets bedding.

If the cat stays at home

Allergy, allergic to cats, allergist, immunology, cats

Theoretically, it is clearly clear how the allergies begins and that everything is marked. However, how to be if the reaction began to develop years of content in the house of a fluffy pet? For this there are several recommendations:

  • Trust care and care for pets to other family members;
  • Try to maximize the access of the cat in those rooms that you often use, and most importantly - do not let into the bedroom;
  • Make wet room cleaning every day, after which spend thorough ventilation;
  • Remove from floors and walls carpets, dense curtains and other textiles, which is the main drive allergen.

These activities will be able to help only if the allergy is expressed weakly and practically dislikes the patient. However, with a deterioration in the state of the patient, still have to get rid of a pet, since further development of the reaction can seriously affect health and lead to irreversible consequences.

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