How to get rid of worms

Helmintes - in everyday life they are called an unpleasant word «Cleers» - Very dangerous to human health. Parasitic worms live in man, animals and plants.

According to statistics, every third person in just one year is infected with helminths. And such people are becoming more and more. Why? Let's deal with our site in this matter and most importantly - we will lead a healthy lifestyle and will know how to get rid of worms.

Doctors are confident that many diseases arose due to infection by man parasites. This is a real problem with which you need to fight. And at least many are afraid of talking about it, they say, «It will not touch me» or «I carry me», You need to know about this problem as much as possible.

What are helminths

Ascarides, helminths, worms, molds, parasites

Gloves are parasitic worms, the word «parasitic» Means the following - when one organism (parasites) uses another organism (people, animals) as an environment for habitat.

More than 300 views of the worms were revealed, which inhabit the human body. Fortunately, many do not occur often, but about the most common we will tell you.

Round helminty

Oxtrain (Length 5-10 mm) are often found in children. Live in the intestines. Females are very active in the calm state of the body (at night) they are moving towards the rear passage and go out of it. They postpone a large number of eggs. Then the females die. Ripen eggs very quickly, in the morning (the period of ripening eggs from 4 to 6 hours) eggs are of greater danger, as they become infectious. Active eggs fall on bed linen, panties, soft toys. Eggs are very steady and retain their activity for 6 months. That is, falling on a soft toy the egg does not die, but remains alive. Also, the eggs of the dust can fall on the face, hands, in the nose and mouth. Very lively resistant to diseases, a person may not know about their existence and sow decades.

If one family member is infected with an edge - a great probability that other family members are also infected.

The female postpones the incredibly huge amount of eggs - up to 15 thousand a day!

You can detect the presence of uninvited guests by certain symptoms: itching in the area of ​​the rear pass, most often - at night.

Ascarides, helminths, worms, molds, parasites

All kinds of helminths poison our body, and eating a large number of toxins in our body. Parasites take the most valuable - vitamins, minerals, leukocytes from our body - as a result of which anemia may develop. There are cases when the patient is very bad, and doctors cannot put an accurate diagnosis for years.

Ascarid larvae can cause asthma in young children. Rights cause sex infections in girls. The nervous system of the patient is susceptible to stress, as the body is in constant intoxication.

Symptoms of infection

  • The absence of appetite or vice versa, a sharp desire to emit as much food as possible, while the person has a sharply losing weight;
  • hurts belly, torment constipation or diarrhea;
  • Apathy, torments insomnia at night, anxiety;
  • Your skin is pale, peeling on hands and legs;
  • Worried about dry cough;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • constant allergic reactions, rashes;
  • Itching in the rear pass.

How to treat

Visit the doctor and pass the necessary analyzes. If the situation is quite critical, the doctor will appoint you medication treatment. It should be remembered that any anthelmintic drugs, eliminating you from parasites, cause severe intoxication of the body. In parallel with medicines you can spend treatment with folk remedies.

People who enter the risk group, it is necessary to fulfill preventive measures - to give a homemade pet anti-shine tablet on time, more often to wash towels and bed linen and observe strict personal hygiene.


Ascarides, helminths, worms, molds, parasites

During treatment, it is necessary to remember the three simple rules: to comply with the rules of hygiene, comply with the diet, carry out disinfection of the room.

You can get rid of worms with folk remedies, but this path will be longer, but less aggressive.

The universal remedy for any kind of common parasites is garlic. Who eats a large number of garlic - that will never become infected with worms.

  1. Take a glass of boiling water and cut the finely head of garlic and one bulb. Leave the mixture of the mixture for the night, and in the morning we drink an empty stomach. Take five days.
  2. The tincture of antimel flowers will help get rid of ribbon worms. Two glasses of boiling water Take 2 tablespoons of dry grass, brew, insist the night, apply three times a day 30 minutes before meals. Can be replaced by valerian grass.
  3. Castor oil and brandy in proportions 1: 1. Drinking infusion heated to 36 degrees - 80 grams before bedtime, you can not drink!
  4. Pour a tablespoon of grass shells 2 glasses of boiling water. Strain. Take chilled 3 times a day before meals on a tablespoon.
  5. Horseradish and garlic in equal number crumbling. 50 g ready to take 500 g of vodka. Insist in a dark place for 2-3 days. Strap and take 2-3 times a day on a tablespoon.
  6. Luke tincture - powerful cure for worms. One bulb is crushed, pour vodka and insist in heat 10-15 days. Take before eating 2 tablespoons (no more than 3 times a day).
  7. Pumpkin seeds. Take one or two glasses per day - Universal intestinal cleaner! Make a preventive.

Recipes for children

Ascarides, helminths, worms, molds, parasites

  1. 100 g of carrot seeds mix with 500 g of honey. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day.
  2. Eat fresh sorrel every day.
  3. Grind the grenade peel and cook it in 200 ml of water. Drink an empty stomach, 1.5 hours in three receptions.
  4. To eat blueberry berries.

be healthy!

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