Botkin's disease in children is serious pathologies requiring high-quality medical care and attentive care. Disease with non-timely initiated treatment may occur with complications.
Symptoms of Botkin's disease in children
Botkin: Consequences

A (Botkin's disease) — infective
The disease, the causative agent of which is a RNA-containing virus. At
The development of pathology shows a short-term deterioration in the work of the liver and
Reducing enzymatic activity. Symptoms
Botkin's disease in children can appear after contact with
Virusiance (at school, kindergarten), use of poor-quality water,
poorly washed fruits, vegetables.
Symptoms of Botkin's disease in children
- Loss of appetite.
- Nausea.
- Fevering syndrome.
- Headache.
- Darkening of urine, calam depigmentation.
- Yellowing the skin and mucous membranes of a child.
- Dyspeptic signs.
- Unpleasant sensations in the field of liver.
Botkin's disease symptoms in children
has usually pronounced. In adults, the infectious process can
leak in hidden form, without increasing body temperature and pain in the liver. IN
Children's age is rarely observed.
Botkin: Consequences
Hepatitis A violates the functionality of the cookie and enzymatic
systems that can negatively affect the work of the child's body. Parents
must be aware of the seriousness of this infectious disease and when
first signs of illness immediately contact the doctors. Timely
medication therapy, diet observance, bed rest helps to avoid
development of complications and will contribute to the rapid restoration of hepatic
Functions. In the absence of treatment, Botkin's illness is capable of affecting the health of the baby in the future.
Among the most common complications of Botkin's disease can be allocated
- Violations of the liver function.
- Worsening digestion of food.
- Reducing the size of the liver.
- Encephalopathy.
- Ascites.
- Liver failure.
- Recurrent
Botkin Diseases or Chronic Infection Process.
And in most cases it is allowed safely. Treatment
Botkin's disease passes quite successfully. Complete recovery is coming
70% of children 2-3 months after the start of the infectious process. On the
During the entire period of treatment, parents must observe the child's nutrition,
Do not allow me to eat dryness, follow the kid not overwhelmed, more
Rested, observed the day of the day.
nutritionally excluded all fried dishes. This will avoid the adverse effects of Botkin's disease. Meat and fish
rich in proteins, they must be present in the diet
child, but only in boiled or baked. Recommended completely
eliminate fatty foods and all dishes irritating the intestines and
Overloading liver (chocolate, baking, spices, sauce, mustard, pepper,
Prevention of hepatitis development A testimony is carried out vaccination.
It is necessary to carefully monitor the purity of food and flowing water, wash
hands before meals and after visiting the toilet. Parents must be in unobtrusive form
tell children about the rules of protection against various infectious diseases and
Intestinal infections.