First aid for sunlight

With the onset of the warm-time year, the risk of becoming a victim of solar or thermal impact. And it does not matter at all, where you are on the sandy beach in a distant country or in the garden in the suburbs. The sun imperceptibly affects the body, and if it does not take security measures on time, the likelihood of the deposits.

Solar strike mechanism

Hyperthermia, heat protection, first aid, sunshine, sun, thermal blow

Many mistakenly believe that the thermal and sunshine is the same. The mechanism of development, and the truth is quite similar, but a heat blow can be obtained from the effects of any heat, and solar - from the heating of the body under the sun.

To be clearer, consider the situations in which the risk of heat impact is most likely:

  1. Long-term foundation in the environment, the temperature of which is much higher than the body temperature.
  2. Performance of severe physical work in the stuffy warm room.
  3. Impact of direct sunlight on the body and head (sunshine).
  4. Alcoholic intoxication in combination with a dense dinner.
  5. When windless and wet weather.
  6. Long wearing dense moisture-proof clothes.
  7. Overweight.
  8. Diseases of the cardiovascular or nervous system.
  9. Reception of a certain group of drugs, such as tranquilizers or diuretic, also contributes to the development of hyperthermia (body grossing).

To protect yourself and those around the emergence of a thermal sunshine, it is necessary to follow the security measures about which MirSees will tell a little lower.

Signs of sunshine

Hyperthermia, heat protection, first aid, sunshine, sun, thermal blow

The most important rule in providing first aid - to act very quickly. If the victim got a lightweight degree, he will quickly come to himself and returns to normal. In case of strong overheating, when a person has clinical symptoms, the speed of your actions depends on how much the consequences will be. Minute of delay can cost a person life.

As a rule, a person whose state is close to sunlight, rarely adequately evaluates the situation and therefore does not undertake any protective measures. It is important that anyone who can recognize in a sharply deteriorated mood and a sudden headache is not just ailment, but the first symptoms of the solar strike.

So, the first aid for sunlight consists of the following actions:

  1. Evaluate the status of the victim - with easy impact you can cope with yourself, with severe degrees it is necessary to call «Ambulance».
  2. Immediately move the victim in the shadow or cool room.
  3. Remove clothing from a person or loosen the fasteners - unbutto the shirt, the belt on the pants, unleash the tie and t. D. Take off your shoes.
  4. Provide air circulation - turn on air conditioning, fan, fan the face and body of the victim of the fence (fan, newspaper, any flat and wide item, clothing).
  5. It is important to quickly reduce the temperature of the injury body. To do this, you can put it in a cool water bath (not ice, otherwise the body will get shock!). If it is not possible to shift a person in a bath, moisten a sheet or clothes in cold water and wrap her body. Change sheets or wet anew as soon as it gets warm.
  6. On the following parts of the body put ice packs, wrapped in a towel (frozen vegetables or meat, too): forehead, cheeks, palms, armpits, inguinal folds. Continue manipulations, constantly measuring the body temperature of the victim - as soon as it drops to 38.5 s, the body will cope independently.
  7. With solar strike, a strong loss of fluid occurs, so its quantity needs to be filled. Let's the victim drinking mineral water (can with gas), weak saline, green tea, black sweet tea with lemon. Do not give alcohol, coffee, energy drinks.

When brigade arrives «Ambulance», The doctor will determine whether you managed to properly provide first help with sunlight, and how much she helped the victim. If you could neutralize the consequences of hyperthermia successfully, hospitalization may not be needed. In case of serious solar strikes, treatment will occur in stationary.

Even if you managed to properly and provide the first help with solar strike, the body somehow was damaged - the microcirculation of blood was disturbed, nerve cells were collected. As a result, it may appear vegeto-vascular dystonia or asthenic syndrome.

Even after the unlockful sunshine, it is recommended to comply with extreme caution, leaving the sun, because there is a predisposition to repetition.

Prevention and safety measures

Hyperthermia, heat protection, first aid, sunshine, sun, thermal blow

To never become a victim of the Cunning Summer Sun and protect the family members, it is recommended to take security measures, leaving on the beach, working on a garden or just walking around the city.

The prevention of the solar strike is as follows:

  1. Avoid midday time of day - from 13:00 to 15:00 the Sun is most actively. At this time, it is not recommended to go to the beach, engage in physical work on the street and just be under the sun, because with heat it «gives» Ultraviolet radiation harmful in large quantities.
  2. Wear «Right» Summer clothes - it should be made of natural well ventilated fabrics, such as cotton, flax or silk. Things should be casual, and it is better to wear a hat with wide fields to protect the neck and shoulders.
  3. It is recommended to comply with a light summer diet - drink more liquid, there are more fruits, if possible, exclude from the diet too fat, heavy, salt and smoked food. In the summer, the body loses more moisture than in other times of the year, so it is important to replenish this stock. Refuse sweet carbonated drinks and replace them with milk - it is much better quenched thirst and faster cools the body.
  4. Get yourself a small pocket spray with water. Very useful solution, especially for those traveling or working in the office. Spray face and open areas of the body so that the skin does not experience the moisture deficit. So you not only protect yourself from hyperthermia, but also extend beauty and youth.
  5. Do not allow children for a long time under the sun, even in the morning or afternoon clock. Kids cannot rationally assess their condition, so it is important to exclude the slightest risk of solar strike. Be sure to wear a child Panama from a light cotton material and watch it not to shoot it. Periodically measured the temperature (the thermometer to wear for a walk is not necessary, just apply the hand to the forehead). Let's a child more juices, horses, tea and other liquid.

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