First aid for fractures

You go, look around, sculpture and fall on your hand or even worse - sit down, as a result - a closed broken arm or legs. How to act to at least alleviate pain then eat to the nearest medport? Today in the article for the journal our website will consider which rules of first aid you can have a victim when a fracture.

First aid for fractures, fracture treatment

- And what is your hand?

- She walked, slipped, fell, closed fracture, woke up - gypsum.

Phrase from the movie «The Diamond Arm» familiar to all Russians. Yes, you probably, and yourself turned out to be in a similar situation. In winter, walking on the street, where the janitor forgot to sprinkle with sand sliding track. You go, look around, look at the showcases, in general, wone anyhow, but we just don't under your feet, suddenly, sculp and fall on your hand or even worse - sit down, as a result - a closed hand or feet. Or in the summer, when all the children on vacation, your restless child runs like a peeler, competing with other children in speed and dexterity, climbs on the horizontal bar, breaks down, and falls with all body on hand - as a result, a closed clavicle fracture. Familiar? And how to act to at least alleviate the pain of the poor child while eat to the nearest medpark? Today in the article for the journal our website will consider which rules of first aid you can have a victim when a fracture.

What is the fracture and how to recognize it

To determine the degree of fracture, it is necessary to make an X-ray
To provide medical care, you need to first determine what injury from the victim. Let's give a medical definition.

A fracture is a violation of the integrity of the bone, which occurs as a result of the inflection of the bone in the fall, strong impact, compression under the influence of mechanisms and other bodies (for example, plates, iron beams, and T.D.). Separated a partial disorder of the integrity of the bone and complete. If the bone was completely and the bone fragments were formed, then such a fracture is called full. If the bone is damaged in part, the crack is formed, and the fracture is called partial. In any case, you cannot determine the degree of fracture of the bone, as the X-ray is required, which is made in each medical center. You can only accurately state what fracture is closed or open, which is determined by visual inspection.

A closed fracture is a bone fracture at which the skin does not damage. Accordingly, when the fracture is open, skin is damaged, the skin can be broken in several places, on the site of the fracture «Torch» bones, bone fragments. In the case of an open fracture, maybe bleeding, which is more dangerous for the victim, because the microbes can get into the open wound and cause inflammation of soft tissues.

In any case, with a fracture, a person is experiencing severe pain, appears swelling at the fracture site, or if the fracture is full and closed, the limb is freely moving or heard «crunch» Chip bone. So, you determined that the affected fracture, now you must be able to give him first aid.

First aid for fractures

It should be applied on an open wound a sterile gauze bandage or a clean towel
You have determined the open fracture from the victim, you need:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to ensure peace of the victim. To do this, you need to put the victim on a flat surface so that he can lie, not straining.

Attention! When providing first aid, you will in no case have to go into the wound sticking bones, do not remove fragments of bone bones. If you do not have sufficient knowledge and skills, it can lead to even greater damage to the bone and greater injury pain.

  • Next, you should impose on an open wound a sterile gauze bandage or a clean towel, pure flap fabric, a clean handkerchief, in general, everything that will be at hand.
  • If the victim has strong bleeding, then you first need to stop with the help of a tight dressing (that is, the harness). Here it is necessary to take into account that bleeding can be arterial or venous.
  • If the victim has strong bleeding, then you first need to stop with the help of a tight dressing (that is, the harness)
    In case of arterial bleeding, blood has a bright-scarlet color and is poured with a pulsary way, shocks. Such bleeding can be stopped if you take the artery above the wound. For this you need harness (twist the handkerchief or take the belt). Strongly tie the place above the wound, for example, if broken elbow, then it is necessary to impose a harness on the hand above the wound by 10-15 cm.

    Attention! You can keep the harness for no more than 1-1.5 hours, because when it is applied, all vessels are clarified and blood flow to all tissues is disturbed. As a result, the leaning of fabrics may occur, so after 1.5 hours you should weaken the harness for 4-5 minutes to resume blood flow in the tissue. At the same time, be sure to push the artery (vein) in the place of bleeding. After you should again tighten the harness, a little higher (below) of the place where he was before. When you apply a harness, you need to record the exact time on paper and give the victim to the arrival of ambulance, the doctor knew time and, if necessary, weakened the harness.

    With venous bleeding, blood is dark red and flowing smooth jet, not pulsating. In this case, the bandage (that is, the harness) is superimposed below the wound, write the time of the bandage imposition, and also weaken in 1-1.5 hours for 4-5 minutes.

    When providing first aid, it is also necessary to cut the place of fracture as much as possible, carefully, trying not to cause pain to the victim, impose a tire

  • When providing first aid, it is also necessary to cut the place of fracture as much as possible, carefully, trying not to cause pain to the victim, impose a tire. Tire is a generalized name of a solid subject, which is used when fixing the fracture. You can take wooden, plywood boards, sticks, and any submitted means of umbrellas, branches, briefcases, and T.D. Consider on the example when a broken leg. As a tire, you found two wooden boards along the length of the leg. You need to put the tire on clothes, after having sorted by cotton so that the boards do not come into contact with damaged skin and bones. Two boards fold cotton wool, fix between them, that is, «clamp» On both sides, then wind the bandage, towel, handkerchief and t.D. All tire is superimposed. Now you have secured the affected peace and reduced pain.
  • Call an ambulance, or independently carry the victim to the medpark, there will make an X-ray and, of course, will have all the necessary assistance.
  • If you have determined that the victim is a closed fracture, the first aid includes the same actions as when open (1, 4, 5), with the exception of the imposition of the harness. In case of fracture of the bones of the brush, the clavicle, to ensure rest of the victim, it is necessary to suspend the damaged hand on the hench, or nursed the hand to the body.

    Dear readers, now you know how to provide first aid for fractures. And our site very much hopes that you are not confused in a difficult moment.

    Be careful and careful!

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