Application by manganese

About the useful properties of manganese. Even our grandmothers were covered with covered bubbles with dark purple powder, which many have been preserved in the first-aid kits and to this day. Permanganate potassium, and with simple words, mangartee, is widely used in everyday life and medicine.

The usual antiseptic for us is not only actively struggling with various microbes and causative agents of infections, but also has a beneficial effect in poisoning and many other symptoms.

Scope of application of mangartee

Antiseptic, Manganese, Medical Preparations, Permanganate Potassium

Thanks to its amazing medical properties, potassium permanganate is so actively practiced in the field of traditional and alternative medicine, cosmetology and even gynecology. Mangartageous Potassium is also used in gardening, as an effective means of combating small pests and plant diseases.

Traveling take manganese with them to disinfect the received wounds or drinking water, in this case you need to add several crystals to it. The concentrated solution is a strong oxidant and affects plastics, wood and metal. Using manganese at home, you should know that this substance is able to pretrately spoil the metal sink or bath. Stains left after the solution are practically no washed.

Magnantic is formed after electrolysis of caustic potassium and manganese anode. In the process of its decomposition, the anode dissolves and forms a purple solution, which contains permanganate ions. Hydrogen is distinguished on the cathode, and then the most manganese appears in the form of a sediment.

This drug is among the leaders in part of the injecting antimicrobial properties. In the form of powder it is sold in pharmacies, but in recent years some pharmaceutical companies sell it only by recipe. The shelf life of the mangartage is unlimited, but it is necessary to emphasize that only the most fresh solution is able to destroy any pathogens, possessing the active sterilization of any surface. It exists in the form of crystals, which, if necessary, dissolve in water to obtain a solution. It differs in color: the pale pink shade speaks of a weak concentration, brightly crimson - on the contrary. Prepare therapeutic solution mainly at the rate of 10 crystals per 1 liter of water, in the future correcting its fortress in color. It is always very important to fully stir the manganese powder, since unattended particles when contacting the skin can cause burns.

The use of potassium mangartage in medicine is due to its disinfecting properties. Prepared solution is used to process cuts, washing wounds and corns. With the inflammation of the throat and pharynx, rinsing is prescribed by a non-concentrated manganese solution. This means are rinsed sore place 4 times a day. Very often use a solution of potassium permanganate as a drug for irrigating the oral cavity, namely, with gum diseases.

Treatment by manganese

Antiseptic, Manganese, Medical Preparations, Permanganate Potassium

  1. Manganese at stomach disorders. Popular manganese at food poisoning And diarrhea. Sensing the first signs, the patient should have a weak solution, which is able to stimulate the intestinal cleansing process.
  2. For receiving inside while eliminating the body intoxication, 200 ml of water will be needed literally 2 powder crystals. Well having stirred the drug, you need to drink this water at a time. This good antiseptic will help neutralize the infection in the stomach.
  3. With hyperhydrosis or high sweating. If the legs are very sweat, then a good way to eliminate this problem will be a bath with a weak solution of manganese. This procedure, as a rule, should not occupy more than 15 minutes, and water temperature - no more than 40 degrees. After steaming the feet, they need to wipe dry and wrap in formalin solution (1%).
  4. As already noted, permanganate potassium is a wonderful antiseptic, which is extremely useful when processing different damage. Need to know how to properly use manganese in the appointment. Directly wound manganese water is not washed, but only the edges are treated. The disinfectant for a serious wound is preparing at the rate: a small amount of powder on the knife tip per 1 liter. water. With insignificant damage to the skin, it is enough to dissolve a weak solution, rinse this section, after which it is smeared with iodine.
  5. With piercing. Now there are so many girls and guys try to look as creative as possible and extraordinary, including, piercing their ears, nose, nostrils and eyebrows. But note of young people, such experiments are fraught with unpleasant consequences, if they do not care. To avoid infection of fabrics after piercing the needle, careful processing of wounds with antiseptic means is necessary. A weak mortar of manganese in this case will be very by the way. The piercing site needs to be disinfected at least 2 times a day and only clean hands.
  6. If you are bothering annoying warts or corns, then mangalls and here it will be useful. The concentrated solution of permanganate potassium perfectly cares all unnecessary springs on the skin, it is enough to lubricate them by mangartee daily.
  7. With fungal diseases of female and men's outdoor genital organs, the doctors are very often prescribed to their patients painless and harmless tool - a manganese solution for washing. For Treatment of thrush prescribe daily sinking with a pale pink solution, it is only important to ensure that all crystallines are completely dissolved in water. Otherwise, it can cause damage to mucous membranes and irritation.

Manganese with childcare

Antiseptic, Manganese, Medical Preparations, Permanganate Potassium

You may probably hear that some mothers use manganese to care for a newborn baby. During the bathing of the child, a little of this powder is added to the water so that the water has gained disinfecting properties. Doctors, in turn, are skeptical to this method, considering the slightest exceeding the allowable dosage of manganese capable of burning babies. The same applies to and not to the end of the soluble crystals.

If, contrary to all concerns, you decided to use manganese, considering it the most efficient and non-alternate antiseptic, you should know the rules for the preparation of a solution for swimming a child. Cook it best sequentially. First, divert the manganese in the glass of water, then the resulting saturated solution strain through a gauze folded in several layers. Only after that, the solution can be poured into the bathroom until the water receives a pale pink shade, but pouring the crystalline manganese immediately into the bath is strictly prohibited. To handle the navel of the newborn, use a more saturated mixture.

Manganese at home first aid kit:

  1. Manganese-oxid potassium will quickly remove pain from corns. To do this, in a solution of mangartee, you need to add a little cook salt, dissolve everything and disappear legs in this fluid about 20 minutes. After that, the feet must be wiped out and after a while pain will stop.
  2. Unpleasant dermatitis, manifested by rash and the appearance of bubbles on the skin, is also treated by manganese. It is necessary to lubricate the affected areas to a 10% mortar of manganese during the week.
  3. Folk healers recommend using manganese at launched Hemorrhoid. The healing solution is prepared as: on 3 liters of water you need to add several crystals manganese, 1 h.L. soda, 1 st.L. vegetable oil and 200 g of boiled milk. Heat the solution, mix and pour into the bath.
  4. Every day, it is recommended to take such a bath for a night for 20 minutes, and after 7 days you get rid of unpleasant hemorrhoids.
  5. Creating manganese even signs of dysentery. The composition of therapeutic agent includes several manganese crystals divorced in 500 g of water. The concentration of the solution can be increased depending on the age of the patient. For example, breast children give a poor pink solution, and adults - crimson. Take the medicine you need inside, in parallel with the cleaning enema.

Contraindications for the use of potassium permanganate is individual intolerance or allergy. To understand this, you need to trace the body's reaction on manganese solutions. The reception of mangarteese needs to immediately stop if swelling appeared, the mucous membranes in the throat changed the color, arose Causes or sharp pain at the next reception inside. Before using this, it is still recommended to consult with a precinct therapist.

Due to its oxidizing effect, mangarteeful potassium is simply not compatible with simultaneous use Activated coal and other easily oxidized substances. Keep a bottle with powder needed away from children and easily oxidizing drugs, which when contact with manganese crystals can lead to ignition.

The popularity of this old agent over the years does not fade and the practice of applying mangartage is growing. Our site recommends remembering the most important thing that only when complying with all the rules for mangartage, it will be absolutely safe for humans and will have its real beneficial effects.

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