Hemangioma treatment in newborns

The joy of the birth of the baby, unfortunately, sometimes it is overshadowed by some diseases. And the spot appeared on the skin, sometimes several minutes, which in medicine are called hemangiomas, immediately cause actually panic in young parents and dozens of questions. Today we will try to answer each of them.

What is hemangioma?

Gemangioma, leather, hemangioma treatment, skin neoplasms, newborn

Gemangioma is a vascular violation, a kind of tumor having a benign character. Most often, it appears a few days after birth on the head (in hair or on the face) or on the genitals. But it is not rarely found and congenital hemangioma. This disease should be observed by a surgeon doctor, and the treatment of treatment is made separately for each child. It all depends on how the development of hemangiomas, its growth and appearance.

I would also like to somewhat somewhat a young family in which the child was stated by hemangioma. In the overwhelming majority, and the statistics calls the figure of 85%, these specks do not require any treatment and are able to completely disappear independently before school age, someone earlier, someone later.

What are the reasons for their appearance?

Gemangioma, leather, hemangioma treatment, skin neoplasms, newborn

Types of hemangioms a huge number. By and large, having examined your child, you can independently determine what he has, here is the most common types:

  • Simple (capillary). It looks like a cluster of capillaries, slightly towering over the surface, if a child has several of them, then they are different in color from each other;
  • Cave. Most often to be removed, because it has both a tendency to growth and to penetration into the epidermis layers. They have a different color, but most often you can watch the blue-red. It is noticeably towers above the skin;
  • star. Is a point of accumulation of capillaries, from which the capillaries are diverged in different directions. In the form can resemble an asterisk, most often affects the face either neck.

The clinical picture of hemangiomas is that they are completely painless and when they feel the temperature is slightly higher than the skin itself. Can be localized in completely different places, but the most beloved of them are head, face, neck and groin zone. Unfortunately, hemangiomas are often found, which appear directly on the mucous membranes of the child, as well as on centuries and in the ears. Such types of hemangiom are most dangerous to the health of the child and its vital functions (rumor, vision), so it is important to immediately contact a specialist!

To diagnose hemangioma (sometimes they are confused with pigment stains), you must click on it with your finger. If this is still a pigment stain, then his color will change. If hemangioma, then she pale or disappears at all, because it consists of vessels.

When need to consult a doctor?

Gemangioma, leather, hemangioma treatment, skin neoplasms, newborn

In general, if you see the new formation on the body of the child, then first of all it is necessary to consult with the doctor. The form and necessity of treatment will depend specifically from the child and the course of the disease. Most often, the overall picture is visible until the year.

Of course, it is important to monitor the growth of the neoplasm. If hemangioma grows in proportion to the growth of the child, then there is nothing terrible. The main thing is closely following this. It is very important to take care of as soon as possible if hemangioma is located on those sites that are responsible for the hearing, vision, Sexual function.

If hemangioma is located in an open place, then it is necessary to avoid injury, since there is a risk of opening bleeding. Bleedings are very dangerous for this disease and if they open too often, it is best to get rid of hemangiomas surgically.

Turning to the surgeon, in most cases it will offer you two ways to further actions:

  1. Carefully monitor the development of the disease, avoiding injuries and combing.
  2. As soon as possible get rid of hemangioma. Only a cosmetic scar will be left for you.

What are the types of treatment?

Gemangioma, leather, hemangioma treatment, skin neoplasms, newborn

It is worth noting that the observation of the development of the disease is also one of the treatment methods. If your doctor recommends getting rid of hemangioma, then, most likely, he will offer one of the possible surgical interventions:

When using cryotherapy, the probability of education of the scar 50/50. Liquid nitrogen or coal snow, clenching all neoplasms is applied to the affected area. Formed swelling, which will disappear independently. A new layer of the skin is growing in its place, and at this moment the scar can form.

Sclerosing involves slipping neoplasms by ethosiscler or special 70 percent alcohol. After that, the process is similar to the use of cryotherapy: the edema is formed, which dies, and in its place a new, healthy skin appears, already without hemangioma.

Electrophoresis suggests that the scar will not be guaranteed on the skin, but the treatment may take a very long period, sometimes even up to a year. Special electrophoresis applies with calcium chloride.

When removing a laser, local anesthesia is used, after which hemangioma is excised using a laser, and sometimes scalpel. It is also possible to form a scar.

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