Sometimes after a meal, bitterness arises in the mouth, as well as the severity in the right hypochondrium. These unpleasant phenomena often pass on themselves, and patient, tired of affairs, a woman does not give them much importance. But it is until time!
Ball-name disease (HCB) - a disease in which stones (concrections) are formed in the bustling bubble, consisting of salts of bile acids, cholesterol and coloring substance - bilirubin. Medicine distinguished 3 types of stones: cholesterol, pigment, and mixed. So the gall-eyed illness begins (HCB) - a rather common one in our days.

Mostly recently, the elderly has suffered from gallstone disease, but in recent decades this disease has grown himself very much, and now it is often stones in the bustling bubble worried about young 20-year-old girls.
For the first time about this disease, they learned even in antiquity, it was then that the stones were used in the form of jewelry, as well as for all sorts of rites. The cause of the occurrence of stones: an increase in cholesterol content in bile and difficult removal of bile itself from the gallbladder. In 1882, the first operation was made to remove the gallbladder, and in Russia such an operation was produced only in 1889. Great Surgeon Kososinsky.F. Since then, many years have passed and treatment methods have changed noticeably for the better.
Causes of the disease
If we talk about those who are most often ill to this disease, women prevail here. Why? Yes, because in women, bile lithogenicity is much higher than that of men. Lithogenicity - the term who came to us in the 60s from English-speaking literature, which means literally «Producing stone».
Pregnancy Women is one of the reasons for the development of gallstone disease. This is due to the fact that the estrilla is the main estrogen Pregnant women, may cause lithogenic bile products.
Also, doctors argue that the cause of bile-imaging diseases in women is Oral contraceptives. Therefore, contraceptives need to be used in extreme cases and only by appointment of a doctor.

Obesity is one of the reasons for the HCB. People who abuse food increases cholesterol, which contributes to the production of stones in the gallbladder and its ducts.
Sedentary lifestyle, as well as sitting work. In order to avoid illness, our site recommends more often to go to the free time. Do not be lazy, go through a couple of stops after work. Do not rush to press the elevator call, overcome the staircases with joy and then the likelihood of this disease will be reduced at times.
Incorrect nutrition. Starvation. Fast slimming. For example, I will say that the food culture of the rising sun has always been at a high level. And now, if you take the indicators, it is in Japan the percentage of the HCB disease is the lowest.
This disease develops very slowly and gradually. For a number of years you feel a small bitterness in the mouth, the severity in the right hypochondrium after meals, especially after the use of oily food, fried meat, smoked, salty, pickled products or wines. In the future, there are liver colic, nausea, vomiting, meteorism ..
No need to slow! As soon as the first symptoms appeared, immediately need to consult a doctor and pass absolutely painless ultrasound procedure, during which it already turns out, there are stones in your gallbladder or not - the so-called worshipment. For a while, our website is required to eliminate from diet products that make it difficult to work your liver: fats (especially animals), oil, sugar, starch, fried food, dairy products (type of yogurt and cheese), cholesterol products (eggs, Liver, sausages, caviar, lamb, etc.).

Easy pain in the seating of gallpoint disease will help the warming compress: you need to heat 3 st. Spoons of camphor oil. Moisten to them a piece of fabric, evenly distributed over the entire surface. Put on the area of the gallbladder.
After some time, pain should go, but it is best to immediately contact the doctor. Do not wait for the weather from the sea.

Treatment of gallway disease
Currently existing drugs for dissolving bile stones are very expensive and require many years of continuous admission. After its end, the concrections will be formed again, since the causes of the stone formation are not eliminated - the disruption of the exchange of cholesterol, infections of biliary tract, etc.
In addition, drug treatment with drugs dissolving stones is effectively only in half cases, in patients with so-called X-ray rims (invisible with X-ray study). It does not produce a result at a pigment stones with a diameter of more than 1.5 cm and calcified (x-ray).

Do not be afraid of the operation! The only radical way to treat bile-named disease is the removal of a sick gallbladder. Currently, a special method of laparoscopic surgery has been developed (the operation is performed using several punctures of the abdominal wall) during local anesthesia. She is small and the patient can stand already on the day of operation. Cosmetic effect is also important - no seams on the body. Especially this question worries girls, because I don't want anyone to read past diseases and operations on his body.
After removing the gallbladder, you can safely return to normal life and practically not to adhere to any diet. I'm just nothing to regret! Bubble, stoned, has not fulfilled its functions for a long time. So why your body has such ballast stoned.
Get better prevention! It would be nice to regularly drink sparkled beets with radish (1: 1) in the morning, on an empty stomach, 30 ml (wine glasses). A general hygienic regime is also needed, proper nutrition, elimination of bile stagnation with choleretic drugs. Here, dear readers, now you know what a gall-eyed disease, which is why it happens and how to try to avoid it.