Increased testosterone in women

Some mistakenly call testosterone exclusively male hormone, because it is firmly associated with «Male power». It is believed that its level in the blood determines not only the external signs of masculinity, but also sexual behavior. Indeed, Testosterone is the main hormone present in the blood of any representative of the strong half of humanity.

The female body is also able to produce testosterone, only in a much lesser concentration. But it happens that the mechanism of the formation of testosterone gives a failure and its level exceeds the norm, which leads to changes in appearance and can provoke serious diseases. Today, our site will tell about the possible risks to which a woman undergoes when improving the content of this hormone in the body.

Causes of Increase Testosterone in Women

Hormonal Failure, Hormones, Women's Health, Men's Hormones, Testosterone

Testosterone - sex hormone, which is produced by leydega cells in men, ovaries in women, as well as adrenal glands of both sexes. In the female body, he is responsible for the proper work of the sebaceous glands, the formation of the skeleton and the operation of the bone marrow, the mood, sexual attraction and, most importantly, for the development of follicles in the ovaries. It follows that testosterone in moderate quantity is necessary for the female organism is no less than male, because without his participation, the organs and systems of the body will not function in normal mode. However, deviations from the norm that may be caused by a number of reasons (increase or decrease in its blood content) for women is much more dangerous. Here are the most common them:

  1. Improving the activity of adrenal glands and activities of the genital glands.
  2. Dry slimming.
  3. Unbalanced nutrition.
  4. Excessive physical exertion.
  5. Hereditary predisposition.
  6. Reception of hormonal drugs.
  7. Offensive ovulation.
  8. Insufficient function of the thyroid gland.

Influence of increased testosterone on female organism

Hormonal Failure, Hormones, Women's Health, Men's Hormones, Testosterone

During pregnancy, testosterone levels in a natural way. In this beautiful period for a woman, the period additional portion of the hormone is produced by the placenta and this is considered the norm. However, it is necessary to recognize that in terms of 4 to 8 week and from 13 to 20 high testosterone rates can lead to miscarriage or fetal fetal. Therefore, therefore, some gynecologists, reinsurance, have a tendency to conduct hormonal therapy aimed at reducing the level of testosterone in the blood. Although it is not always necessary, because nature takes care of the safety of the fetus and put the placenta with one wonderful «skill» - Turn testosterone in estrogen, thereby protecting mom and kid from the effects of hormones formed in their organisms. By the way, hyperandrode in pregnant women meet extremely rarely, but still be alert and establish contact with a good specialist (an endocrinologist's gynecologist), which can evaluate all risks specifically for your case. And yet, if your well-being does not cause concerns, then the increase in testosterone should not cause you negative emotions, because its content in the blood of a pregnant woman can exceed the norm in 3 or 4 times.

How to stabilize testosterone level

Hormonal Failure, Hormones, Women's Health, Men's Hormones, Testosterone

It is known that with any disease it is easier to fight at the initial stage of its development, and an increase in the level of testosterone in the blood is impossible to cure independently, so it is not necessary to engage in self-medication. At first suspicions, gynecologists and endocrinologists are engaged in hormonal problems, which will be diagnosed and in the event that the diagnosis is confirmed, adequate treatment will be prescribed. In modern medicine there are a number of drugs, the action of which is aimed at reducing the level of testosterone in the body (for example, «Diana 35», «Dexametanone», «Digostin» and others).

Testosterone level in the body is determined by blood test, which are taken from the veins of women for 5-6 days after the start of menstruation. By the way, blood fence must be held in the morning and an empty stomach. Compliance with these conditions guarantees the most accurate result. However, this is not all, because to hormonal test you need to begin to prepare at least one day before contacting the laboratory: abandon alcohol, smoking, sex, physical exertion, avoid overheating and supercooling.

In addition to receiving drugs, a diet is recommended that can enhance the effect of drugs and improve well-being. Therefore, it is necessary to include vegetable oils in your diet (olive, coke or avocado oil), fried dishes, sugar, honey, soybean, coffee, mint, cream and white bread. In addition, you can use folk methods and take tinctures and decoctions from Dyagil, the root of licorice, clopogone, enotera and marina root. Strengthening the effect of treatment will help yoga classes, because all its exercises are aimed at achieving physical and psychological comfort, thanks to which the body will begin to deal with the deviations.

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