Lactose intolerance

Milk and dairy products have always been one of the best sources of calcium for humans. However, there are people who even a few milk sips cause discomfort and many unpleasant sensations. Many write off this on the sensitivity of the stomach, but it is possible that the body cannot cope with lactose.

We distinguish the concepts of lactose and lactase?

lactose, milk, dairy products, lactose intolerance

Before talking about the problem of the body, which can not assimilate the lactose, find out its concept. Lactose is called sugar, which is contained in milk. When entering the small intestine, an enzyme is formed with a similar name - lactase. Its function is to breed lactose, glucose and galactose so that the sugar can absorb blood. However, it happens that lactase is not enough to split. In this case, not splitting lactose goes into a fat intestine. The fermentation begins and all the consequences (in the literal and figurative sense) from here the consequences:

Note that the production of lactase occurs intensively the first 2 years of life, after which it goes to a decline. Some people do not even notice this, since the production of lactase decreases gradually.

Forms of lactose intolerance

lactose, milk, dairy products, lactose intolerance

Unfortunately, lactose intolerance creates big problems for babies. One of the symptoms - diarrhea, can cause kid Dehydration of the body. Therefore, it is best to consult with a specialist in this case. If the pediatrician detects lactose intolerance, it can recommend go to artificial nutrition. In most cases, it gives positive results.

However, the child does not exceed an allergic reaction. Then specialists prescribe antihistamines. In extremely rare cases, complications may arise, they are accompanied by vomiting, difficulty breathing. Such symptoms are a sign of the rarest disease - Galaktozhemia. We already know that Galactose is formed when the lactose is cleavage of lactase. After this galactose should be transformed into glucose. However, if this does not happen, and Galactose begins to accumulate in the body, they occur serious violations - the liver, kidney is damaged, a slowdown in the development of a child, both physical and mental. Immediately it is necessary to remove the products that contain lactose.

Is it possible to cope with the ailment?

lactose, milk, dairy products, lactose intolerance

A certain method of treatment that helped the human body to start developing the enzyme - lactase, today. This problem is not a dangerous person, but still brings him a lot of inconveniences. How to cope with it? There are two options:

  1. Determine the required number «Mooms», which the body is able to fully assimilate. So you can understand - how much can you eat and drink without prejudice to health, develop the so-called «Safe minimum». Every person has an individual. Someone can drink a whole liter of milk and not feel discomfort, and someone from several sips appear symptoms of intolerance.
  2. Complete elimination of milk and dairy products from the diet. At the same time, many will see the question: where to take calcium for the body? It turns out, it is not less in green vegetables, legumes and fish products. Some people do not want to exclude «Mochoch» From the ration. Special preparations come to the rescue, which is based on the lactase enzyme. It is he who helps in the splitting of lactose.

Eat without damage to health

lactose, milk, dairy products, lactose intolerance

Lactose is contained not only in milk, but also in other dairy products - oil, cheese, kefir, yogurt, ice cream. Many people point out that their use delivers less problems. It's all about bacteria, thanks to which lactose is absorbed better. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Probiotic bacteria that are in some fermented milk products are distinguished by lactase. Therefore, it is necessary to give preference to fermented fermented, such as yogurts, kefir.
  2. Rich source of calcium are cheeses with a long maturation. The content of lactose in them is the smallest.

Do not forget that lactose may be present in other foods that you need to know.

  • meat products;
  • some sauces;
  • Candy, cakes;
  • Dry breakfasts;
  • bread.

If you still abandoned milk and dairy products, seafood must be included in your diet, which are a good source of calcium. Cow's milk can be replaced by soybean and prepare wonderful dairy dishes from it. Add also in diet legumes, citrus, nuts.

And finally, I would like to note that with the problem of lactose intolerance in fact, you can actually cope without difficulty. You only need to revise your diet and reduce the use of dairy products to others - no less delicious and useful. Health to you!

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