Causes of nausea

On the sensations associated with this word, almost every person knows. And despite this, few people can call it a pleasant feeling. Nevertheless, nausea is a symptom of a number of pathological conditions and requires timely relief. Let's talk about the main reasons provoking the development of nausea and reliable ways to temporarily facilitate the state.

On the sensations associated with this word, almost every person knows. And despite all their subjectivity, few people can call it a pleasant feeling. Nevertheless, nausea is a symptom of a number of pathological conditions and requires timely relief.

Our site will tell not only about the main reasons provoking the development of nausea, but will also prompt reliable ways to temporarily facilitate the state.

How nausea is manifested

The starting mechanism in the formation of such a body reaction to the stimulus is not only abdominal organs, but also a brain. And it is he who launches special sensations:

  • In the throat feeling «lump»;
  • sternum fence;
  • Sharp jumps «From the heat in the cold»;
  • urge to vomiting;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • dizziness.

Causes of nausea

Causes of nausea
I think that every person is able, without thinking, to name at least three states in which the nausea as a symptom has an important meaning. We systematize knowledge for greater visibility.

  1. In the first place, of course, poisoning of various nature. And not only food toxicoinfection, but also poisoning to poisonous pairs, drugs, heavy metal ions, etc. D. Nausea in all listed cases will be far from the most important symptom, but occurring in almost every disease
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis (Very optionally ulcerative), peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. This will take the pathology of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas and intestines. Again - nausea does not act as a leading symptom, but often - as a concomitant.
  3. Neurological disorders. This group of hazardous diseases at the first stage of development is accompanied by nauseous central origin due to the direct participation of the brain. Here we can attribute both mighery-like headaches of unidentified origin and various closed injuries of the cranial box and brain. A separate group is infectious diseases (meningitis and encephalitis).
  4. Pregnancy. This is where all sorts of myths about the perversion of taste addictions and morning nausea. Meanwhile, nausea and vomiting during pregnancy are symptoms Toxicosis and Gesto - dangerous and difficult to treat diseases directly related to the enhancement of the fetus.
  5. «Intolerance to public transport», As it is commonly called nausea and vomiting, developing during trips in a minibus or bus, trolleybus or subway. This condition has several reasons for both the central (from the brain) of origin and due to the imperfect operation of the digestive tract.


Causes of nausea
Judge about the true causes of the disturbing man nausea to do. First - a precinct therapist or pediatrician, and only then more narrowly specialized. We, based on knowledge of the mechanisms for the development of nausea, consider several simple and effective ways to quickly stop driving to the throat «com».

Fresh air flow. This item is especially concerned with the intolerance to public transport. Nausea often worries small children and gradually «He is growing». If the need for travel in transport is justified and indispensable, it should be remembered that clean air access and mint lollipop in the mouth are able to save the baby in a short time from the dale. Instead of caramel, even the chewing is suitable, which must be suggested, and not chew. The relief of nausea in this situation occurs due to banal focus. Only attention is not the child himself, and its body. Mint pepper, like Melissa, contained in a variety of products, relieve the attack of nausea.

Small Council Mamam. Knowing about the emergence of nausea and vomiting in a child during a trip to public transport, do not feed it with dairy products and porridge on milk. Because of the protein contained in them, enzyme production, stimulating the activity of the stomach and intestinal peristalsis. And in no case flip. Better Take a green apple and a bottle of clean drinking water.

Medications several groups depending on the cause of nausea and vomiting. Conditioned injuries headaches, loss of consciousness, nausea and vomiting in domestic (and even more so in street) conditions do not stop. In attempts to alleviate the state, some people are ready to swallow any tablet, so in such cases the lack of qualified assistance is fraught with the most serious consequences.

With moderates of moderate severity (without loss of orientation and high dehydration), enterosorbents will help to associate with sufficient drinking regime. To get involved in this one by different antiharyaic drugs should not. Otherwise, recovery will take much longer.

Features of nutrition. At this point, it is necessary to make a reservation at once that while we consider usual, relatively healthy (not yet diagnosed the opposite). Over time, adult people occur a number of changes in the structure and operation of the internal organs: the development of the digestive tract enzymes is reduced, atherosclerosis develops, the work of the cardiovascular system may be disturbed, because of which the brain suffers. Therefore, one-time nausea can be written off on errors in the diet - too much milk drinks, eaten any mollusks, treated too fat meat.

If nausea is becoming constant and accompanied by other symptoms, then it should be paid to the lifestyle and the nature of nutrition. The elimination of sharp and fatty dishes, the absence of the temptation to try exotic dishes, the use of fruits growing in our lane will help reduce the manifestations of nausea, but do not get rid of the doctor visit.

Several tips for pregnant women. Taste and olfactory perversions, characteristic of pregnant women, will not surprise anyone today. However, everything (and even permanent whims) has its own logical and medical explanation. As the fetus grow, the internal organs of women are oppressed. The diaphragm rises up, the uterus presses on the intestines, stomach and, to some extent, on the liver. Therefore, nausea may be due to the insufficient number of incoming bile or pancreatic juice. In such situations, it should be reduced in the diet products fatty and having a choleretic effect.

If nausea appears in the morning and lasts not long, all the same toothpaste with mint will help. But barely noticing that your condition deteriorates sharply, nausea is accompanied by vomiting, and relief does not occur soon, to turn to the akuster-gynecologist should immediately. Sufficient drinking mode is extremely important throughout the period of pregnancy, so it is impossible to allow such an outcome of nausea.

No matter how much ways have existed to stop the attack of nausea, you must understand that it is, first of all, a symptom, and not unpleasant escort. So, without the help of a specialist, it is unlikely to get rid of her.

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