Mantu reaction in children

Modern parents for vaccination are wary. And if with vaccinations from typical childhood diseases (measles, «Ginger», Cocky) more or less everything is clear, then notorious and however, the mystery of the manta causes a lot of questions. Really like a little «Butt» The skin will protect the baby from tuberculosis?

Our website assures that such a manta test is what her meaning is, each mother should know, because the number of ill tuberculosis Children and adults are growing around the world.

We make clarity

Mantu, vaccinations, button, manta reaction, tuberculosis

Manta's test is not at all vaccination, as many consider, but the diagnostic and preventive method. This «Butt» Helps doctors to find out how susceptible the child to the mycobacterium of a dangerous disease. Research results help not only calculate the sick, but also take control of those who have contacted patients with tuberculosis and therefore got into the risk group. Vaccination and sample - different procedures.

Some young moms sample Mantoua for some reason are convinced of the vaccination and no less convinced of trying to refuse. In fact, the vaccination from tuberculosis is BCG (BCG - Bacillus Calmette-Geren).

The first and last time it is carried out by the baby back in the maternity hospital. If a child for one reason or another is too weak, vaccination can postpone for one month. Mantu's sample makes everyone without exception to children from the first year of life up to 14 years annually, and the previous result «Buttons» For the procedure, the value does not have. If, in the will of the circumstances, the child from tuberculosis will not be vaccinated, during the period when its body is still defenseless before the disease, the reaction of Mantu is done 2 times a year. But this is not the limit to children from families, where there are tuberculosis, manta sample is shown 3-4 times a year.

How passes the procedure, everyone knows: through a special tuberculin syringe inside the skin is injected with a dose of tuberculin. As a result, the top layer of the skin sputs in the form of a well-known to everyone «»Buttons«».

Care «Butt»

The location of the administration of tuberculin does not require special care, it is generally better not to touch: comb, water water, smear by bactericidal agents, glue from above the leukoplasty is strictly prohibited. If you do not comply with these simple rules, the result of the sample can be easily distorted and thus introduce a misconception.

Sometimes an ulcer appears on the injection site. After condition «Buttons» Specialist will rate, you can care for her, as well as for any other wound or abrasion.

Types of reactions to the test Mantu

Mantu, vaccinations, button, manta reaction, tuberculosis

Negative reaction.

When there is no papula and redness in the administration of tuberculin and redness or the reaction to the injection does not exceed 1 mm, mycobacteria of cunning tuberculosis in the body has never been. There is another explanation: the vaccination made by the baby in the first days of life has ceased to act and it is time to introduce a new BCG vaccine, whose actions are enough for 5-7 years.

Dubious reaction.

Parameters «Buttons» Make up 4 mm (no more) or the skin bluses without the formation of Papula. Perhaps there are some bacteria in the body - it is impossible to say with confidence. The controversial case is a reason for re-sample Mantu.

Positive reaction.

Expressed «Butt» 5-16 mm in diameter. This means that tuberculosis pathogens have already been in the body, but the child is healthy. Evaluating changes in this reaction for several years, the doctor concludes a conclusion about the degree of sensitivity of a small patient to a tuberculosis wand.

Hypeergic (extremely pronounced) reaction.

Papula turns into a stain of 17 mm and more. In addition to this, penetration or death appears on the plot of administration of tuberculin (papule can be not very big), the lymph nodes increase. The child must inspect the physiara. The doctor may also alert the vigation of the sample: the past reaction was negative or doubtful, and the present result rolls. Perhaps the child is sick or has a high sensitivity to the pathogen of tuberculosis.

Answer positive - where to run?

Mantu, vaccinations, button, manta reaction, tuberculosis

It is impossible to panic immediately. The fact is that the test of manta - the indicator is not final and in principle little means. That is, doctors evaluate the trend in the development of the process - much more inclined the data: towards decreasing or increasing susceptibility to tuberculin.

Personal attention is particularly paying. This is the signal that the child has become more sensitive to Koch's chopstick and his immunity cannot quickly cope with the development of tuberculosis. But an increase «Buttons» It does not always warn about infection, because in this way, the kids under three can be expressed an allergic reaction to the BCG vaccine.

Dupid - not a sentence. Malicious mycobacteria penetrated the body, they will stay there for life. As a rule, the equilibrium between the growing organism and the causative agent is gradually established - immunity can somewhat suppress the vital activity of tuberculous sticks. However, a sharp and strong decrease in immunity equilibrium is violated, and the child risks getting sick. Therefore, after the test showed a positive result, to further clarify the state of health of the child, he needs to visit the anti-tuberculosis dispensary, where it will be included in the list of zero group of dispensary observation.

To finally confirm the infection with a stick of tuberculosis, additional activities are carried out in the form of an x-ray of the organs of the chest, microbiological sowing of sputum, surveys of the whole family of the child. When the results of a full examination of any traces of terrible disease show, the positive result of the sample is considered to be an allergic reaction.

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