How to measure basal temperature

Measuring basal temperature (BT) is considered to determine ovulation in a simple way. At the same time, the graphic temperature graph covers information about the processes occurring in the female body, its possible disorders and diseases. It is believed that this method is an indication of how seriously a woman relates to their health.

From which the basal temperature depends

Basal temperature, Lutein phase, menstrual cycle, ovulation, temperature

Menstrual cycle consists of two phases - follicular and Lutheinova. The first phase is a segment of time from monthly to ovulation, Hy «Manager» Hormon estrogen. The second phase begins after ovulation and lasts until menstruation, «controlled» She is a hormone of pregnancy - progesterone. But at the moment when one hormone is replaced by another, eggs are born and ovulation occurs.

It is from these hormones that the basal temperature will be in a woman. During the follicular phase, it is low and averages 36.2-36.5 degrees. Immediately before ovulation, the temperature indicators are falling even lower, and at the time of ovulation increases for several divisions and can be temperatures 37.0 and more. It is believed that at the time of ovulation, the leap of temperature should be at least 0.2 degrees. The entire luteane phase basal temperature retains rather high indicators, which are gradually decreasing until menstruation occurs.

Fundamental rules for measuring BT

Basal temperature, Lutein phase, menstrual cycle, ovulation, temperature

Every month you need to make a new measurement schedule of basal temperature. To do this, take the leaf into the cell and draw two axes on it: the first is the vertical, the second is horizontal. Both axes break on divisions, where in the first axis one division is 0.1 degrees, and in the second one day.

Approximate indicators that need to be indicated on the temperature axis - from 35.7 to 37.2 degrees. It should be borne in mind that the doctors do not give accurate numbers, as your schedule should look, everything is very individual, because everyone can be different.

The axis on which days are determined, you need to break up so many divisions as your menstrual cycle lasts approximately. It should be borne in mind that the duration of the follicular phase can be different. But the lutein phase, which occurs after ovulation, is approximately the same and ranges from 10 to 14 days in a month.

Waking up in the morning and without getting out of bed, you need to measure the temperature prepared from the evening a thermometer. After that, put the appropriate mark in your graphics. After the cycle is over, all points can be connected to one line. See the full picture of the graphics of the basal temperature, which will be informative enough for you, and for your doctor, it will be possible after you are at least three such graphs.

Measuring BT during menstruation

Basal temperature, Lutein phase, menstrual cycle, ovulation, temperature

There are different opinions, is it worth measuring the temperature in critical days. In order to accurately answer this question, we need to look at the averaged general indicators of basal temperature.

Doctors note that during the lutein phase, the temperature should slowly decrease. But with the occurrence of monthly recession becomes more sharp and is observed daily. By the end of menstruation, the indicators are becoming a level that is characteristic of the follicular phase, that is, 36.2-36.5 degrees.

Indicators during menstruation can tell a lot about women's health. For example, if the temperature is not reduced or even rises, then you should contact the doctor to pass surveys. True, only BT indicators for diagnosis are not enough, but temperature measurement during menstruation can help avoid many problems.

How to decrypt BT indicators

In the first follicular phase, the doctors fully allow indicators, varying from 36.2 to 36.8 degrees - all this depends on the characteristics of a particular body. But the alarming bell may be the temperature from 37.0 and above. It can talk about Hormonal disorders, In particular, about the lack of estrogen. But only a special analysis can confirm this diagnosis. It should also be alert if the temperature in the first phase rises a couple of days to 37.0 degrees and above, after which it falls to «Normal» marks - it can talk about inflammatory processes occurring in genitals.

During the day or two before the onset of ovulation, the temperature drops several points, after which it increases sharply. These are these 3 days and are considered the most favorable to conceive the kid. If your goal is protection, then use contraceptives is better 4 days before the onset of ovulation and another 2-3 after.

The offensive of the lutein phase is characterized by increasing temperature. According to the average indicators, the difference between the first and second phase of the menstrual cycle should be at least 0.4 degrees. If these indicators are lower, you can talk about hormonal failure and lack of progesterone. But any diagnoses can be set only after the appropriate examination.

Determination of pregnancy when measuring BT

Basal temperature, Lutein phase, menstrual cycle, ovulation, temperature

In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, closer to the beginning of critical days, the body temperature should gradually decrease. It can be quite slow decline, but it should be observed. If this does not occur after 14 days of the lutein phase, the temperature remains approximately the same level or even slightly rises, that is, all the grounds for buying the dough.

MirSoveto notes that buying a test and contact a doctor only after you have started delay of menstruation. Only in this case, doctors and test will be able to confirm your position.

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