How to get rid of lice

I could not suspect that when my mother would braid my braids on September 1 to school, she will see the insane number of lice in my head. And I could not even think that I had a lice, because of which on the same day my long curly hair turned into a boring carure. So I got acquainted with parasites for the first time.

Specialized centers have now appeared, which offer professional assistance in pediculose with a guarantee of the full result of deliverance from lice and GND for one procedure.

Currently, one of the most reliable ways to combat lice and nits is the combination of the Shepherd method. The effectiveness of this method is confirmed by numerous positive results and reviews of people who have been treated.
The essence of the method is to combine hair combing on a specially developed technology with a subsequent careful inspection of each hair strand to confirm the quality of the procedure. On the same day, you or your child will be able to return to your usual life and forget that you have ever been to.
This method of treating pediculose has no contraindications and side effects. The method is suitable for any person, whether little children, allergic, pregnant or nursing women. At the same time there is no need to use toxic tools in the fight against lice or stroll.
I remember very much this day: I am 10 years old, I go into a room with toys. Suddenly begins to hide the head that in itself natural. Reflexively satisfying the desire, to carry his hand through the field of view and notice under the nail midge. I could not suspect that in a couple of days, when my mother would braarms to me on September 1 to school, she will see a crazy number of such midges on my head. And I could not even think that the midges are these - the lice, because of which on the same day my long curly hair turned into a boring carure. So I got acquainted with parasites for the first time.

It is believed that stiffness, or pediculosis (from Latin pediculus - in line) accompanies places that are foci of natural cataclysms and crisis situations in society. Insurance, as a rule, occurs in a low-income population that does not comply with the elementary rules of personal hygiene. But still, despite this, no formed, educated and a clean man cannot be insured against the case: Vership is extremely prolific, and they are easy to get infected.

a brief description of

Versh are bloodsowing insects, parasites of mammals and a person, the whole life cycle of which takes place on «owner». On the person parasitiate: headwash, wrapping and louse (or lobcas).

Headwash dwells on the hairproof head.

Hardwashing lice Most of the time hide in clothes parasitizing on the body «owner» Only a few minutes a day. Most often, these lice can be found in places sealing clothes (in folds, seams), it is laid there with eggs.

Damplists It strikes mainly the skin of the pubic and crotch, and sometimes the armpits, eyebrows and eyelashes.

Versh multiplied, laying eggs (nits), which are held at the roots of the hair due to adhesive selection. After 3-8 days later, larvae appear, which for 3 weeks reach full development. Externally, small and large lies are different only. Lice have brown, gray or light yellow color. Their size varies from 0.5 to 6 mm (dams up to 1.5 mm). Thanks to three pairs of legs, the parasite is attached to the owner's hair, forming claws, which helps to hold onto the human body. Summary has a polly-sucking machine and very developed salivary glands. During sucking, the insect skews the skin by a trunk, which is accompanied by itching on the skin of a person. The life expectancy of the insect on the body «owner» It is 1-2 months, in the external environment - 3-7 days.

Wrench can be a source of diseases of such diseases as a rapid and return. The danger of infection with the title from lice occurs after 4 days from the moment of their parasitization on the sick person. The bite of the parasite, in itself, does not represent any danger: the infection occurs when the insect is crushed and rubbing the fluid flowing out of it, or its feces in damaged areas of the skin (mass) when the bite caused by bite.

Causes of the appearance of wednes

As if stereotypes are not Yazvili, that pediculosis is the fate of people without a certain place of residence, among the usual population the disease is also quite often found. And be that as it may, the lice of all goals will choose the one that is often washed, where the skin is clean, for the reason that in the insects are easier, thanks to the smallest number of substances secreted by sall glands, suck blood.

Since the lice does not jump, do not fly, but run, our site warns that the infection can occur with direct contact, that is, when touched hair, from using infected things (hats, towels, bed linen, comb), when visiting a bath, sauna , pools; either just put the head on the pillow or spend the night on the bed where the man had a sleep before that, whose behalf - it all depends on what kind of choshi you got.

Pediculosis is more often affected by children: infection can occur in the nursery, kindergartens, school.


One of the main signs that you have a pediculosis - this is a strong itching in places of defeat
One of the main signs that you have a pediculosis - this is a strong itching in places of defeat. When heading lice, the focus of itch will occur in the occipital part and behind the ears, when weeding lice - in the zone of tight fit of the clothes to the body, with the damkers - in the pubic zone. Itching can lead to bumps accompanied by guns, furunculas and t.D. The patient suffers From insomnia, Loses appetite. Anxiety may appear - who is nice to become a link of the food chain?

Funds to remove lice

One wash and laundry wash can not be limited to neither when the insect itself is removed, nor when delivering from the GDID.

I sewed twice, and if for the first time I was cutting the length of the hair and after a long time we took insects, then in the second - I killed my hair absolutely. And although, of course, this is the most faithful way of head parasites, such radical measures no one from you requires.

It will be easier to get rid of Damplists (pubic lice). You can really shave all hair - this is not the most terrible sacrifices. And after, in order to avoid infection, the place of bites to disinfect special ointment (10% white mercury ointment). With eyelashes and eyebrows will not be difficult to remove parasites with nails.

At Having woined Simple washing with a conventional cleaning powder will not be effective. It should be boiled or processed by ferry underwear and clothing, after posting for a week in the sun in the ventilated room. Either first to process the infected zone by any insecticidal drug, leave for a couple of hours to absorb poison, after to strike the thing and again hang in the sun. In a week, for prevention, stroke folds and seams with iron.

From Head westers Get rid of somewhat more difficult.
How to get rid of lice, nit free
There are many other recipes for getting rid of parasites: from folk to reasonable. Specialized centers have now appeared, which offer professional assistance in pediculose with a guarantee of the full result of deliverance from lice and GND for one procedure. In Russia, this service is provided by the Center for Pediculse «Lyz Eway». Different products are sold in pharmacies, the cheapest and most effective of which is cheerful water. There are also shampoos, aerosols, ointments. As an example, our site will result in some of them: «Nittifor» (There is cream and solution), which displays ectoparasites (lice and GDID, BLOC, scabry ticks), being one of the most effective means; «Par-Plus» (spray can); Full range of funds against lice and gid «Nit Free», Ordinary anti-slip shampoos for cats and dogs (which are also in demand).

Before using these funds, you should read the instructions. When choosing funds, you can consult a specialist without shame. And the treatment of the child can assign a pediatrician, wringing a recipe.

When using synthetic agents, an allergic reaction may occur, moreover, many drugs are contraindicated in pregnant women and children. Therefore, you should contact the gentle natural methods of struggle, without exposing itself and your child's danger.

Cranberry juice is effective against the GDID, since it dissolves the top sheath of the eggs with its acidic medium. Dusty and Degtyar Soap, due to the high presence of alkali, also effectively destroys parasites.

Plus steam aerosol
There is another rather radical way - it is painting hair. Hydrogen peroxide is an already terrible tool against insects, due to its indifference and concentration.

Decoration of wormwood, use of boiled beet, mint juice or parsley - Methods ineffective, but used in folk medicine.

The effectiveness or ineffectiveness of many means is an individual business, and if someone cannot help shampoo, then for other ordinary rinsing with apple vinegar will save from lice.

Folk remedies exist to get rid of lice existed and exist. Their effectiveness is approximately 90%. Of course, they can be applied, but carefully, and you should know that:

- When using kerosene hair for a long time can not be completed. Kerosene is fluttered for a long time, spoils her hair (they become sticky and dirty in appearance), it makes it difficult to comb;

- Vinegar dries hair, and a concentrated solution and can burn the skin at all. Vinegar kills lice and has a disinfecting effect, although it does not derive the income;

- «Dichlofos» and similar means are very toxic due to phosphorods and carbonates contained in them. You can get poisoning.

All this is supported by the inconvenience of the operation: after applying any means you need to wear a plastic bag on my hair and wrap your head with a towel - such a design should be worn at least 2 hours.
After using any means, it is necessary to play the head with a special frequent ridge and remove each egg manually
After using any means, it is necessary to play the head with a special frequent ridge and remove each egg manually. Combination will take several days, as it is not easy to bring the nicky. If the hair is long, then they will have to cut, at least to the level of the shoulders - it will be easier to make dead insects and eggs. Additionally, it is possible to facilitate this procedure, applying balm, fish oil, olive or gerane oil, giving «Slip effect». Olive oil also eliminates parasites, and Gerani oil also has anti-inflammatory action, heals the wounds.

Since the children most often are subject to pediculosis, quarantine should be announced in the whole group or even throughout the institution (if we are talking about a small kindergarten) and process the means for disinfection or the prevention of all children, and otherwise all efforts to come to you will come to you «No». In the family where one person's infection occurred, it is necessary to inspect all residents of the apartment, although it is not necessary that someone else will be infected.

Pediculza prevention

The main means of preventing stiffness - Compliance with personal hygiene: regular body washing (no less than 2 times a week), changing and bed linen; washing bed linen at high temperature, stroking clothes with hot iron, especially seams, where lice usually lay eggs
The main means of preventing stiffness - Compliance with personal hygiene: regular body washing (no less than 2 times a week), changing and bed linen; washing bed linen at high temperature, stroking clothes with hot iron, especially seams, where lice usually lay eggs.

Do not learn your comb.

Lice scares the smell of tea tree and lavender, therefore, so that they do not clutch, you should apply a drop of fluid into the occipital part and behind the ears.

In order not to repeatedly infection with pediculose, our site recommends things that were used in the family (and mostly the towels, hats, bed linen, clothing, having hoods and collars, soft toys), boil and not use them for 2 week weeks. Without «owner» The insect can live a maximum of 7 days, the output of the parasite from the egg occurs during the week, therefore a period equal to 14 days, is an indicator of the desired refusal of a previously infected thing in case the nice did not die. That is, during the period, the insect will die independently without food.

To check the presence / absence of lice, it follows a bright cloth to comb your head - it will noticeably immediately. There is another way - so I discovered in my stake in my second time: when I bathed in the bathroom, the hair risen in standing water - several insects surfaced.

Pediculosis is a fairly frequent phenomenon, both in children and in adults. You can fear this disease, but you do not need to be ashamed of it. Despite the development of nanotechnology, the invention of the bike and the launch of ships into the outer space, insects of the time of the centuries accompany humanity on the basis of the development of everything and all. And their presence is an indicator of living on Earth, with which other indicators have to deal with.

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