What is manual therapy


  • Manual therapy
  • When manual therapy will help

  • Manual therapy

    Manual medicine (manual therapy) is the scientific direction and the area of ​​medical practice, which is a system of manual medical techniques, with the help of which it is possible to effectively get rid of the diseases of the spine, joints, muscular and ligament, internal organs, bones of the skull, head and spinal membrane brain, as well as cranial brain nerves.

    The special value of this method lies in the fact that it allows you to solve many problems that are impossible to cure other medical and even surgical means.

    Skin-subcutaneous and miofascial manual therapy - Used to eliminate pathological changes in the skin, subcutaneous fat layer, muscles, bundles and fascia. Hands of a manual therapist, exploring soft fabrics, detect seals and trenches due to the sticking of the fabrics, and eliminate them. The result of manual therapy is manifested by the disappearance of local pain, the restoration of symmetry of body parts, the modulation of posture.

    What is manual therapyArthro Vertebrian Manual Therapy. Another goal of manual therapy is the restoration of the joint function - assumes another technique of manual impact. The manual therapist uses a soft manual therapy that resembles elements of massage, but the impact is obtained more intense and targeted. All actions The manual therapist coordinates with the patient, so it is possible to achieve the desired result without frightening jerks. If necessary, the manual therapist uses stretching and tighter technique (blow, traction push).

    The results of the Arro-Vertebrian Manual Therapy: Restoration of the disk apparatus, elimination of the compression of nerve roots, elimination of muscle spasm, articular contractures.

    Crane-sacral manual therapy. A separate area of ​​manual influences is the head. Acting on the muscles and joints of the skull, the manual therapist improves blood flow not only in surface tissues, but also, due to reflex links, in the brain. The result of crane-sacred manual therapy is the disappearance of headaches and dizziness, improvement of memory and thinking, reducing elevated intracranial pressure.

    Visceral manual therapy. Manual therapy can regulate the work of the heart and light, gallbladder and intestines, genitals and urination organs. Manual technology includes diagnostics with which a manual therapist determines the pathology of a particular organ on a local decrease or an increase in muscle tone. Visceral manual therapy is used in the omission of internal organs, adhesive process, dyskinesia. The result of manual treatment is the restoration of the function of the internal organs.

    When manual therapy will help

    • Pathological changes of the spine. Experience I «Golden» Hands of a manual therapist help without surgery to treat intervertebral hernias of discs, osteochondrosis, scoliosis, dorsopathy (radiculitis, pain syndromes), stubborn intercostal neuralgia.
    • Muscle and joint diseases. Manual therapy helps with arthrosis, post-traumatic contractures (When limiting mobility in the joint), Plecelopaper periatritis (With inflammation of the near-block fabrics), will save from pain and cramps in the limbs.
    • Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. Manual therapy contributes to the discontinuity treatment of the trigeminal nerve, headache, dizziness, has a psychotherapeutic effect, contributes to the removal of stress.
    • Diseases of internal organs (gastrointestinal tract, endocrine, respiratory, cardiovascular, immune system). Manual therapist eliminates lymphostasis and venous stagnation in porcantic spaces.
    • Injuries. Manual therapy - a unique method of restoring the body after automotive accidents, domestic injuries and operational interventions.

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