Blood thinning products

Viscous blood, elevated density is a big problem for human health. Often, precisely elevated blood flow leads to unpleasant consequences - the formation of blood clots in the heart and on the walls of the vessels, poor work of the kidneys, heart attacks and deterioration of well-being.

Blood is a medium, on the proper functioning of which all active processes occur in the human body depend. When deviating from the norm, its discharge occurs or thickening. In both cases, this leads to bad consequences.

The cause of high blood viscosity is a large load on the vessels that «postpone» on the walls of blood clots. To take care of your health is constantly, so at the first symptoms of deterioration of well-being, it is necessary to find out the reason. More about the causes of blood thickening, as well as how to avoid it and what products to use, will tell myMedinform.Com.

Why blood thickens

thick blood, blood, blood dilution, vessels

One of the most common reasons, according to experts, are:

  1. The formation of bad cholesterol, which damages the walls of the vessels.
  2. Violation of the liver work and as a result, a change in plasma, which leads to its viscosity.
  3. Human disorders.
  4. Eating large quantities of fatty foods, as well as products having a high starch content.

Human blood is 90 percent consists of water. When a person drinks low-quality water - dirty, chlorinated, with a high content of gases, the body spends a lot of strength and energy to convert, that is, clean this water. Naturally, with the enhanced work of the body, he lacks enzymes affecting the full splitting of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Insufficient generation of enzymes leads to the fact that foods come into the blood, not enough «Purified», That is non-oxidized. These products and cause violation of special, biochemical processes in the blood and as a result, red blood cells start «merge», which leads to the insufficient formation of blood oxygen. Simply put, cells and fabrics of the body get oxygen starvation.

A number of reasons leading to blood conduction:

  1. Wrong work of the spleen.
  2. When the body is completely «Zakislesheet» (Alkali Balance Violation).
  3. When a person constantly dismisses himself with physical workouts and at the same time a little drinks fluid.
  4. Living in a hot climate.
  5. When the water that man drinks is very poorly absorbed.
  6. With long exposure.
  7. With constant and excessive eating sugar and other products containing a lot of sugar and light carbohydrates.
  8. Insufficient admission to the body of minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin C, lecithin, zinc and selenium.
  9. With frequent use of smoked products, salted, meat, as well as canned products.
  10. With constant accommodation in environmentally unfavorable areas.
  11. If it fails to eat salts or insufficient use.
  12. In obesity.

Signs of thickening

thick blood, blood, blood dilution, vessels

First of all, according to experts, a person has a broken blood in a person with a high thickness of blood «flow» - blood flow changes in capillary bed. As a result, the saturation of blood oxygen is disturbed, and carbon dioxide is not displayed or illustrated. This can lead to frequent dizziness, a change in skin color, as well as violation of the work of many organs.

With thick blood, thrombus are formed in vessels, which can lead to acute infarction and strokes.

When the formation of thromboms begins in vessels located in deep veins, edema feet (hands) are formed before the place where the thrombus is located. In this place a person feels an increase in temperature, there is a feeling that the skin is hot.

In the initial stages of the disease, a person can feel severe pain in the muscles, edema appear, arising from a long stay in a vertical position.

With the appearance of blood clots in different parts of the veins, a person can feel acute pain in the liver area, in some cases vomiting with blood can open.

Thrombosis of mesenteric vessels (with severe pathology), in which there are no symptoms, and the course of the disease develops rapidly.

Products helping to freeze blood

thick blood, blood, blood dilution, vessels

Before reading a list of blood products, get acquainted with those products that it is strictly prohibited with this disease, it is advisable to almost exclude from the diet. All of them contain vitamin to.

Blood thickened: bananas, white sugar, freshly baked white bread, any food containing sugar (cookies, cupcakes, cakes, cakes, candy, etc.). As well as potatoes, fatty food rich in proteins, any smoked foods and canned vegetables, carbonated water and sweets drinks, herbs: St. John's wort, nettle, basil and yarrow and even just welded borsch!

To avoid blood thickening, it is necessary to conduct a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to eat and abide by drinking mode. On a day, a person needs to drink one and a half or two liters of purified water without gas. Also, in addition to water, you can drink green tea, herbal teas, fresh fruit and vegetable juices. By the way, experts advise, a coral calcium can be added to drinking water, which will contribute to the discharge of blood.

Very well helps to voice blood grape juice, pressed from red grapes. Juice should be fresh.

Food is needed to use sea fish as the main source of protein, high-quality dairy products - kefir and yogurt, quail and chicken eggs. It is enough two times a week for drinking dietary meat and chicken white (without peel and fat) meat.

thick blood, blood, blood dilution, vessels

Products helping to cope with the problem:

  1. Any berries, in particular, preference should be given fresh berries of sweet cherry, red currant and cherries.
  2. Fig.
  3. Garlic (one slicing) and half the bulbs per day.
  4. Oranges and lemons.
  5. Buryak.
  6. Grenades.
  7. In small quacao.
  8. Ginger root.
  9. Sunflower seeds.
  10. Well drench blood olive and linseed oil.
  11. Mulberry.
  12. Walnuts and almonds. On the day to achieve the result you need to eat up to 30 pieces.
  13. Dredged wheat seeds that are rich in vitamin E. On a day you need to eat about two tablespoons of seeds, they can be crushed and add to not hot food.
  14. Sweet, preferably red pepper (Bulgarian), one thing per day.
  15. Tomatoes and homemade tomato juice are very well thinning blood.
  16. Grapefruit Suffer or Fresh Grapefruit.

All of the above products, fruits and vegetables will give all useful substances with proper storage and use. It is undesirable to eat vegetables and fruits on which there are dents and other damage.

be healthy!

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