How RectorOnoscopy is held

RectorOnoscopy in the practice of a coloproktologist - a common method of research, allowing to know the state of the rectum and the lower part of the sigmoid. A more sort of name - rectoroscopy. Is it necessary to prepare for this procedure? How it passes? About the instrument used by a specialist and other important aspects will tell our website.

General information about rectoromanoscopy

intestine, intestinal diseases, examination, proctology, rectoromanososcopy

This endoscopic study is carried out using a special device called a rectoscope. It allows you to give a visual assessment of the inner surface of the intestinal from the rear pass at a distance of 30 cm. The device is similar to the hollow inside the tube having a small diameter, it is made of metal and is equipped with optics. Entering the device into the rectum through anus, a proctologist (or endoscopist) gets the opportunity to inspect the intestinal mucous membrane, capturing the part of the Sigmoid Department. The endoscopist does not necessarily draw attention to elasticity, color, humidity, shine and embossed pattern, folding mucous membrane, makes conclusions about the state of vessels, tone and motor activity of the examined intestinal departments. If suddenly the neoplasm will be observed, the specialist complies his small part to carry out a histological analysis.

When the procedure is shown?

intestine, intestinal diseases, examination, proctology, rectoromanososcopy

If the intestine is clogged with hiding masses, it will make it difficult to introduce a rectoscope into the back pass, the inspection will be impossible. The work of the endoscopist will complicate if recently a patient was conducted irrigoscopy and there is a residual barray. In order for the examination to be effective, it helped to identify the causes of malaise, to it should be prepared accordingly. Long before the procedure, the doctor should clarify the patient that for inspecting the intestinal mucosa of the intestine it will be necessary to resort to the rectoscope, which will have to be administered through anal hole. The proctologist clarifies whether there is no allergies in a patient, what medicinal products it uses whether he has been conducted in the last seven days of the survey of the GTC with X-ray-contrast barium. The doctor will then explain to the patient that on the eve of the procedure (24-48 hours), he will need to comply with a diet, clean his intestine. At this time, vegetables and fruits are excluded from consuming, it is given - to drink more. On the day preceding the procedure, dinner must be skipped, replacing it with a cup of tea. Most proctologists lean towards the fact that the procedure must be appointed on the morning so that it is made on an empty stomach. In some cases, it can be recommended 3 hours before coming to the procedure (or in the evening) carrying out the cleaning enema for which it is necessary to use conventional water and the circle of Escam. Our site warns that you do not need soap water for such purposes. Sometimes they resort to the cleaning of the intestinal tract with the help of laxatives. Among them - Duhalak, Norma, Fleet, Fordrans. The patient before the procedure is warned that before the introduction of the rectoscope will be smeared so that it is better moved in a rectum, so many have false urges for defecation. While the endoscope movement, the intestine is a little stretched, it often causes colic. To straighten the intestinal mucous membrane, air will be supplied to the intestine. If the patient feels that gases want to get out of the intestine, he should not impede it. If there is chronic inflammation in the rectum, then 20 minutes before the administration of the rectoscope, it will be treated with a solution of a local substrary drug.


intestine, intestinal diseases, examination, proctology, rectoromanososcopy

A survey in a clinic or hospital passes, its duration - about 20 minutes. First you need to remove all the clothes below the belt. Typically, a patient is issued disposable special shorts made for research. It is most convenient to carry out all manipulations on a high couch when the patient is in the knee-elbow pose. If the patient is on the left side, then under its left hip put a roller or small sizes. The doctor cautiously removes the right buttock aside, examines the anal hole. Next, it follows Palpation (examination with the help of the fingers of the proctologist) of the anal opening and the rectum area. It is recommended to breathe through the mouth at these moments, calmly and deep. After removing the finger, the proctologist will noted whether the feces are present, isolation (purulent, mucous or bleed). The endoscope tube with the garbage inserted into it is lubricated with a vaseline or gel, slowly introduced by 5 cm in anus. Then the commoner is replaced by the eyepiece, after which the device continues its slow motion in the rectum. When it passes an anal valve, then it is necessary to fit on, as it happens when the intestine is emptying. So that the colon folds are spread, there is air supply to the intestinal machine. If fecal masses prevented further inspection, the eyepiece will be removed, and its place will replace the cotton swab, necessary for cleaning the intestinal lumen. Mixing mucus, blood is removed by applying electrics. If it is necessary to remove polypose growths, the coagulation loop is introduced. When the inspection is completed, all biomaterial samples are taken (from inflammatory sites or neoplasms), the device is gradually pulled out. Biomaterial is preserved in a special way, placed in the required capacity. To avoid falling blood pressure, a few minutes the patient is better to lie on the back. Some time after the procedure from the intestines will go out. MyMedinform.COM warns that if a biopsy was made, blood streaks will be noticeable in the feces in the first days, it should not be afraid of it.

The skillful effects of the endoscopist will not cause pain to the patient. Discomfort may occur, but it is connected with the fact that during the procedure in the intestine is air. Painfulness If there are, then tolerant, not requiring the introduction of painkillers. Under anesthesia, such a survey makes only young children.

To whom the procedure is contraindicated?

intestine, intestinal diseases, examination, proctology, rectoromanososcopy

Proctologists consider a rectoroscopy a simple, practically no harm to the procedure if a specialist is conducted with the necessary skills and skills. The list of absolute contraindications to this method is not. But there are some situations when it should not be started:

  1. Pronounced narrowing of the enlightenment of anal passage.
  2. Strong bleeding, having a threat to the patient's life.
  3. Acute inflammation in the abdominal cavity and anal canal.
  4. Acute paraprojectitis, the presence of an acute cracker anus.

Fear of the described survey is not worth it, although some discomfort at the time of the procedure is present. Conducted RectorOnoscopy allows in the early stages to diagnose a number of pathological changes in a straight and sigmoid intestine (more precisely, one third of it).

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