Even in the morning, your baby went to kindergarten or school completely healthy, and, returning from there, began to tick his nose, pushing, his eyes blushed, hoang a voice and he looks like Nevaznets.
«Shept!» - you are stating and open Home Asthechka, Thinking what kind of pill give your chad. Or are going to the pharmacy to buy a pack-other miraculous pill. Stop! Do not hurry to contact the pharmaceutics, our site offers to start with the domestic ways of treatment of colds, which are quick, and most importantly, without harm to the young organism, will put in order to your son or daughter.
The described treatment is repeatedly tested in practice, which shows that the procedures started on time will not develop a cold for something more serious. In addition Treatment of cold You will use things and products that are in any house.
So you will need:
- patience;
- 2-3 days when it is desirable to cancel visiting educational institutions;
- dry mustard, vodka, honey (preferably liquid), sunflower oil, flour, terry towel, woolen socks (better «Self-Dink»);
- Buy in a pharmacy: paper for compresses, wide bandage, gauze, drops in the nose of plant origin «Pinosol», Balsam for massage «Barzuchok», «Chest collect» (Better No. 2), sage, liquid «Rotokan» (a mixture of liquid extracts of chamomile, calendula and yarrow), fir oil, inhaler (it can be replaced by a saucepan with a diameter of 15-18 cm).
We fight with a runny nose
Begin with a nose washing. Make the next mixture in the glass: ? C.L. Sololi, ? C.L. Soda dissolve in a glass of warm boiled water. Wash your nose with this solution. How to do it? Pour the solution in a sieve and ask the child to pull the spout of this driver, delaying it in the nose, and then releasing back. After each pulling, it is easy to high.
Washes It is advisable to do 5-6 times a day depending on the degree of nasal congestion and the amount of selection. After each washing, instill a baby in the spanno span, preferably vegetable origin (for example, «Pinosol»).
If the child is quite amplify, you can warm up, that is, act dry heat on Gaimorov Pazukha. It will contribute to the best discharge of allocations and impede the development of inflammation.
Attention! Do not force the child to blow the root for a long time and loud.
Fir oil and sage
Wonderful way to help the body cope with cold - inhalation. They, firstly, have an anti-inflammatory effect, secondly, it is the possibility of influencing the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.
In inhalations well combine two drugs. It can be infusion of sage and fir oil. Sage is an excellent antiseptic, will help disinfect the mucous membranes, and the fir oil contributes to the sputum of sputum.
Our site advises to fall on inhalation 10 minutes - this is the optimal time since it will not have time to cool for this gap and infusion, and the baby will not get tired of conducting this procedure. And you can try to make it more fascinating: Put an hourglass in front of a child so that he watches the shredded grapes, start the alarm clock or timer at a certain time - their signal will notify the end of the procedure.
Inhalations spend from 3 to 6 times a day.
By the way, the fir oil 1-2 per day can be lubricated Glands. It is not difficult to do it, the main thing is to act quickly, so as not to call the child of the vomit reflex. Wrap a long wand or a sterile bandage, dripped on it 1-2 drops of fir oil and, asking the baby to open the mouth, quickly spend on gland.
Attention! Inhalations spend 1.5 hours after meals, and after them it is desirable not to eat, do not drink, not to talk within 30-60 minutes.
What will be the throat rinse?
In the interruptions between inhalations (3-5 times a day) there will be very effective throat. Here you can refuse familiar to us since childhood grandmother's recipe - rinsing with soda mortar. Far from everyone will like his taste! Experiment: Suggest the baby braverains of herbs (sage, chamomile, trousers) or «Rotokan» (add 1 h.L. on a glass of warm water).

Attention! The statement that the hotter will be water for rinsing, the better - nothing more than myth. Optimal temperature - 37 degrees.
Who is an ally in the fight against the cough?
Cough is one of the main hazards of the cold, running, which, you risk getting all kinds of complications. So start the struggle as quickly as possible. This will help you all sorts of breast fees (read the method of brewing on packages) or ordinary mother and stepmother, which you can prepare yourself at the end of spring. Make info and let's drink a child 20 minutes before meals in warm form.
During the day, the patient must consume more fluid to dilute the sputum. Suggest Warm Drink every 40-60 minutes. In addition, the liquid will help leash the slags from the body.
Well, at night - traditional delicious medicine: very warm milk with honey or raspberry.

With a strong dry cough, you can advise such a drink. In 200 g of boiling milk dissolve 1 st.L. Sage and boiling 3-4 min. Then leave in the same dishes for 30 minutes, after which they filter and heated.
There are many options for warming compresses, but not all of them are suitable for children. Our site recommends compress that is good because its warmth is very soft, it does not annoy the tender child skin, and it uses completely ordinary products in any house.
So, mix in glass dishes of a small diameter of 1 st.L. liquid honey, dry mustard, vodka and sunflower oil. Rubbing until the formation of a homogeneous mass and gradually add flour to it until it is time until this mass becomes a cool dough. Heat the mixture on a water bath. While it is heated, prepare the basis for the compress. These are two pieces of compress paper: one on the back, the other on the chest. They put marla slightly smaller. From the heated base for the compress, three pellets are formed: two on the back, one on the chest. Put them on gauze, cover the same piece of gauze and apply the baby to the body. Compress paper should be on top. Then wander the child with a terry towel and binding to a wide bandage. Your task is to achieve the maximum density of the adjustment of the compress to the body, but not to squeeze the baby's body. It is advisable to make a compress for the night, because in a dream the patient will move less, and hence the bandage does not slip.
Attention! Compress (non-paper, but cakes) should not close the spinal and heart area.
Paris legs correct
The procedure called people «Farming», Has a medical name - hot foot baths. Our site draws your attention to that the benefits of such baths will be, if they carry them out for 8-10 minutes, raise the temperature gradually (from 37 to 40-45 degrees), and then put woolen socks on the legs with a dry mustard. By the way, you can add 4-6 drops of fir oil, which will not only fill the room with an aroma, but, dissolved in a large amount of water, with inhalation will disinfect the nasophary cavity.
After a foot bath or even instead you can grasp the feet of a small patient with a balm «Barzuchok», which will prolong the effect of heat. With the same balm, you can rub your back and chest baby at night, after which the patient needs to be caught.
Attention! Hot baths can be done for hands. The effect will be no less.
Give the child to the installation for recovery. Stroke more, caress, hug a small patient. When he falls asleep or already sleeps, sneeze next to him, foster the head and firmly and confidently say a few phrases that your son or daughter will definitely correct. For example, «I have the strongest», «Your nose breathes free», «Tomorrow you wake up, and the throat does not hurt». Such programming for health, if it is confident, can work wonders!
Health to you and your children!
IMPORTANT! All procedures related to the heating of the body or its individual parts (compress, mustard pieces, hot foot baths, inhalation), can not be carried out at elevated body temperatures!