What is retinoids

Among drugs that dermatologists are prescribed to patients with complex treatment of skin rashes, there are those in their composition of retinoids. Of course, every girl and woman want to be beautiful and attractive. And wanting to get rid of acne, many acquire funds with retinoids, having heard good feedback from girlfriends. Is it possible to resort to their help without councils of specialists?

General information about retinoids

Vitamin A, Vitamins, Dermatology, Skin Diseases, Retinoides, Skin Care

The name of this group of substances was given from the word «Retinol» (so doctors refer to Vitamin A). That is, it is the structural analogs of this vitamin, its natural forms or a synthetic way. Vitamin A is very important for our skin, it affects the differentiation of epithelium cells. It has long been known that Retinol helps with many skin pathologies. But when it began to try to use in the therapy in its pure form, it caused an overpressure of cell peeling and other unwanted effects. Therefore, scientists have made some minor changes in the structure of its formula and introduced the resulting substance into the drug. And the medicine began to show the selective effect on certain structural elements of the skin, and the toxicity and manifestations of side effects decreased. The first preparation was shown in 1971 and was called Retin-A. Now you can meet with retinoid creams for face, hands, legs, nails. Means are produced to treat acne treatment, cellulite prevention and hair recovery. Now known more than 1500 retinoids. And only a few dozen of them can really benefit a person.

Popular retinoids used in medicine and cosmetology.

The classification of retinoids is as follows:

  1. The first generation includes retinol acetate and palmitate, tertinoin (retin A, Locacide, Ayrol); Isotretinoin (isotrec, roaccutane, retiname ointment); Alitretinoin. Basically, they are used in dermatology for the treatment of acne.
  2. The second generation represent Etretinat, acitretine (neotigan), they are used for therapy Psoriasis and dermatozov.
  3. The third generation (they are also called selective retinoids) - Beksoten, Tasroten.

The combination of isotreetinoin and erythromycin was patented as a drug «Isotrexin». «Ehilik», «Akne Micin» - This is a combination of tertinin and erythromycin.

History to the mansion is adapal (more known as Differin), as it differs in the chemical structure from the three generation representatives listed. But he also has the property of retinol. This is the most frequently used drug in Russia for local applications. It is produced by the French company «Galderma» called Differin (gel or cream 0.1% concentration). Still in pharmacies there are Indian drugs - the Cream Adaclin and Gel Klelezit. These drugs should be applied once a day (better before bedtime in the evening). Improvements appear approximately 4-8 weeks of regular applications. Skin recovery course can take from 30 to 90 days. In the first three weeks of use in some patients, skin rashes may increase. But treatment should continue and do not be upset. In Russia, a retinime ointment is still produced containing isotretinoin on an emulsion basis at a concentration of 0.1 or 0.05%. Manufacturer This ointment advises to apply one or twice a day with a thin layer on clean skin. Treatment continues from month to three.

Some creams and ointments dermatologists recommend patients in comprehensive psoriasis therapy. In the salons, cosmetologists make anti-aging masks with their clients, which include retinoids. Enjoying a success and such a procedure that is called «yellow» peeling.

Rightinidov action

Vitamin A, Vitamins, Dermatology, Skin Diseases, Retinoides, Skin Care

Preparations, as part of which there are retinoids, slightly effects. Under local use, some patients complain of dry skin, their irritation, itching, the appearance of peeling, burning. Contemporary preparations prepared on the basis of adapal, these phenomena are less common. But they still appear in 10-40% of patients. If the skin blues greatly, it flashes either covered by blisters, then this is a signal that retinoids for acne therapy you do not fit.

When receiving retinoids inside, a list of possible side effects is more impressive. May dry and crack the lips, appears dizziness, dyspnea, Nasal bleeding, pain in muscles, joints, liver and renal failure.

Correctly selected dose and treatment diagram reduces the risk of adoptive effects in patients. For successful treatment tactics, the doctor may need the results of some analyzes made in the laboratory. For all its appointments, the attending physician who has experience in such cases is responsible.

Cannot use retinoids at:

  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • liver diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • smoking;
  • Alcohol use.

Women planning pregnancy should be aware that the reception inside retinoids must be stopped 6 months before the onset of possible pregnancy.

Vitamin A, Vitamins, Dermatology, Skin Diseases, Retinoides, Skin Care

Several recommendations and cautions.

  1. Ask the doctor in detail how to use the drug that he recommended you. Look in the instructions, what medications have contraindications and unwanted effects.
  2. Follow the recommendations of the doctor and annotations, do not change the dosage, do not stop the treatment, without consulting with the doctor.
  3. Do not apply gel or cream on the skin in large quantities (thick layer), this is exactly what can provoke the appearance of redness and peeling.
  4. Allergies to preparations with retinoids most often happens if the treatment is carried out in spring or summer, when a lot of sun.
  5. If you are bothering by side effects, please inform Dr.
  6. In the treatment of retinoids of acne, non-large moisturizing cosmetics can be applied.
  7. At the very beginning of therapy, apply the drug on the skin every other day for a short time (about half an hour). Then the skin gradually starts to get used to the fact that you will use this drug.
  8. These funds can increase sensitivity to UV rays. Therefore, during treatment, refrain from staying in the sun, do not attend the solarium.
  9. When we conduct a course of treatment with retinoids, then do not use any means that dry the skin, exfoliate the epithelium, possess an irritant action (here are scrubs, alcohol lotions and tincture).

MyMedinform.COM focuses on the attention of its readers on the fact that drugs with retinoids are not universal means from acne, psoriasis, dermatosis and other skin problems. It should be advised to consult a doctor, there are situations where these tools are contraindicated or may harm.

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