What is this voluntary medical insurance


  • Voluntary medical insurance
  • Payable service
  • Type of voluntary health insurance
  • Insurance Company

  • Voluntary medical insurance

    What is this voluntary medical insuranceThe state guarantees obtaining the necessary medical care. This is included in the Mandatory Medical Insurance Program (OMS). However, many types of additional services, diagnostic and preventive measures, rehabilitation treatment, consultations of high-class specialists require additional efforts and costs, and the quality of service leaves much to be desired. Queues in clinics, lack of good specialists, inattentive attitude towards patients, all this is usual for free medicine phenomena.

    Supplement to the system of compulsory medical insurance is voluntary medical insurance (DMS), which allows you to fully or partially compensate for the costs of paid medical care.

    The main idea of ​​voluntary health insurance is the one-time payment of the insurance premium, which gives the right during the term of the policy to receive high-quality medical care for your chosen program without making additional fees.

    The Voluntary Medical Insurance Program is a list of medical services under the insurance contract with a general insurance amount and / or individual insurance amounts for each type of assistance, as well as medical facilities where the insured can get help. The cost of the policy depends on the range of services specified in the contract, from the list of diseases to be treated, from therapeutic institutions that will be enshrined in the insured. Standard and individual insurance programs.

    Payable service

    Like any paid service, in contrast to the services of mandatory, but unpaid, the policy of voluntary health insurance gives you a lot of advantages.

    First of all, the acquisition of the Voluntary Medical Insurance Policy is more profitable than contacting the clinic directly and pay for medical services on the fact of their provision. This is due to the fact that the insurance company provides a large influx of customers, and therefore has significant discounts when paying medical services.

    In addition, it is no secret that often doctors prescribe numerous procedures and analyzes without need to earn more. The presence of control by the insurance company excludes such a situation.

    An important advantage is the fixation of the board charged by the insurance company for the Voluntary Medical Insurance Policy. Even if the cost of the received medical services exceeds the cost of the policy, the loss will cover the insurance company.

    A distinctive feature of voluntary health insurance programs is their exceptional flexibility (therapeutic institutions, the volume and types of medical services are usually selected individually for each client).

    Among other things, the experts of the insurance company take on the settlement with the medical institution emerging controversial issues.

    However, ultimately, the main advantage of voluntary health insurance before the Russian "free" Medicine is to provide the ability to receive high-quality medical care in clinics with modern equipment and high-quality specialists. And note - without queue.

    Type of voluntary health insurance

    Insurance companies usually offer several types of insurance programs. It can be:

    • Outpatient Polyclinical Services,
    • Stationary service,
    • Alternative Stomatology programs,
    • Programs with a personal doctor,
    • Alternative emergency assistance and t.D.

    The options described above are better to buy in the complex, which is based on the first option: therapeutic and diagnostic techniques of doctors, diagnostic research, therapeutic procedures, or, as it is also called - «Polyclinic». The cost of the insurance policy will depend on both the complexity of the program and the level of therapeutic establishment and the set of services offered under the contract.

    Pattern company

    When choosing an insurance company, a number of highly important factors should be considered:

    • Your age and state of health, if at the time of insurance you from 30 years, then there are increasing coefficients. For example, if you are from 50 to 55 years, the boost rate can be 1.2. That is, the basic cost of the medical policy will increase by 1.2 times.
    • The limit of insurance coverage in the event of an insurance event, when the overviewing of which you will have to pay yourself - that is, if something happened to you, then if your policy is enough to pay for all services rendered to you or have to pay extra.
    • Types of insurance events or exclusion from them - from what you are insured, and from what not. Insurance events and exceptions from them should specify in the contract or medical insurance policy. Exceptions from insurance events (treatment is not paid) can be diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, some professional diseases, venereal, oncology, dental prosthetics and T.D. In another embodiment, such problems may be insured separately by individual contract.
    • Insurance license is issued only by the Federal Service for Insurance Operations (Rosstrokhnadzor). The license must have a number, it indicates the name of the insurance company, the legal address and types of insurance activities.
    • Insurance company must have an agreement with a medical facility that has a license for medical activities. A list of such medical institutions is applied to the medical policy.
    By the way, during insurance of departing abroad, insurance companies do not always have such agreements, concluding only an agreement with a mediation foreign company. And therefore in this case insurance funds may not be recognized as insurance premiums.

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