Treatment of Stomatitis


  • What is stomatitis
  • Treatment of Stomatitis

  • What is stomatitis

    In this case in the language, gums and mucous membranes of the mouth appear small yazens. Sometimes they are traumatic origin, for example, arise due to cheek bite or because of a poorly made denture, but often stomatitis indicates a general weakening of the body. Therefore, repeated from time to time the appearance of ulcers in the mouth requires a more general examination and treatment.

    Treatment of Stomatitis

    Aromatherapy. The best for the treatment of stomatitis essential oil is undoubtedly Mirra. It has not only binding and healing properties, but also has antifungal action; One of the reasons for stomatitis is fungal infections, such as Candida Albicans (thrush pathogen). Mirrier is best used in the form of tincture. You can do it in small quantities yourself, dissolving the essential oil in alcohol: add 5 drops of oil in 5 ml (1 hour. L.) alcohol drink, say vodka or brandy. The resulting mixture should be carefully hiding accurately to ulcers; You can also dilute 2.5 ml (0.5 h. L.) this mixture in a small amount of water for rinsing mouth. To improve taste, you can add 1 drop of fennel oil, dissolving it completely.

    Treatment of StomatitisHercules. Local treatment of stomatitis is carried out with the help of herbal tinctures that contribute to the healing of ulcers and reduce the inflammation of the mucous. The strongest, although the most tasteless of them is a tincture of Mirra (Commiphora Molmof); Calendula Officinalis, Sage (Salvia Offidnalis) and Timyan (ThymusVulgaris) are also useful. Pay attention to the overall state of your health, and if stomatitis is hard to hold or repeats, be sure to consult a doctor. Useful herbs in the event of Stomatitis is Echinacea (Echinacea Angustifolia, or E. Rigrigaa); It strengthens the immune system and is always available in a wide sale in the form of tablets, the Echinacea is sold and in the form of a tincture of fresh plants; Take 3 times a day 10 drops divorced in water.

    Homeopathy. The most useful in Stomatitis turns out to be those homeopathic agents that are aimed at eliminating the initial problem, the consequence of which stomatitis appeared. We offer you, however, several means helping to cope directly with the ulcers themselves. Borax: With small painful ulcers, which in the mouth are felt by hot and can even bleed, for example during meals. Merc Sol: When there is no pleasant metal taste in the mouth, and the ulcers are quite large, grayish; The gums can bleed; This remedy helps well with olar milk. NAT Sulph: With painful ulcers, unpleasant sensations are reduced, if you hold something cold in your mouth, like a ice cube.

    Naturopathy. Repeated stomatitis can often serve as a sign of an incorrect diet, a shortage of these or other nutrients. In connection with this, the greatest benefit in the treatment of stomatitis will be added to the diet of vitamin B2, vitamin C and zinc, and at first it is necessary to give them in the form of tablets until the diet is so much so that it will contain a sufficient amount of these substances in it. We advise for this there are more vegetables with green leaves, fresh fruits, whole grain bread (including wheat seedlings), and impetarians - some meat and fish. Most often, stomatitis appears during the period of stress or when the immune system for one or another weakens with the ranks; So if Stomatitis began to visit you often, you should think about how to reduce the pressure of stress. As direct local treatment we advise to apply pure oil wheat seedlings to ulcers. For this, you can, for example, pierce the natural vitamin E capsule on an oil basis and you crush a bit of vitamin directly grinding. If you are convinced of the experience that some kind of food, for example, vinegar, worsen your condition during stomatitis, then, undoubtedly, for a while you need to refuse them.

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