How to get rid of panic attacks

We are all often disturbing: for their future, for the health of loved ones, for the success of children at school. So a person belongs to really expensive his heart things in life. Anxiety - useful emotion. With its help, the body, producing stress hormones, is easier to cope with problems. When anxiety acquires pathological features, a person becomes a victim of panic attack.

This is a superpower, which suppresses a sense of validity, security and adequacy, is one of the most pronounced symptoms of an alarm disorder. Today, the MPsovets will not only tell you what a panic attack is, but also will tell you how to confront.

When you are afraid of justice

Panic attack - a sudden attack of a powerful and inexplicable feeling of fear that wears a periodic character. Nervous, worry and fear people starts «In an open place», moreover, this reaction is not triggered by increased attention from the surrounding. The duration of the attack is 20-40 minutes, it can repeat up to 4 times a week, some feel the sense of uncontrolled panic every day. Fear most often rolls in a crowded noisy place, closed with a small space, in public transport, while communicating with unfamiliar people, during a long stay alone outside the house, before leaving the house outside.

What makes fear

neurosis, neurology, nervous system, panic attack, fear, stress, phobia

As a person to distinguish the usual attack of severe alarm from panic attack? Let's first read the symptoms typical for alarming state:

  • popping out of the chest or, as they say, the stone is a tearing heart, a rapid pulse;
  • intensive sweating;
  • dyspnea, the inability to sigh with complete breasts - the air from the lungs seemed to have gone;
  • chills, inner trembling;
  • painful sensations on the left side of the chest;
  • nausea, discomfort, strong stress in the stomach;
  • dizziness, pre-corrupt state;
  • Derealization, depersonalization - «it does not happen to me and not here»;
  • vision disorders and hearing;
  • Fear to lose your mind or commit illegal, immoral act in an uncontrolled state;
  • Heavy thoughts about death;
  • numbness or tingling in their hands and legs;
  • Bad sleep or insomnia;
  • violation of the gait and coordination of movements in general;
  • com in the throat - difficult to swallow;
  • Frequent urination, liquid chair.

If, on a general background of anxiety and fear, a person suffers from at least four states from those listed above, with a large share of probability he is experiencing a panic attack.

How panic is born

neurosis, neurology, nervous system, panic attack, fear, stress, phobia

In no case cannot be diagnosed with independently, even if you are interested in psychology and psychotherapy, and Freud quoted by heart. The fact is that the states, on symptoms similar with panic attacks, may be observed when Epilepsy, Non-believe, psychopathies and other very serious mental disabilities that cannot be diagnosed at home.

Trust the specialists - only after a general inspection, results blood tests, urine and the procedures of electroencephalography they will decide what to do with you.

It is impossible to treat

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For each patient, treatment is selected individually. Therapy of the unreasonable fear is a systematic admission of tranquilizers - drugs overwhelming. At the beginning of treatment, the patient needs to be discussed with the doctor the ability to control transport. If the work of a person suffering from panic attacks requires a great concentration of attention, it can significantly affect the specifics of treatment.

The second category of therapeutic agents, which is also successfully used in the treatment of nerve disorders, non-delicate, but equally effective. Normoksan, Grandaxin, Afobazol, Persen, Deprim - just some of them.

The resistant sedative effect has regular use of infusions and tea from medicinal herbs: valerians, mother-in-law, melissa, daisies, souls, donoka, birch leaves.

All the above preparations and recipes that the traditional medicine offer are necessarily coordinated with the attending physician!

A man experiencing anxious attacks will make a huge gift if he finds a competent psychotherapist, because the fear always has a hidden reason, eliminate tranquilizers, alas, unable to.

Closer attention to the patient should be paid to his lifestyle - there should be no place to be harmful habits, defective sleep, overeating. In addition, active lifestyle, proper nutrition, rational alternation of mental work with rest, the ability to share its experiences with others - excellent prevention of panic attacks.

In knowledge - power

neurosis, neurology, nervous system, panic attack, fear, stress, phobia

The more a person knows about the problem, the more successful can withstand her. Observing several rules, with an attack of panic attack you can cope on your own! The same recommendations will help those who are much and often worried and cannot quickly take themselves in hand.

  1. Always remember that fear is only an exaggerated reaction of your brain and no potential danger for your health.
  2. Experiencing anxiety, concentrate on «Here and now». Cook for reality - carefully consider people (a person) who are currently near you: what they look like they do what they talk about? Forget that listening to other people's conversations ugly - you wish you need to switch from your own experiences to what is happening around.
  3. Look at yourself from the part, materialize your feelings: with what shades or flowers, with what sounds or melody you can compare them? Tangible and visible is not so terrible as something that cannot be seen.
  4. Imagine that your panic is a big balloon in your hand. Mentally give the team: now he blows away and everything will pass. Slowly release air from the ball, watching it decreases in size.
  5. Be sure to stay there, where they felt bad, suppress the treacherous desire to jump out from the bus at the nearest stop or strive to rush away from the crowded place. If you give up once, with each new attack it will be more difficult to control the situation. Instead of thinking out the paths of retreat, breathe exactly and deep.
  6. Always have a sedative drug, discharged by a doctor and phones of people to whom you can seek help. Perhaps you don't even have to take a tablet or ringing relatives - already the fact that you have «support», give you the power.
  7. The most win-win version - always carry with you what can calm you, set up on a sentimental way or raise the mood: photos of children, a small soft toy, reminiscent of you childhood, letter from your loved one, crosswords, sweets in the form of mint candies. These items will be your rescue circle in the bunch of fear for which you can always grasp. Often convince yourself that this item is a special, capable of getting all your alarms. Very soon your subconscious will start to perceive it.

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