Treatment and prevention of hypovitaminosis

Do not need to be a physician to independently decipher the term «Hyovitaminosis». It is clear that we are talking about vitamins, and the prefix «hypo-» means their deficiency in the body. This pathological condition does not pose a threat to human life, but extremely negatively affects his health and activity.

Hypovitaminosis develops when the flow of vitamins exceeds the number of biologically active substances entering the body. Vitamins play not the last role in the splitting of nutrient and mineral substances and the release of energy of them, therefore, with a shortage of certain vitamin components, human significantly deteriorates due to the pathological dysfunction of organs and systems.

Given the successes of modern medicine, hypovitaminosis occurs in a fairly light form and is easily treating. However, if you do not solve the problem in time, on the basis of a partial deficit of vitamins in the body, the avitaminosis is developing - 100% lack of vitamins of a certain group, which can lead not only the development of disability, but also a fatal outcome of man.

Factors contributing to the development of hypovitaminosis

Vitamins, hypovitaminosis, vitamin deficiency, lack of vitamin

First place in ranking «culnery» The lack of vitamins in the body occupies an alimentary (food) failure. Under what conditions it develops:

  • The meager concentration of vitamins in food, which is accustomed to a person or another;
  • Long and wrong Storage of food, improperly their culinary processing, as a result of which the destruction of vitamin substances occurs;
  • Unbalanced chemical composition of the food diet.

Also, the following reasons can also be brought to the acute deficit of vitamins:

  • long-term reception of antibacterial drugs;
  • chemotherapy;
  • GBC diseases associated with the impossibility of full absorption of vitamins in the food canal, as well as with pathologies of vitamins;
  • Adolescence, pregnancy and lactation period.

MirSees hurry to note that in conditions of frequent stress, severe physical work and accommodation in the place where cold climate prevails, the need for vitamins increases by 50-60%.

The main signs of different hypovitaminosis

Vitamins, hypovitaminosis, vitamin deficiency, lack of vitamin

Survey of the patient with suspected hypovitaminosis begins in the Gastroenterologist's office. The specialist will make a preliminary diagnosis based on patient complaints and status symptoms that it torments.

If the laboratory conditions allow, conduct a study, as a result of which one can determine the amount of each vitamin in the blood. In the case when there is an assumption that hypovitaminosis has appeared due to the concomitant disease, additional diagnostic procedures are carried out, for example, a feces analysis for helminths.

Elimination of lack of vitamins

The patient tells the patient about the peculiarities of the treatment of hypovitaminosis. To do this, use substitution therapy, which is based on the use of nitamined funds and food containing the maximum concentration of the desired vitamin.

Many people are pronounced by vitamins, as a rule, a disadvantage of several active substances, therefore, it is advisable to take polyvitamin drugs to correct this state, which balance the content of all vitamin components. Here are some of the drugs that are often prescribed during hypovitaminosis:

  1. Undevit - for the elderly 2 dragey 3 times a day for a month.
  2. Aevit - For people engaged in active mental activity or severe physical labor of 1 tablet 1 time per day.
  3. December - for people during the recovery period after cardiac and neurological diseases of 1 tablet 2 times a day for 20 days.
  4. Hexavit - with a shortage of vitamins of group A and in 1 dragey 2 times a day.
  5. Tocopherol acetate - with a lack of vitamin E in a dose of 30 mg / day for 30 days.

The replenishment of the amount of vitamins C and D in the body is beginning with diet and oral intake of vitamin C in the amount of 100 mg / day and the solution of vitamin D in the daily size of 300 meters for 45 days, respectively.

Vitamin K deficiency eliminate, strictly focusing on the coagulogram indicators. With a minor shortage of the substance orally, Vikasol is administered by 30 mg / day, with a significant exhaustion of the internal reserves of the substance use phytamedion in the form of subcutaneous injections of 20 mg / day.

Correction of the food diet for therapeutic purposes

Vitamins, hypovitaminosis, vitamin deficiency, lack of vitamin

With a minor shortage of one or another vitamin in the body, you can fix the situation without drugs. To do this, you need to carefully analyze what exactly you eat and how good these products are useful.

As part of natural food, there are not only vitamins, but also a whole set of acids, flavonoids and polyphenols, due to which substances that miss us can be effectively absorbed by the body. That is why it is so important correctly and rationally feed.

Ascorbic acid deficiency replenish the berries of black currant, rosehip fruits, sweet pepper and sea buckthorn. Potatoes, peas, beans, buckwheat, oatmeal and millet cereals - Natural storehouse of group vitamins in. In the food of animal origin (in meat, fish, liver, eggs and milk) there is more than a sufficient concentration of vitamins A, D, B12, RR. Vitamin E is present in unrefined sunflower oil, kidneys, liver and eggs.

Daily mandatory food for an adult must become dairy products, fruits and vegetables (at least 450 g), coarse bread, a variety of cereals. Ready dishes are stored in the refrigerator not more than 12 hours, otherwise their use will be meaningless - as a result of long-term storage of vitamins, they will be deprived.

Prevention of the disease

Vitamins, hypovitaminosis, vitamin deficiency, lack of vitamin

To never break your head, what to eat for the replenishment of valuable vitamins, you need from time to time to take medicines donated to man itself. The common fitosbor, cooked with his own hands, will not only win hypovitaminosis, but also will increase the total tone of the body. Try delicious vitamined tea, which is pleasant to drink both in cold and hot season.

For its preparation, take 1 st. L. Berries of ordinary rowan and cinnamon fruits, connect them and fill with boiled water (0.5 l). Boil «medicine» For 10 minutes, then remove from the heat and close the capacity of the lid. Give some tea lays about 3 hours, after which it is strain. Take a useful drink of 0.5 glasses in the morning, day and evening.

Optionally, Ryabina in this recipe can be replaced with raspberry berries, lingers or black currant. be healthy!

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