Your child has worms?


  • What are the main manifestations of this disease?
  • Enterobiosis (Invasia with Muspartes)
  • Askaridoz
  • Complications
  • Prevention

  • Most often, the cool invasion (the presence of worms) in the child is diagnosed as a result of medical examination. But attentive mom can herself suspect the presence of worms.

    What are the main manifestations of this disease?

    Take a look at your child: Does he love to gnaw and bite his nails, is there a habit of sucking a finger, keep it in the nose, whether he likes to gnaw a pen, felt-tumbers, which enjoys at school? Please note whether your baby forgets to wash your hands, coming from the street, before eating or after lost with your beloved cat. The presence of such habits is a prerequisite for infection with worms.

    And when the gelminist falls into the children's body, the disease actually develops.

    Most often this is manifested by a change in the child's appetite. Mom notes that from a certain period, her child begins to eat poorly, and even your favorite dishes. At the same time, an entry towards excessive use of sweets, especially chocolate products, which was not there before. Such children can complain about periodic minor stomach pain, most often near the navel, sometimes - on nausea, especially in the morning. Can also disturb the headache and feeling of pain in the leg muscles, joints. The kid appears in the eyes under the eyes, it becomes less hardy during exercise, quickly tired. Children can creak teeth in a dream, due to the skin itching at the rear pass section. Periodic shaking at night should also alert the parents, because it may indicate the presence of Askarid.

    If you have noticed such signs from your child, contact the precinct pediatrician, tell us about your observations. Cala analysis will help clarify the diagnosis.

    Enterobiosis (Invasia with Muspartes)

    Molds are small (about 1 cm) white worms with a pointed rear end.

    Infection by this disease occurs as a result of swallowing eggs of worms, which can be under the nails, on clothes, underwear or in home dust.

    Through the mouth of the eggs fall into the intestine, where the larvae appear from them, which ripen for 12-14 days. After that, the female is already able to put eggs.

    At night, when the muscles relax, the female crashes from the intestine and postpones a large number of eggs around the rear passage. During this, skin irritation occurs, which is accompanied by pronounced itch. When a child combs these places, the eggs fall under the nails, after which the kid himself spreads them to all things to which touches - blanket, toys, food, food. After 6 hours, a small larva appears in each egg, which is viable for 20 days. Eggs of the sharp resistant to the action of disinfectants, but quickly die under the influence of ultraviolet rays of the Sun. Another condition is that with unsanitary conditions for children, the possibilities of reusable infection are created for children, because immunity is not produced after transferred enterobiosis.

    No specific clinical manifestations of the disease. It is most often observed in the area of ​​the rear pass, especially in the evening and night time, sleep disorder. Sometimes, the sharp can penetrate the appendix (intestinal process), causing inflammatory changes in it, there are cases of worms in the genitals and the urethra in girls, which can also entail an inflammatory process.

    The diagnosis is confirmed by identifying eggs or highlighted worms. If this happens, you must have a survey of all family members, including adults.


    This kind of helminthiasis is especially common. According to indicative data, about 1 million people suffer from ascarides in the world. Children of preschool and younger school age are most often ill.

    According to the appearance of Askarida resembles an earthworm. Adult individuals reach sizes from 15-20 cm (males) to 20-40 cm (females). Askarida is a very prolific worm. During the day, it is able to postpone up to 200,000 eggs. Live these helminths 1-2 years. Asskarid's eggs together with feces of a sick person get into the soil. Unwashed, contaminated soil hands are one of the main sources of infection. Often eggs Askarid penetrate the body with fruits, vegetables, polluted ground or flies. When a man swallows the eggs ascarid, they fall into the intestine. Of these, larvae are out, which through the walls of the intestine penetrate into the blood. Then they migrate to the lungs alveoli, after which of small bronchi in large and trachea. Having reached the pharynx, the larvae swallow with saliva or food and again fall into the esophagus, stomach and settle in the small intestine. There they continue to grow, put the eggs. The duration of the entire cycle described - from 10 to 11 weeks.

    Does your child have worms? Symptoms of the disease depends on where the parasite is currently being. If it is in the lungs, in children there is a dry cough, sometimes tingling or chest pain. The body temperature of the baby is normal or slightly elevated (37.2-37.5 degrees), there is a general ailment, the appetite is reduced. In some cases, the infection of ascarides is evidenced by bronchitis or pneumonia, which proceed very hard: high temperature (38-40 degrees) for several days, sharp malaise, outbreak, sinusias around the mouth, bouts of cough with sputtering of sputum.

    At the same time, a variety of rash, blisters or red spots that quickly disappear on the skin can appear on the skin.

    In the analysis of blood, an increased content of eosinophils is detected, sometimes increased number of leukocytes.

    Stay Ascarid in the intestine manifests itself with problems with digestive organs, as evidenced by nausea, vomiting, discomfort in the abdomen or bouts of pain in the navel zone. In early age children, there are pallor of skin, vomiting, blue eyelidity under the eyes.

    Almost all kids have symptoms of lesions of the central nervous system: irritability, poor sleep, fast fatigue, feeling of the severity of the head, apathy. Often there are violations of behavior: kids whine, scattered, suffer from night fears; Memory and attention worsen.

    In the presence of a large number of worms in a child, there may be a plexus of them in the ball. It can cause intestinal obstruction or bile duct blockage. In this case, there is an acute abdomen pain, vomiting with jolly impurities, an increase in body temperature, the occasionally appears jaundice.

    Confirm the diagnosis of ascarideosis can be confirmed when identifying eggs Askarid in feces, although in some cases it fails to find, despite the fact that the parents themselves saw ascarides in the child's chair.

    Medical treatment of Glice Invasia conducts a doctor. Depending on the type of helminths, certain medical preparations are used. The dose of them and the duration of use determines the pediatrician.

    In addition to medicines, folk treatment methods are widely used, which basically have auxiliary effect.


    Molds can penetrate the female genitals, causing vulvitis girls, vulvovaginitis. Hovers in the urinary pathways contribute to the emergence of night incontinence of urine, the development of cystitis. Often, the mastresses fall into appendix, causing acute inflammation of it, and as a result - the operational treatment of appendicitis.

    As we said, with a large number of ascarides, their plexus in the tangle is possible, which causes the child's mechanical intestinal obstruction. Most often it is observed in the kids of 1-6 years. In the literature, cases of lesion by the ascaris of the upper respiratory tract (nose, pharynx) of the Eustachiye tube are described (which connects the inner ear with a nasal stroke) and even a sudden death from suffocation with a tuncher Askarid.


    The main preventive event is the observance of personal hygiene rules. And here, undoubtedly, the main role belongs to parents, teachers, teachers - everyone who surrounds the child. We, adults, must be remembered that only verbal installations are ineffective. The prevention of the disease should be a personal example of adults and constant control of the fulfillment by the child of our tips, instructions.

    It is necessary to follow the cleanliness of the hands before eating, after the street, visits to the toilet (regardless of whether the child will have after that, or not), mandatory washing of vegetables and fruit hot water before use.

    Infection with worms contribute to the habits of children sucking fingers, nibble nails, povered in the nose.

    For the prevention of re-self-infractions with increments, it is necessary to perform certain activities:

    • For the night, it is necessary to wear tightly adjacent tights or panties (so that the eggs of the worms did not broadcast on bed linen);
    • in the morning wash the posterior hole;
    • panties after washing ironing hot iron;
    • It is necessary to carry out the treatment of all family members.

    As for the prevention of Askaridoza, in addition to the foregoing, it must be remembered that human feces are the main source of infection.

    Use faeces for soil feeding only after composting to destroy eggs ascarid. Eggs are stored the ability to multiply several months and transfer cooling (up to 5-10 degrees) in the soil for two years.

    Due to the fact that in summer, the frequency of infection with worms is particularly increasing, it is recommended to carry out 1-2 years of treatment of helminths by people with prophylactic purposes.

    Recipes are most often used from traditional medicine:

    • Purified pumpkin seeds skip through a meat grinder (or crushed in another way). Take 2 tablespoons by drinking warm milk. It is necessary to do it in the morning, an empty stomach (before meals). An hour later take the laxative. Used to eliminate.
    • Five cloves of ground garlic with a glass of boiled milk will help get rid of ascaride and bezliez. Two hours after receiving the mixture, it is necessary to accept the laxative.
    • 20-30 g Valash walnut leaves Pour 1 l of water. Bore. Drink an empty stomach (in the morning) and 1/2 cup before each meal.

    The recipes indicate doses for adults and children of older 15 years. Depending on age, the dose of drugs changes in this way: up to 2 years - to prescribe 1/10-1 / 8 dose of adult; in 2 years - 1 / 8-1 / 4; from 3 to 4 years old - 1 / 6-1 / 4; from 4 to 7 years old - 1/3; from 7 to 14 years old - 1/2; from 14 to 16 - 2/3 doses.

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