The diagnostic base of the European Medical Center (EMC) allows for medical assistance not only to healthy children - in order to prevent and prevent the development of diseases, but also to kids with health problems already existing.

«The main feature of our work is that we help healthy children stay healthy, picking up for them
Proper power supply, vaccination. In the event of a disease, experienced pediatricians diagnose the cause of the disease,
put the diagnosis and will select the optimal treatment regime», - Talks about the Department of Pediatrics EMC in the Oryol Lane
Head D.M.N., Pediatrician, Children's Endocrinologist Natalia Belova.
The diagnostic base of the European Medical Center (EMC) allows medical care not only to healthy children with
The purpose of the prevention and prevention of disease development, but also to the kids with health problems already existing.
The presence in the clinic of experts experts from various regions of pediatrics
allows you to treat children with almost any diseases. It should be understood that those signs that in an adult can
Being indicators of the disease, in children can only be manifestations of the formation of the functions of the body, growing. Therefore B
EMC for children developed various programs, as well as special consulting activities for parents.
Healthy child
The program A healthy child is aimed at maintaining the health of children under seven years old, consulting parents by
health issues, proper development and becoming kids.
- Pediatrician-neonatologist consultation for pregnant women. Help future mothers in preparing for childbirth: how they will
pass literally to minutes as needed to behave what to do during childbirth. Also neonatologist gives tips on the thoracic
feeding and care for the child in the first days of life. - Consultation pediatrician neonatologist in the first weeks of the child's life. The doctor gives recommendations on regime and nutrition as
mother and child. Offers the optimal vaccine program program. Gives an estimate of the indicators of physical and
Psychomotor Development of the baby, determines the range of necessary surveys. In addition, the doctor identifies readings to
consultations with specialists. - Comprehensive assessment of the child's development. Held in the direction of the attending physician with the participation of specialists who
give their recommendations, taking into account the individual characteristics of the kid. - Check-Up for children of the first year of life. It is a complete dispensarization with an assessment of psychomotor and speech
Development, recommendations for feeding and developing a child. - Check-up for children of preschool and school age. It's not just a comprehensive
Survey (dispensarization) children with specialists with a medical map in a garden or school. Participation in the examination
Children's psychotherapist, ENT doctor, experienced pediatrician and other specialists will allow to comprehensively assess the state of the child's health and
Determine in advance «Weak links» In the health of the baby, adapt in the new atmosphere, and also prevent or
diagnose the development of many diseases, including chronic.
Early Children's Development Correction
This program is very significant, as it helps to determine exactly, in which case the child really needs
specialized treatment, and in which baby is simply needed more thorough care. The program is designed for children with
Problems that have arisen with health at an early age: problems for childbirth, pathological conditions of mother, genetic
diseases, problems of perinatal period, presence and other. The program provides for comprehensive diagnostics and
correction of development features with the participation of a psychologist and speech therapist. Within the framework of the program, taking into account the health of the baby
The optimal vaccination mode is selected. If necessary, the child provides for the possibility of short-term
Teenage health
Helps teenagers maintain physical and psychological health. As part of this program in the direction of the attending
Pediatricians are provided, surveys and advice with a teen endocrinologist, psychologist, dermatologist, orthoped,
cosmetologist. In addition to general advice on health, recommendations of weight correction specialists, growth, about cosmetic
The problems of young skin. Consultation of a psychologist for adolescents and parents, help in solving conflicts. IN
We also offer tested and recommendations on professional orientation.
Treatment of long and often ill children
This program provides for not just the treatment of children prone to long and frequent diseases, but also identifying reasons
Their occurrence. It is carried out under the supervision of the attending pediatrician and includes:
- Comprehensive examination to identify the causes of frequent morbidity.
- Diagnosis for one day.
- Individual selection of therapy depending on the cause.
- If necessary, the possibility of short-term hospitalization at a convenient time together with parents.
- Selection of optimal vaccination.
- Consultations of leading experts.
Bone pathology
A program with a comprehensive approach to the survey and treatment of children with various skeletal diseases from diagnostics to
Rehabilitation. It should be noted that this program is unique to Russia, since only EMS exists
The possibility of comprehensive treatment on international standards, for example, such a disease as imperfect osteogenesis. Program
Includes the work of round-the-clock children's injury and special events:
- Diagnostics and treatment of children with bone pathology.
- Diagnosis and treatment of metabolic osteopathy.
- Surgical and Medical Correction of Skeleton Deformation.
- Center for the rehabilitation of children after surgical interventions on bone tissue.
- Diagnosis and treatment of children and adolescents with growth violations.
- Medical and genetic counseling of families with bone pathology.
We offer child vaccination programs, taking into account the country of residence, lifestyle, general health. This
The program also takes into account the geographical factor, for example, with frequent travels or moving the child and his family. Given
Recommendations for additional vaccination in the preparation for the garden, school or learning abroad with the filling of the relevant
medical forms. Special attention is paid to vaccination of children with chronic diseases, which can be carried out in
One-day hospital conditions under the supervision of experienced pediatricians.
In addition to the basic programs in EMC, there is a center for psychological assistance to parents. Psychologists conduct seminars for parents
(resolution of conflicts, relationship between brothers and sisters, «Hard teens»), individual advice,
Testing. EMC also offers assistance in adoption with a special adopted child observation program. AND
Of course, if necessary, hospitalization of children in the EMC hospital, along with parents for any time.
The European Medical Center is proud of the medical staff of the Pediatric Department, which includes the best specialists in its
Region. Doctors permanently «keep hand on pulse», Given all innovations in pediatrics. EMC services meet the highest
European standards. All hospitalization, procedures and surveys are conducted under the supervision of the attending physician. Our
Little patients and their parents can refer to their pediatrician from 9:00 to 21:00 from Monday to Saturday or at any time
Contact him by phone. On Sunday and at night, specialists from the kids are assisted on any questions
emergency and emergency. The main task of the Pediatrics of EMC – Health of small patients.
European Medical Center
Address: G. Moscow, Orlovsky Lane, House 7
Telephone: +7 (495) 933 66 55, +7 (495) 933 66 45 Calling a doctor at home