Autumn-winter period - Time is cold when you need to support the immunity of a child. Many are trying during the holidays to escape to the warm sea and do not even think about the fact that there is the harm to the health of the kid. About what acclimatization syndrome is and how to deal with it - in the article.
- What is acclimatization?
- Who threatens acclimatization syndrome?
- What symptoms talk about adaptation problems?
- Where to go to relax?
- Features of children's rest
Autumn-winter period — Time is cold. Parents are trying to support the immunity of the child with all their might, many tend to escape to the warm sea, but at the same time they do not even think that thereby harm the baby. Acclimatization — not myth. The forces that the body spends on adaptation to new conditions of existence, greatly weaken the health of a small person.
What is acclimatization?
Acclimatization — This is a peculiar physiological response of the body aimed at adaptation to new habitat conditions. Studying the changes that occur in the human body during acclimatization, is engaged in a whole branch of medicine — Medical climatology.
It has long been known that a sharp difference in temperature, a change in height above sea level, humidity and atmospheric pressure negatively affects human health and especially for children's health. Due to the physiological immaturity of the body, they are heavier than adults, transfer climate change and puzzle parents with common malaise, cold, disorder of digestion and other adaptation issues.
Who threatens acclimatization syndrome?
A condition arising from a child during the period of adaptation to new climatic conditions is called acclimatization syndrome. Most often, it develops in children under three years, with children with weakened health, often and long-friendly suffering from chronic diseases. But even the health of kids may experience difficulties with adaptation.
The probability of acclimatization syndrome increases sharply if the child has to cross several time zones, when moving from the cold climate zone in hot countries or vice versa. The effect of another temperature is becoming more difficult if the journey implies accommodation in the area with a more humid climate and low air saturation with oxygen.
What symptoms talk about adaptation problems?
The very first sign of disadaptation is lethargy, the apathy and breakdown of sleep in a child. The baby becomes dull, he eats badly, sleeps anxiously, sweats more than usual, moves less. Sometimes there are intestinal disorders, in no way associated with poisoning and new food.
Activation of the protective forces of the body when a collision with a new medium leads to the weakening of immunity and a decrease in resistance to infectious diseases. Rubber, Overpressure and sore throat, cough, body temperature increase in a child — Traditional trouble with which you have to face parents during family warriors to the warm seas.
When traveling in winter to a hot country in case of moving on the plane, the child's body is experiencing a sudden stress already at the exit from the airport. The toddler thermoregulation system is not able to respond to a sharp increase in temperature and, as a result, the threat of overheating and heat impact arises, with loss of consciousness, convulsions and a critical fall of blood pressure.
Acclimatization syndrome is not a disease, it does not need to be treated, its manifestations disappear safely in healthy kids for three to seven days. But sometimes to adapt to the new environment, a small body requires much more time, up to two weeks, and only after this time the resort climate will begin to be perceived as healing.
Where to go to relax?
Of course, the availability of problems with adaptation in children should not become a reason for banning long-distance travel. Today it is hardly possible to submit a family that would not strive for traveling. Nevertheless, doctors strongly recommend not to travel to other climatic belts with children who have not reached a three-year-old age, with those who have serious health problems. If the child is inclined to frequent colds, has chronic diseases, rest at the cottage or the grandmother in the village may turn out to be much more useful than a trip to the United Arab Emirates, even in a five-star hotel. Inhalation of clean air filled with sroces of pine forest, skiing and sledding is as useful as swimming in warm sea waters and lying on sea sand.
If you want to enjoy the child and show him a new country, choose for winter travel countries with a similar climate, such as the Czech Republic, Austria, Poland, Finland, in this case, even a short trip will be useful.
Features of children's rest
- Do not plan travel to hot countries lasting less than 10 days, weekly holidays on the sea will only weaken the baby immunity, will make it more painful and wounded.
Before the upcoming trip to other time zones, pre-prepare a child for changing the day. Gradually, half an hour or hour, shift the schedule of sleep and wakefulness, in this case the child's body is quickly adapted to a new time. Being on vacation, try not to break the child's mode, wake up, eat, walk and go to bed in a strictly defined, habitual time.
- Carefully rectify to the organization of child nutrition, do not give him new dishes, exotic fruits and vegetables. They are not useful than our native apples, pears, berries, cabbage and carrots.
- Watch the child's drinking mode. It is very important that it consumes a sufficient amount of fluid, not juice, not tea, non-carbonated drinks, but bottled drinking water. The daily fluid norm is determined at the rate of 30 ml per kilogram of weight.
- Be careful with the sun. The first day of recreation is a child is to spend in the hotel room, the beach and walks better postpone. In the future, it is necessary to limit the stay on the beach by short-melt morning (until 11:00) and evening (after 16:00). Do not forget to use the sun sunscreen with a high defense factor from ultraviolet rays.
- So as not to aggravate adaptation, do not let the baby drinks with ice and be careful with air conditioning. Take on the road warm things that will be as impossible by the way during evening walks.
- In the first two days from swimming in the sea and the pool it is better to refuse, in the following procedures to increase gradually, starting with five to seven minutes.
A child who hardly moved acclimatization, on arrival home most likely will suffer from symptoms of reactions. He will need strength and time to adapt to the conditions from which he managed to drop. The process will require about a week, and at this time the baby should be shred from physical and mental loads.