Restoration after cholecystitis in children: diet and not only


Restoration after cholecystitis in children: diet and not onlyAcute inflammation of the gallbladder in children with timely and competent therapy usually ends with recovery. However, since the dyskinesia of biliary tract can persist for some time, the child needs to be restored after the suffering disease.

Chronic cholecystitis in children whose symptoms in the period of remission are quite scarce, and during the exacerbation period resemble a sharp disease, is an indication for the appointment of dietotherapy, rehabilitation physiotherapy procedures, balneotherapy and sanatorium-resort treatment.
Cholecystitis in children: diet solves a lot

In the first 1-2 days in the presence of sharp symptoms of cholecystitis, the child needs only warm drink, feed it is prohibited. The admission of sufficient liquid contributes to a decrease in intoxication, dilution and an outflow of bile. As a drink, you can give frown sweet tea, divorced juices, fruit, compote, rose rose. In the following two days, rubbed and mucous soups, vegetable puree, liquid porridge from oatmeal, rice and semolina, cooked on diluted milk. From desserts allowed to give fruit and dairy jelly, mousses, wipe compotes and juices.

When cholecystitis, limit the amount of fats in the diet. In porridge and soups do not need to add butter and cream, it is also recommended to somewhat limit the use of cook salt.

With cholecystitis in children, the diet should include rubbed cottage cheese, boiled fish, steam wipe meat. Fresh bread needs to be replaced by wheat crumbs.

Food is recommended to give 5-6 times a day in small portions, it contributes to regular emptying of the gallbladder. In addition, a strict drinking mode is needed to improve bile outflow.

In chronic cholecystitis in children, the symptoms of the exacerbation of which are expressed moderately, the healing table number 5 is appointed from the first day. Purpose: restoration of the liver and gallbladder under conditions of chemical gentry and improving bile.

From the food of the child, all fatty, sharp, smoked, spicy, salt, sweet, pickled products are excluded. For prevention of constipation, it is necessary to increase the amount of fiber consumed. All dishes must be baked, boiled or stewed, frying is excluded. It is not recommended to give cold dishes, food must be moderate warm.

Recommended with cholecystitis products

  • Sugari and dried wheat bread from the flour of the first grade with the addition of bran.
  • Vegetable soups without roasted, puree soups, milk soups on half diluted milk.
  • Non-fat meat varieties: beef, young lamb, chicken, rabbit, turkey meat. You can give cabbageans and pilaf with boiled meat, dairy sausages.
  • Non-fat fish.
  • Low-fat dairy products, kefir, acidophilic, prostrochy, low-fat and unsaturated cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream is limited only in the form of additives to dishes.
  • Eggs — Only protein.
  • Any cereals and dishes of them.
  • Vegetables with the exception of radish, spinach, green onions, garlic.
  • Ripe fruits.
  • Sweets: Marmalade, Marshmallow, Paxtil, Not Chocolate Candies.
  • Tea with lemon, milk, juices, compotes, fruits.

Recovery after cholecystitis: physiotherapy

Recovery after cholecystitis: physiotherapyPrevention courses are shown by the suffering cholecystitis for children 2-3 times a year. At this time, drugs are prescribed, normalizing bile and physiotherapy procedures, which are selected depending on the type of maliciousness of the gallbladder.

From physioprocessed electrophoresis with magnesium sulfate and nicotine acid to the region of right hypochondrium, paraffin and ozokerite applications. Shown mud and balneotherapy.

Mineral waters, such as Essentuki, Smirnovskaya, Mirgorod, Slavyanovskaya, Novoyyevskaya, naphtto, with the addition of magnesium sulfate or a Karlovyskaya salt are appointed during the recovery period after cholecystitis. After the sickness of the symptoms of the disease for the prevention of exacerbations, sanatorium-resort treatment is recommended in local sanatoriums and remote, such as Essentuki, Morshin, Zheleznovodsk, Truskavets, Lake Shira.

Treatment of cholecystitis in children — The process is long and painstaking, requires patience and scrupulous execution of recommendations to doctors. The cost of carelessness can be the health of the child. Against the background of a branded cholecystitis in the bustling bubble, stones and calculous cholecystitis are often formed, which sooner or later leads to a patient on the operating table.

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