«Live attraction», or the history of the creation of kudzov for newborns


& laquo; live attraction & raquo; or the history of the creation of kudzov for newbornsAs often happens, unknown and invented «Cranks» It seems to ordinary people strange and absolutely useless, his creator did not receive applause, diplomas and awards. But the time passed all in places and today without this device it is impossible to submit a single branch of intensive therapy of newborns. Thanks to the cruising for newborns, millions of premature babies previously doomed to death received the right to life.

Oil font instead of the womb

The idea of ​​finding premature babies originated long before the creation of the first Kuvez. Experienced women who were entrusted with the obligations of childbirth, they knew that the body of a baby born ahead of time was not able to maintain a constant body temperature, so the newborn baby was wrapped in warm diapers and laid in a warm place.

Until our time, memories of eyewitnesses were reached about how a premature child in order to preserve life were wrapped in cotton fabrics and was placed for a long time in a pelvis with olive oil, which was to maintain heat and protect the gentle skin from injury and drying. Non-educated, without medical knowledge, people intuitively understood what to do that the premature child survived, knew that he had a comfortable and soft place, full nutrition, constant temperature and humidity — all the conditions he has in the womb.

Let him live in spite of the will of the Most High

In 1891, summarizing the national experience Scientific knowledge, French Lyon invented the first incubator for newborns. Kuvez Lion was boxing in which warm air was injected to maintain the body temperature of the newborn. The tiny underdeveloped body placed in a glass box, it was not necessary to spend energy to thermoregulation, it was used to maintain the functions of other organs, and it has a beneficial effect on survival.

In those days, to a premature child was considered to be treated as a germin that the Will of God was outside the womb, and since the will of God was considered the law, cared for a man who was born ahead of time, no more than a conventional infant. Such children, as a rule, were dying, but the invention of Lyon, designed to push the premature newborns, did not cause interest among doctors, the maternity hospitals refused to introduce a strange apparatus, referring to religious, financial and medical complexity.

Attraction «Children in boxes»

Kuvez for newborns or attraction & laquo; children in drawers & raquo;Faced with misunderstanding of physicians, Lyon went to another way, decided to put his incubator for newborns at the city fair.

The XVIII century fair was a strange mix of scientific exhibition, kunstkamera, circus and shopping and entertainment. There were crowds of people on him to look at the last achievements of science and technology, have fun, looking at merry and clever circus, buy products and industrial goods for their farm.

And here Kuvez for a newborn has already been conquered in the middle of the city square. Interest in the people, this strange box clearly did not cause, passing by people did not understand His destination. Then Lyon appealed to local hospitals with a request to give him premature newborn, doomed to death, explaining his request to the opportunity to keep them. Having placed the children in the Kuzuza and consolidating the nurse's nurse for each of them, Lyon continued his advertising company.

It is quite natural that boxes with tiny little men caused an unprecedented interest. People came to look at the kupses with newborn several times, the queues were formed near the lounion pavilion. On the «attraction» With babies began to sell tickets, reversed tools, was enough to pay the work of staff and modernize the kuveza.

Rumors about the unprecedented success of the incubators reached Iceland, soon the other pediatrician doctor M has joined Lyon. Horses who had assisted in the organization of the international exhibition of the Kuvezov. So, in 1904 in Coney Island’S Luna Park appeared a pavilion on which a giant signboard was condicted with the inscription «All The World Loves A Baby» — The whole world loves children. The exhibition was the longest in the history of the park, she saved thousands of premature children from imminent death. Only in New York through Lyon incubators have passed more than 6,500 babies. Several decades of the Kuveza remained for the physicians just an attraction, and only the breathtaking success of the event and the striking results (survival of more than 85%) forced hospitals, finally shop for the branches of newborns.

Calculation of premature newborns

It is clear that during the time of Lyon it was impossible to hope for the survival of the child with a 25-week gestation period. Such a baby was supposed to spend more than 15 weeks in the mother's womb, getting oxygen and meals through the placenta. He cannot breathe independently and one only maintains the constant body temperature here is not enough. Today neonatology and children's resuscitation learned to learn the premature newborn born in 22 weeks of pregnancy.

According to modern ideas and WHO standards, adopted in 1979, a child, born in the period of more than 22 weeks and having a body weight of more than 500 grams, is considered potentially viable. The literature describes the case of sticking the premature newborn, which appeared on the light of a body weight of 396 grams.

Modern incubators for newborns

Modern incubators for newbornsModern healers are designed to enjoy newborns in the incubation method when creating individual microclimate and oxygen-treatment. «Ripening» In Kuveza, it is shown to children with 2-4 degree of prematurity, in addition, incubators are used for intensive therapy of weakened kids.

Kuveza are closed with special transparent caps having four holes for the hands of medical personnel. Inside the constant body temperature and high air humidity. The incubator is equipped with an artificial ventilation unit of lungs, with which, if necessary, ensures the breathing of the baby. Children who have not yet developed a sucking reflex receive food on the nasogastric prison. With the help of numerous tubes and wiring, the kid is connected to special measuring instruments, allowing to control the frequency and depth of breathing, heartbeat, body temperature and other organism functions. As soon as the deviation is observed from the norm, the loud signal notifies the staff of the need for medical care.

Cruises equipped with resuscitation, neonatological and therapeutic departments for the adhesion of premature newborns. Children with a low degree of prematurity are carried out in incubators from several hours to several days, with a deep degree — Cleaning in Kuveza stretches for weeks. During this time, the children who have previously laid the deadline, with the help of doctors and thanks to the invention of Lyon, have time to adapt to the new one for them and while hostile habitat.

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