Cough with ORVI in children: home inhalers


  • Inhalation therapy against cough with ORVI in children
  • Types of inhaler
  • Nebulaizers — what are they are?
  • What medicines can enter a child with a nebulizer?

  • The autumn-winter period is characterized by a sharp surge of incidence of respiratory viral infection among children. Restoration after a cold is often stretched for weeks. Often a runny nose and cough after ARVI in a child is preserved within a month, which breaks sleep, reduces appetite, causes decline of vitality and negatively affects the learning process. Sometimes a banal cold is complicated by sinusitis, bronchitis or pneumonia, it knocks out of the rut for several months. How to help your child quickly cope with acute respiratory viral infection? How to speed up his recovery?

    Inhalation therapy against cough with ORVI in children

    Cough with ORVI in children: home inhalersAcute respiratory viral infections — The total name of the diseases of the respiratory tract caused by various viruses. The nature of the ERVI's flow in children depends on many factors. More often a cold flows in a light form, but there are cases of the development of severe complications and deaths of children. Therefore, if the child fell ill, first of all, you need to contact the pediatrician. Only a doctor is able to estimate the state of a small patient, and taking into account its age, the type of infection and the nature of the disease to give the necessary recommendations for the treatment.

    Among therapeutic measures in colds, inhalation therapy occupies a special place. It allows you to deliver drugs directly to the place of inflammation, avoiding their ingestion and related systemic effects. Rubber and cough with ORVI in children is the main indication for the purpose of inhalation. The earlier treatment be started, the faster the respiratory viral infection will retreat.

    Previously, inhalation therapy was available only in polyclinic conditions. Now so as not to risk once again and not to conduct a broken child to the procedure in the doctor's office, you can use a home inhaler. Moreover, such a device will be useful not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of ARVI during the epidemic period, because it is always better not to bring the case to illness.

    Types of inhaler

    Before running in the pharmacy behind the inhaler, do not too much to learn what types of devices exist and which of them are most suitable in order to treat sharp respiratory viral infections.

    • Steam inhalers are usually designed for the use of mineral waters, essential oils, infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants and are used in the treatment of rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tracheite and laryngitis.
    • Nebulizers provide deep penetration of the sprayed solution into the respiratory tract and are intended for the treatment of bronchial diseases and the lungs using various medicinal substances.

    To treat a runny nose and the surface cough after ARVI in the child suits the steam inhaler, but with bronchitis, pneumonia or bronchial asthma it is better to stop your choice on the nebulizer.

    Nebulaizers — what are they are?

    Nebulaizers & Mdash; What are they and their effectiveness in respiratory viral infectionFirst thing worth paying attention to buying nebulizer, — This is the size of the particles sprayed by them, it should fluctuate in the range from 5 to 10 mkp.

    Nebulizers are:

    • Ultrasound, almost silent, have small dimensions, but are not suitable for the introduction of antibiotics and hormones, since these substances are destroyed under the action of ultrasound;
    • Compression, produce smaller particles, preferably with bronchitis and bronchial asthma, but have impressive dimensions and very noisy while working.

    What medicines can enter a child with a nebulizer?

    • Broncholitics, often prescribed drugs with bronchitis, bronchial asthma.
    • Multic drugs intended for wet wet and relieve its elimination.
    • Hormonal drugs, often used at bronchial asthma.
    • Antibiotics and antiseptics recommended with angina, pharyngitis, tracheake, bronchitis.
    • Immunomodulators, for example, interferon.
    • Mineral waters, saline, for wet wet.

    The exact dosage of drugs is selected by the doctor and in the future it is necessary to strictly adhere to it, as well as the sequence of drug administration — Initially, broncholites, after 20 minutes, expectorant means, and then antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Sometimes to soften cough in a child, quite enough inhalation of mineral water or physical. Solo.

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