

  • What is a perverted appetite
  • Causes of perverted appetite
  • Symptoms and diagnostics of perverted appetite
  • Complications of perverted appetite
  • Treatment of perverted appetitis

  • What is a perverted appetite

    Patients suffering from perverted appetite, willingly
    Eating inedible objects entering them. This disorder
    food behavior is rare, mainly among children younger
    Three years. Kids suffering more inclined to perversion appetite
    Delay mental development or mental illness. Breasts
    fore­Worship hair, wool, paper, ropes, watercolor tiles
    paints, smear, alabaster; The sliders are more like animal feces,
    Coal, ash, ne­juice, pebbles, leaves or bugs. In short, pain­nye
    Children eat almost any inedible things without parsing.

    Children also tend to taste unfamiliar subjects, but if
    The child is active by­eating them, then he must be sent to the doctor immediately, so
    As a receipt of intolerable items can bring harm to health
    child. Children usually «PE­Restrain» Perversion of appetite, and aged
    3-5 years all comes back. Sometimes the disease is Ost­up to younger
    school age and in very ed­Cases perversion of appetite
    Former suffer­Loy people.

    Causes of perverted appetite

    PicaBy definition, perverted appetite is a disorder of behavior;
    However, the causes arose­unknown this disorder. Some
    Experts believe that the perversion of appetite develops in a child
    Due to the violation of form­behavioral skills or due to
    Stress. Stress in such cases usually happened­Lovela
    trouble in the family, for example,­Bility or decay,
    Another reason may be improper education of a child, causing­present
    he has a sense of alienation and abandonment. There are other opinions about
    the origin of the perversion of appetite, for example, some believe that it
    Just the development of the habit of small children is all­Shield in Roth. There is
    Scientists who believe that the desire is inedible - this is a reaction
    on ne­wealth in the food diet of inorganic ve­societies (for example,
    salts of iron or zinc) and other vital components

    Symptoms and diagnostics of perverted appetite

    Child suffering from perversion of appetite, hour­then experiencing nausea or vomiting after swallow­Inedible subject. If only the child was not found for the use of inadequate
    items when everything becomes clear, setting the diagnosis of perverted
    Appetite is pretty difficult. The doctor must first claim­To bear everything
    Possible causes of the child­nausea and vomiting before
    Diagnosis of perverted appetite.

    Complications of perverted appetite

    Many inedible objects that eat patients with perversion appetite
    Children can render­Infected pathogens bacteria,
    Me­Hanically damage the stomach or intestine. In addition, in itself such
    The subject may be poisonous. For example, if a child swallowed
    Kuce­Check Leaf Belil, then he can develop from­Wintering. IN
    rare cases when collecting­hair, they can roll in
    stomach in a dense lump that is capable of blocking ki­Shcheche.

    Treatment of perverted appetitis

    For complete cure perversion of appetite
    not­go rid a child from calling it when­Chin. In some
    cases swallowing foreign objects can be warned if
    Carefully­Diet for a child. If necessary, you can
    Attract a social worker (where to find it, you can learn from the pediatrician).

    If the appetite perversion is based on stress caused by
    family conflict, then before it is permission to count on the cure
    comes­Sia. Medical Social Workers, Psychologists or Psychiatrists
    can help in establishing families­relationship, conducting family
    Consultation­and providing other services.

    Some cases perverts of appetitis­treating method
    Perestroika behavior. Need­Behavior is supported positive
    on­undesirable behavior shall be punished.

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