How to organize a New Year holidays for a child?


Festive menu for children

How to organize a New Year holidays for a child
Often holidays lead to a significant retreat from the usual diet in both adults and children. However, when making a menu for a child, some products still should be avoided. These include, for example, spicy seasonings and spices, rare exotic food, smoked.

  • Salads for children are better to refill not mayonnaise, but low-fat sour cream or vegetable oil, unsweex yogurt.
  • It is necessary to prefer food baked in the oven, and so that the child does not drink harmful gas or purchased juices with a high sugar content, prepare him compote from dried fruits.
  • The main thing is that the products are fresh, yesterday's dishes from the New Year's table to children are extremely recommended.
  • And, of course, it is necessary to control the number of sweets consumed by the child. If possible, it is worth replacing them with fruit salads or homemade cookies that can be prepared with the child.

Virtual world replacing real

Winter — Not a reason to allow the child to spend most of the day before the TV or computer screen. Recommended time staying at a computer for children 7-12 years — just 20 minutes in a row, and in older age — half an hour. As for the TV, his child is better to watch no more than an hour and a half per day.

Excellent alternative to walk and play fresh air. Skates, skiing, sledges and other types of winter sports not only give the child positive emotions, but also strengthen the growing organism, help develop coordination and endurance. However, an escape child to winter sports, you can not forget about their possible injury. Therefore, the first sports skills The child must receive under the supervision of adults.

Clothes for season

In order for the time spent in the fresh air, it benefited the health of the child, and not to harm, it is necessary to thoroughly think off his wardrobe. It is better that the winter set of clothes consisted of several layers.

  • Clothing adjacent to the body must be from cotton material.
  • For the second layer is suitable wool or syntheps. The latter is easily ease, besides quickly dries.
  • The top layer of clothing is designed to protect against wind, rain, snow, so the cloth must be water repellent, but at the same time allow the skin to breathe. Therefore, it is better to choose fabrics containing nylon and polyester.
  • On jackets or jumpsuits of lightning should be well disposed. It is very convenient when there are special cuts and holes that promote ventilation.
  • However, collecting the child before entering the street, you should not fall into extremes and wear too many things on it. Clothing should be warm, easy and non-shivering movements.

Leisure with precaution

During the holidays, new year performances, christmas trees, performances, exhibitions, excursions are becoming traditional entertainment for children — Places of large cluster of people. Meanwhile, visiting such events significantly increases the risk of infectious diseases, especially in winter. Therefore, explain to the child that you need to wash your hands as often as possible and touched your hands less on the day. And immediately before leaving the house, lubricate the baby's nasal moves by oxolin or visiferous ointment.

Another trouble that can climb a child at such mass events, — This is the likelihood of infected with head pediculosis, and simply in lies. Since the head pediculosis is transmitted mainly upon contact «head to head», and children always very closely communicate with each other and touch each other, the risk of infection is quite high.

  • If your daughter — The owner of long curls, before leaving the house, braid them in a beautiful braid.
  • Donom to a child, what is best to use only its comb and headboards, and also do not measure other carnival masks and wigs.
  • As a preventive measure, you definitely carefully examine your head with a comb with frequent teeth. Special attention should be paid to the back of the head and areas behind the ears — It is in these places most often inhabited parasites.
  • If you still found a head pediculosis in a child, in no case do not panic. Take advantage of one of the pediculicidal funds that are sold today in any pharmacy (for example, funds based on mineral oils series «Paranite»). And forget about folk remedies, since most of them are ineffective, and some may even be harmful to health.

In order for the winter holidays to pass for a child useful and productively, and for the New Year holidays, he relaxed well and received a charge of positive emotions, follow these simple recommendations that will protect him and you from possible worries.

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