How to protect the child from influenza?


  • Hygiene and Sanitation — primarily!
  • Nonspecific influenza prevention in children
  • How to protect the child from influenza with medicines?
  • Influenza vaccine for children

  • How to protect a child from influenza?
    Flu — Acute respiratory viral infection caused by the influenza virus characterized by periodic propagation in the form of epidemics. According to WHO, the influenza virus annually lies with 250-500 thousand people, including children. To predict the course of the disease in the child is impossible, so it is better to protect it in advance and protect it from infection.

    Influenza prevention in children — An important event that responsible and caring parents should know, compliance with certain rules will ensure the protection of a child from a dangerous causative agent.

    Hygiene and Sanitation — primarily!

    The influenza virus is transmitted to airborne droplets. Microscopic saliva drops, spreading during sneezing and cough, settle on the surrounding items and together with dust fall into the mouth and respiratory tract.

    The flu virus lives in an external environment of 2-8 hours. It is sensitive to heating, the action of antiseptics, dies in the soap solution.

    To protect the child from influenza:

    • more often remind of washing hands with soap, it is not possible to clarify that in public places should not touch the surrounding subjects, to teach from the habit of pulling the fingers into the mouth and touch the face with dirty hands;
    • three or four times a day to air the child's room, warm dry air contributes to the spread of the virus;
    • Strengthening immunity will help a full sleep, balanced nutrition;
    • limit visits to public places during the epidemic, protect the face of the child's face;
    • Ensure the insulation of the patient in the house, allocate the individual set of dishes, to protect against communicating with the child for 3-5 days.

    Nonspecific influenza prevention in children

    The best tools for the prevention of ARVI in babies is breastfeeding, with the milk of the mother they come to protect the substance necessary for protection against infection.

    Older children to strengthen immunity, biostimulants are recommended, for example, based on Chinese, eleteococcal lemongrass, pink radiols.

    It should be remembered about natural disinfectants — phytoncide. The antiviral activity is essential oils of pine, eucalyptus, juniper, tea tree, a large amount of viricidal substances is contained in a bow and garlic, using aromalamps and aromasemmedalons can be disinfeated air indoor.

    How to protect the child from influenza with medicines?

    Drug funds are suitable for the prevention of influenza in children attending children's preschool institutions and school during the flu epidemic, which are in contact with patients with people.

    • Remantadine prescribe children 7-14 years at 25 mg per day for 30 days.
    • Alginime — Children 1-3 years 10 mg per day, 4-6 years 15 mg per day.
    • Arbitol up to 7 years old is prescribed at a dose of 1 tablet a day during the week, after 7 years — 2 tablets per day.
    • Anaferon Children — Pills for resorption, 1 per day.
    • Amixin — Children over 7 years old 0.06g 1 time in 7 days within 4-6 weeks.
    • Oxolin ointment for lubrication of nasal moves 1-2 times a day.
    • Interferon bury 2 drops in each nasal stroke 2-3 times a day for 3-4 days.
    • Infpopheron — In every nasal course 2 drops 2 times a day.

    Attention! Drugs have contraindications. Consultation of the doctor is necessary.

    Influenza vaccine for children

    Vaccination of children — The most reliable way to protect against influenza. In 60-90% of cases, it is possible to protect the child from infection, insure it from severe flu and complications. You can instill a child since a semi-annual age. Especially recommended by vaccinations for children attending kindergarten and school, as well as home children, whose parents enter a group of increased risk of infection, are medical workers or contact with a large number of people.

    For the prevention of influenza, children use inactivated vaccines that do not contain live viruses. Split vaccines and subunit vaccines are considered the best flu vaccines for children, including individual parts of the killed pathogens, they do not cause complications and safely even for children of the first year of life.

    After the introduction of the vaccine in the body's body, antibodies against the influenza virus are formed, and since other ARVI viruses have a similar structure, formed immunity has a multi-level structure and protects against all respiratory viruses at the same time. Already 2 weeks after the vaccination, the baby becomes immune to infection, and in the event of a virus damage, the disease will flow easier.

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