Interstitial jade in children


Interstitial jade in children
Nephritis -
A frequent form of kidney disease in children is considered as purchased or
hereditary process and usually affect both kidneys. With this disease, changing stroma
kidneys, tubules and vessels arise both independently and as a result
Some diseases such as angina, ORVI, cytomegalovirus infection.

Inflammation of the renal structure can develop and manifest themselves at any age,
Even newborn babies. Among the risk factors for the occurrence of the disease
It is necessary to mention burdened history, allergic diathesis, dysplasia
kidneys, infectious factor, poisoning salts of heavy metals and chemical
substances. In addition, reasons may be the introduction of serums and vaccines,
Drug inxication with long-term use of antibiotics,
sulfonamides, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents and analgesics.

Acute interstitial jade
kids is a heavy renal
Reaction to some medicines or infection. The pathogenesis of the disease is not studied until
the end is clear only one: nephritis develops as a result of immune inflammation and
an allergic process in an interstitation, which leads to narrowing the tubuages ​​and
vessels, increase pressure in gloms. Such a form of illness is typical
The beginning in which the reflex spasm of vessels is developing, renal ischemia
Fabrics accompanied by a decrease in blood flow.

Signs of interstitial
jade in children whose symptoms should alert attentive
Parents, this drowsiness and lethargy, as well as pain in the lumbar region,
a noticeable decline in appetite, sometimes a slight increase
arterial pressure, unusual for children. Laboratory analysis of blood and urine reveals
Increased selection of sodium and potassium together with a decrease in specific density

Diagnostics is carried out with acute glomerulonephritis characterized by edema,
Hypertension and pronounced hematuria. With acute interstitial jade no
characteristic radiographic data, there are no bacteriuria, and unlike
Pyelonephritis sowing urine sterile.

Child B
This time is recommended to bed and mandatory abolition of the drug
Possible cause of inflammation. Appointment of antioxidant and antihistamine
drugs appropriate therapy aimed at improving the state
the patient, when fulfilling all the recommendations, the doctor will quickly lead to a decrease and
The disappearance of edema of the Internet and improving the exchange processes in the kidney. Big
The role in the organization of care and treatment regimen belongs to a caring mother, which
must strictly fulfill all the requirements of the nephron specialist, the urologist and

Risk factors of chronic interstitial jade in children

Interstitial jade in children
The form of the disease occurs more often than sharp, has a long latent
the period and is usually diagnosed by chance when investing urine or
child decoration in baby institution. Among the predisposing factors
It should be noted anomalies of the organs of the urinary system, a change in the renal hemo- and
Urodynamics, metabolic disorders, various infections, long-term reception
Drugs that have toxic influence on kidney fabric.
The pathological process develops on the basis of progressive sclerosis
Interstization, atrophy of the tubules with the dystrophy of his epithelium. As the
Diseases appear weakness, abdominal pain and lower back. Nephritis
progresses slowly but surely, can lent years and later
Strengthen the inability of the kidney to normal urine concentration. Running loss
calcium, muscle weakness, osteodistrophy, salt exhaustion, maybe
Show syndrome «Solherying kidney», Nice child growth delay,
The picture develops, similar to renal failure.

implies a diet and correction of exchange violations, with the obligatory exception
Products contributing to the irritation of the tubules, conducting medication
Therapies, fence against supercooling and physical exertion. With careful execution
All prescriptions of the doctor, a favorable outcome occurs within 3-4 months.

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