Sunny burns in children: how to warn and fight


  • How to prevent sunburn in a child?
  • What if the child has a sun burn?

  • Sunny burns in children: how to warn and fightSunburn — This is a thermal injury obtained in
    The result of the impact on the skin of ultraviolet cure. To obtain
    sunny burn, child is enough 5-7 minute stay under
    open sunshine, and most defenseless to them turn out
    Blue-eyed, Flook, and blonde kids European appearance.

    Sunny burn develops slowly and
    manifests only a few hours after starting exposure
    Ultraviolet rays. At that moment the skin bluses and becomes hot on
    touch. Unfortunately, careless parents seem to be specifically waiting for this
    signal, and remove the child with the sun only when changes in the skin
    become irreversible.

    The burned skin begins «burn»,
    There is a feeling of burning, itching and pain depriving the child. Anyone
    touch, even adjacent clothes and folds on bed linen, capable
    Cause pain. The child becomes restless, irritable and
    Flaxy or, on the contrary, sluggish and drowy. Sometimes the body temperature rises and
    Ozbob arises.

    Most often found solar burn
    first degree limited to redness. With deeper
    The defeat on the burned surface appear blisters filled with transparent
    Serous fluid. Sometimes they spontaneously open, exposing
    Bright red wound surface. At this time, the pain is very strong, and
    The addition of infection further aggravates the position and becomes the cause
    Heavy dermatitis.

    Peak manifestation of sun burn
    falls at the end of the first day, after which the skin calms down, and after 7-10
    days begins to gradually peel or shut down with thin films.
    Recovery from burns of the second degree is delayed for several weeks. On the
    Place of blisters often remain burning scars and sites of hyperpigmentation.

    Prevent sunburn in a child?

    • Cover the head of the child with panama even in the cloud
      day and put on it light clothes closing body.
    • Not walking on the street under the outdoors,
      especially in the interval between the 10th and 15th hours.
    • Half an hour before going outside to apply on
      Open sections of the child's body Sunscreen 40-60 SPF and not forget to update the layer every
      2−3 hours.
    • The first sunny baths for the child should
      limit the 5-6 minutes, and after receiving the sun — 8-10 minutes
      Staying in the open sun. While taking sunny baths can be 3 times
      in a day.
    • In order to avoid overheating more often offering
      Baby drink.

    do if a child has a sunny burn?

    • Sunny burns in children: how to warn and fightStick the child in the shade or place it at home,
      Squeeze the room darke and ventilate.
    • To reduce pain and burn burn irrigate
      burned skin cool water or put on a reddened area wet
      towel. You can wipe the skin with a weak aqueous vinegar solution. Procedure
      Repeat every 20-30 minutes.
    • Cook the baby cool or slightly warm
    • Do not wear clothes from rude fabrics,
      Bed linen should also be soft, and without folds and seams.
    • Treat damaged skin with
    • More often offer a drink: acidic fruits, compotes,
      Kissels, simple water or cold tea.
    • Do not overload the child's digestive system
      Heavy food, better limit the dairy and vegetable diet.
    • When peeling, skin process moisturizing

    Call brigade «Ambulance», if:

    • child less than a year;
    • burned a significant part of the body surface,
      For example, spin and stomach;
    • Burn is accompanied by an increase in body temperature,
      intensity, vomiting, headache, female edema or hands;
    • Blisters appeared;
    • infection has joined and the skin inflamed
      (swelling, sharp redness, pussy).

    in which!!!

    • Do not apply fat to the burned surface
      cream and ointment, they do not allow the skin to breathe, hold warm and increase
      the depth and area of ​​the burn;
    • Do not open blisters, it contributes
      infection penetration;
    • do not apply ice to the place of burning ice, it can
      cause supercool;
    • Do not lubricate the skin with alcohol-containing lotions,
      They dried the skin and enhance the peeling.

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