Treatment of head tremor

Under the term «tremor» Meaning involuntary, endowed with rhythm of tubing torsing and limbs, heading the head. This state occurs on the basis of serious neurological disorders. Tremelor heads can be observed in newborns, adolescents, middle-aged people and old people.

Externally, the head tremor is manifested by shallow shudder or, on the contrary, swallowing the oscillations that can be directed up and down, as well as to the right or left. Usually the eloquent symptoms of tremor allow the doctor in a matter of minutes to determine the diagnosis. Whether the correction is unpleasant?

Clinical picture of the disease

neurology, nervous system, tremor, tremor head

Tremera heads classified on physiological, or benign and pathological. The development of one or another variety of the disease is determined by the patient's body and the specifics of the factors that caused it.

Physiological form.

Expressed by an involuntary shaking of the head both in a calm state and while driving. In addition, the strengthening of tremor can provoke severe stress.

Benign Tremor consider a more favorable form than the pathological. This condition is manifested by short episodic attacks, deprived of progress and is distinguished by long periods of remission. In some cases, a person does not even feel how his head shakes. Do not notice this and surrounding patients people.

Infant benign tremor is considered the norm and persists until the age of 2 months. Tremor is susceptible to every second newborn: the small shiver of the head is well noticeable when the baby crying or is in the state of the fast sleep phase. The condition does not represent the hazards for the health of the crumbs, nevertheless, noticing it, parents must certainly report to the opening of the pediatrician.

Pathological form.

Shivering or shaking the head of a pathological nature, unlike a benign state, somewhat complicates human life. Tremor does not give pain, but introduces a lot of trouble in the everyday life of its victim: the patient is hard to dress, wrap a spoon, fork or a knife (with tremor of the limbs), it is difficult to drink (with a head tremor). Tremor of this character is easy to notice from.

Why tremor arises

neurology, nervous system, tremor, tremor head

In babies, complex processes of improving the central and peripheral nervous system continue and after birth. Against this background, the tumor head in the baby can be provoked by any of the complications listed below:

  1. Lack of oxygen in the womb and its sharp deficit during childbirth.
  2. Injuries obtained in the process of childbirth.
  3. Stresses and nervous surge in a woman in the third trimester of pregnancy.
  4. High concentration in the blood of a newborn norepinephrine - hormone, which is produced by adrenal glands.

If the fruit spent a certain time accused umbilical cord, then we can safely assume that the baby lass the oxygen. Hypoxia Also may occur on the basis of fetoplacentar insufficiency, infectious disease of the mother, multi-frame or rapid labor.

Parents should carefully watch their chad at first after his birth. If the tremor of the head in the baby is not associated with its excited state, is not a reaction to hunger and, moreover, it is observed after reaching a child of three months, it is necessary to prevail and share their experiences with a doctor. Tremor of the head in this case can signal about the development of the kid encephalopathy hypoxic-ischemic type. At the heart of the disease - the death of neurons of the central nervous system due to lack of oxygen. Almost always tremor heads present in premature babies, whose central nervous system is forced to develop already outside the womb.

Treatment of the disease

neurology, nervous system, tremor, tremor head

Tremelor heads can be corrected much more complicated than the other types of tremor. This state, unfortunately, does not pass without a trace. But our site is in a hurry to note that the head trembling can be done almost inconspicuous, if you solve the problem, armed with integrated therapy methods. Here are the main ways to correct this unpleasant condition:

  1. Indispensable treatment of the main disease, the symptom of which is a head tremor.
  2. Medicia treatment. Despite the fact that the use of drugs for the weakening of the head tremor practically does not give tangible results, fully doctors do not refuse this item of the program. If the state does not progress, the patient can assign sedatives to be taken in the day and night of the day. Progressive head tremor adjusts with the help of drugs such as a prison, atenolol, propranolol, antilene, metoprolol, etc. An intramuscular injection of pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) is prescribed as vitaminotherapy. For each patient, the dose of drugs neurologist is calculated individually.
  3. LFK. Performing a special gymnastics brings a positive trend in the treatment of head tremor, which originated on the soil of the osteochondrosis of the neck. From the shit of the head in the newborn, you can get rid of the massage and therapeutic gymnastics. Especially good results can be achieved by doing the baby in the water (in the pool or house in the bath).
  4. Consultation at the psychologist. Tremelor heads - neurological disease. A specialist will teach a patient with such a diagnosis to relax, manage his emotions and make its drawback, and not focus on it. A man with a head of the head is very important to overcome his uncertainty and pressure, since these character traits only aggravate pathology.
  5. Positive and clear attitude of the patient for the speedy recovery. In some cases, a person can independently affect the severity of the head of the head. Will help him in this yoga, meditation and various spiritual practices.
  6. Alternative therapy. This part of the treatment implies the use of experience of traditional medicine. All phytotherapy recipes that are going to try on themselves the patient will certainly be coordinated with the attending physician. Only a specialist can know whether the harm will cause a person those or other herbs against the background of medication treatment. There are plenty of plants whose healing strength can significantly adjust the patient's condition suffering from the head of the head. For example, infusion, boiled on the equal parts of the female hawthorn, the root of Valerians and the root of the mother-in-law, has a sedative and simultaneously toning effect. Take 2 st. L. Each plant, mix the raw materials and fill it with 2 glasses of steep boiling water. For a quarter of an hour, boil the tool, then recover it into the thermos and insist 1.5-2 hours. The resulting drink must be drinking in 3 days per day for a month. Take the healing infusion for half an hour before meals. And the first positive results will be noticeable in a week after the start of treatment.

Tremelor head is not a sentence, but the prognosis of the treatment of the disease is quite favorable. With timely and responsible decision of this problem, the lack of practically does not violate the quality of life of a person.

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