Harmoniously develop children want all parents. But how to choose a sports circle or a child section? What are the parameters to navigate what to pay attention to?
First of all it will be about schoolchildren. If you grow up a three-four-year-old baby grow up, appreciate whether it needs a physical load in addition to the kindergarten. Usually, a child in the garden is enough physical education, walking and running in their free time. If you see that the daughter seeks to dance to any music, and the boy without tired can kick the ball or drive ice, it makes sense to try dancing lessons for the first and football or hockey circle for the second.
Be to the child attentive: the first two or three classes will show, is not excessive load, how much baby likes classes. Chief Principle — go for the interests of the child. From the fact that your princess will be with sobs twice a week to walk on the hated choreography, nothing good will come out, except for life resentment on parents.
In general, if your preschooler walks a lot, does not show a clear leaning to any sport, if you are happy to spend the weekend on winter family skiing or summer joint bike coat, a special sports section does not need a child. Wait for the first class.
What are sports clubs and sections?
- School sections. Each school offers a choice of several velocities of sports load. It can be sports dancing and choreography, football, basketball and other mobile games, wrestling or OFP (general physical training). Choose easy: you can talk to the parents of those children who are already going to the section, chat with the teacher, ask for a lesson. Pluses have such classes: no need to go anywhere, there are free and very inexpensive circles, the teacher appreciates his reputation and tries to justify the expectations of the parents.
- Urban and district (state) youth sports clubs. Another category of reliable and high-quality classes. The situation may be «Sovkov» — Simple and idle, but the professionalism of teachers and love for children is usually at the height. Pros: low price, convenient territorial location (at least district) and a large selection of sports.
- Classes in fitness clubs. Not only adults can do fitness. Large sports clubs take into account the needs of small visitors. For children offered yoga and classes on phytball, gymnastics and rhythmics. In fitness clubs, there is usually a game room with dry pools, toys and duty officers, so that the child does not have to miss until you complete the shopping sprint or personal training. Pros: Interesting and Unusual Classes «like adults». The minus may not be the lowest cost of the subscription.
- Sports schools and highly specialized sports clubs. Fit those who intend to seriously play sports. This is a job work, participation in competitions and life subordinate to sports. True professionals are working in such places, the fans of their affairs, which will descend four skins from the child, but will help to achieve visible success. Before conducting a child to a similar institution, decide: whether you are ready to put part of your life and almost all children's sports? Wants this child? Does he understand that it will be three or four times a week completely laid out in training and actively engage in general physical preparation all other days?
Choosing a type of occupation
Look at the character of a child. If energy is splashing, you need active sports: running, moving sports games, big tennis. If he competes all the time, offer individual or team sports with an obvious competitive aspect: volleyball, football, basketball, swimming, sports dancing, oriental martial arts. If the child is soul of beauty and aesthetics, it will be suitable for ballroom dancing or choreography. A quiet and phlegmatic child will more like the taste of water gymnastics, ping pong or unait to tourism.
- After the first two or three weeks of classes, estimate the degree of load. Perhaps an active sport twice a week must be balancing an artistic or robotic circle. Or maybe your specific child is too hard to practice three times for two hours. Before the circle, the child should have time to relax, and preferably in the silence and tranquility of his own room, and not in noise and the orop of its class.
- Sport sections — Another place where the child communicates, learns to interact with others. Ask how the occupation passed whether a child had good buddies, whether he likes a group and teacher. Love for sports largely depends on the environment in which classes proceed.