Prevention of avitaminosis in children


Prevention of avitaminosis in children
Avitaminosis in children
appears due to irrational nutrition, intrauterine pathologies,
Development of intestinal infections and other chronic diseases. With attentive
attitude to the health of the child can avoid the appearance of vitamin symptoms

Timely prevention
Avitaminosis in children will keep the child's health. Pediatricians
recommend paying special attention to this issue because all important
The processes in the body proceed with the participation of vitamins. But the most important thing — Act on the recommendations of the doctor, as preventive use
Vitamin preparations without dosage can lead to reverse
processes — hypervitaminosam.

Full nutrition — Best avitaminosis prevention in children

Most of the vitamins we get from food, and only
some of them are synthesized in the body. That is why parents,
caring for avitaminosis prevention in children,
It is necessary to organize a full power mode to your kids. Daily
The child must receive a certain amount of nutrients, these numbers
depend on many factors: age, health, season,
Energy exchange and other. Ideally, all this should tell the pediatrician and
Choose an accurate dose of vitamin means for prevention
Avitaminosis. This takes into account the fact that in the summer the body receives more
ultraviolet, fruits and nutrients, because of this time of year
Vitamin funds should be used only by special indications.

How to avoid development
Avitaminosis in children?

In the body of the child, everything is very fragile. Anyone
An adverse effect may disrupt balance and lead to development
Diseases. In order to avoid avitaminosis
In children, you need:

  • More walking with the baby (but away from direct
    Sun rays): Ultraviolet in moderate dose is very useful for immunity,
    In a natural way, you not only strengthen the immune system, but also
    Conduct the prevention of rickets;
  • Prevention of avitaminosis in children
    Keep lactation: maternal milk contains
    The optimal number of vitamins and trace elements required by the specific
    to kid;
  • Protect crumbling from intestinal infections accompanied by
    vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration and loss of appetite;
  • Never give kids medicines without
    preliminary agreement with the doctor (especially new drugs);
  • Use only natural and safe
    Foods that are rich in vitamins and have a proven composition.

Remember that when thermal processing occurs
Destruction of many vitamins. Vegetables and fruits can lose up to 70% useful
Substances in cooking or long-term depression in aluminum dishes. Products for
baby is better baked, and fruits come in fresh.

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