Suspected a nasal fracture in a child - check the symptoms


Suspected a nasal fracture in a child - check the symptomsNasal fractures in a child whose symptoms are abundant bleeding and tearing, usually children suffer 11-13 years old, more often boys. This is the most active age when the clarification of relationships is very often ends with a fight, in addition to the passion for combat sports can also cause a fracture.

How to recognize the nose injury not just injury or bleeding damage, but a fracture, which requires special attention and immediate response? Among the signs of this injury should be allocated:

  • abundant bleeding caused by damage to the mucous membrane;
  • tear, which occurs when a combined eye injury and tear pathways;
  • Nose tissue swelling.

What can be done immediately to help the victim in suspected nasal fracture? In order to remove the edema, it is necessary to immediately apply ice to the bruised place, and when bleeding, you can use a tampon with hydrogen peroxide or aminocaproic acid.

The bone of the bridges can fall from the blow and break on the principle «Green twig», T.E. not to the end when the result is marked only on one side. With a fracture of the bones of the skull in a child, the nasal fracture occurs more often on this principle. The modern method for correcting the shape of the nose assumes an endoscopic operation, which is performed in the clinics of maxillofacial surgery. The fracture of the nasal bone requires compulsory surgical intervention, since the change in the shape of the nasal partition can lead to:

  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • nasal deformations;
  • Hematoma Nose partitions.

If the hematoma closes the clearance of nasal moves, not only nasal breathing is disturbed, but the whole body is rebuilt, respectively, the defective anatomical features of the nose.

Causes of children's bone fractures

Causes of children's bone fracturesAdults and the formation of a small man is rarely without injuries, bruises, falls, shocks and, as a result, fractures. The reasons for the most different — From a banal fall on a straightened hand or leg, which almost always threatens the fracture of the radiation bone of the forearm, to tragic events in road traffic accidents. The educational role of the family and children's educational institutions is difficult to overestimate. Parents from the first months and years of life should be engaged in the prevention and study of the rules of safe life — From the first days of the child's stay in her walls. You need to study the rules of behavior not only at home and lessons, but first of all, pay due attention to the behavior of a child in the yard, on the playground, on the street and on the road. The prevention of sports injuries should be an important topic of occupation of each children's sports section.

Fracture bones of the skull in a child

The violation of the integrity of the skull may occur when they hit the head with a massive or severe object, when falling from a high height, in a traffic accident. This severe and dangerous damage can cause brain damage. Each victim should pay attention to the symptoms of the cranial and brain injury:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • constant headache, noise in the ears;
  • Development of respiratory failure.

The signs described above may precede a coma and fatal outcome that during the crank-brain injury it happens.

According to the nature of the fracture, various types of brain injuries are distinguished, while each of these options is characterized by its peculiarities and consequences, degree of damage to the displacement of the bones of the skull or without:

  • linear;
  • Svolded;
  • depressed;
  • holes.

Head injury — The phenomenon is common, it is necessary to understand that sometimes it has quite remote consequences that many children's neurologists say. At the moment of impact there is a sudden expansion of all vessels of the brain, which cannot but affect the sharp increase in intracranial pressure. That is why there are very frequent cases when immediately after the fracture of the bones of the skull, children feel quite normal, but lose consciousness a few hours after injury. Studies show that the skull of the child is 8 times weaker than the skull of an adult, and therefore more susceptible to fractures and deformations.

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