Treatment of keratitis

The eyes are undoubtedly the most important organ of feelings. Because thanks to the vision, a person gets most of the information. But there is such an unpleasant pattern - with age vision weakens. And eyes become more susceptible to the effects of external stimuli.

When problems with eyes appear, then a person learns that not only conjunctivitis can bring suffering that there are many different ophthalmic diseases leading to the fall of visual acuity. This article will talk about Keratitis. He is striking not only the elderly, but even children and middle-aged people.

What is Keratitis?

Eyes, Eye Diseases, Vision, Keratitis, Ophthalmology

The inflammatory process arising from the cornea located in the front chamber of the eye leading to a significant decrease in visual functions is called keratitis. At the same time, the appearance of infiltrates and edema in the horn shell. The composition of infiltrate includes lymphoid, plasma cells, polynuclear leukocytes and part of the changed cells of the cornea itself. The epithelium is often listed above infiltrates, it hovers that leads to ulcerations, erosions. His brilliance of the cornea gradually loses, and smoothness too. If the infiltrates are small, only superficial, then they have all the chances to gradually resolve, not leaving the trace. But deep most often lead to closers of varying degrees, therefore vision worsens. If the defeat is deep, then there may be a Belmo and scars. If Keratitis is caused by external factors, they are called exogenous, and if internal, then endogenous. Inflammation can go on the periphery or in the center of the cornea.

Types of keratitis and causes of their occurrence

Eyes, Eye Diseases, Vision, Keratitis, Ophthalmology

The earlier the sick will turn to an ophthalmologist, the more favorable forecast.

Ambulatory treated in those patients who have a shallow ceratitis passing without complications. If the process is acute, it comes deeply, accompanied by purulent discharge, then the patient is an oculist gives direction to the hospital. If the keratitis of an endogenous character, then first seek the disease that caused keratitis, therefore consultation and treatment at the allergologist, the gynecologist-venereologist, phthisiarature or rheumatologist is required.

With bacterial keratitis spend Antibiotic treatment (eye ointment - erythromycinic, tetracyclinic, dibiomycinic

In severe cases, Kanamycin, neomycin, monomocin) are introduced under the conjunctival.

When local drugs are not enough to achieve recovery, antibiotics are prescribed inside or even intramuscularly. For other causes of pathology, antifungal or antiviral drugs are issued.

The patient is prescribed disinfectants, anti-inflammatory antimicrobial means in the form of droplets, among them Albucid, gentamicin sulfate, Tobex, Floxal, Ciplox, Onceclix, Ollof, Indocollyre. In the first days of buckling, they are often carried out (every two hours), and then there will be enough four bundles per day.

With a holistic epithelium, hormone-containing drops - dexamethasone (MAKSIDEX), the diagram and multiplicity of the corps determines the doctor.

Viral Keratitis are treated with drops of Offanta Idu, Okafernon. These drugs, too, at the beginning of treatment, drip out often, sometimes even every hour, and then gradually go to three-time administration of the drug.

To avoid adhesions formation, drops from a group of mydriatics, expanding pupil, such as Meston, Tropics, Atropine sulfate.

Eyes, Eye Diseases, Vision, Keratitis, Ophthalmology

How to use several eye drops, our site recommends reading in the article «Apply eye drops».

In the hospital sometimes make subconjunctive or parabulbar injections. There are also carried out washing the tears of antibiotics solutions, furacilin or mirograms, if they have an infection.

To speed up the epithelization, healing the cornea, shows the root. Healing, scars resinking contribute to physical cooperations - phonophoresis, Magnetotherapy, electrophoresis. Linase, vitreous body, extract aloe and other biogenic stimulants.

Herpetic types of Keratitis are more often treated by Mazus Zovirax. And inside recommended acyclovir tablets.

In some cases, cryotherapy is shown, diathermocoagulation, laser buds of affected pathology. If there is indications, ophthalmologists resort to severe cases to keratoplasty operations, optical iridectomy.

Do not forget about complex vitamins - Duovit, Alphabet, Center, Oligimit, Decamivit, Kvadevit, Undevit.

Recovery contributes to the hold of a diet, which includes products rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins. But fat food and carbohydrates need to be used in the period of treatment less.

During the course of treatment, give up wearing Contact lenses.

Treatment should be complex, intense to prevent serious complications, such as secondary glaucoma, Iridocyclitis (so-called inflammation of the vascular shell), endophthalmite (pussy in a vitreous body), cornea, scarce. Such consequences can lead to strong corneal closers or even eye loss, blindness.

Talk to ophthalmologists in a timely manner, if you have eye inflammation, the preservation of vision depends on the diagnosis and proper treatment. Carefully execute all the prescriptions of your doctor. And it is better to warn the disease than to treat it then. Therefore, comply with the simple rules of hygiene, properly take care of contact lenses, we carry them correctly. Protect your organ of vision from foreign bodies from entering it. Representatives of some professions certainly have to use protective glasses when working. Take care of your tender eyes from the bright sun! In time treat diseases that can provoke inflammation of the cornea. Let your eyes be healthy, beautiful and clean!

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